The Angry Overlord And Across The Ocean - Chapter 7


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Showing Off The Cove

Then Savanah walked over to Ginger that was now sitting on the palace steps. Are you are you an elf? asked Savanah. I have only heard about elves from the pixies. Ginger stood up and said yes I am. Hi I am Ginger, I take care of the palace. Not really that important like being a queen or princess. Excuse me said Alieta. Ginger is my princess and she is very important to me and to all of Fae Land. If it was not for her, I probably would be queen now and there would not even be a Mother Nature as we know her now. Oh we love Mother Nature, she helps us a lot. She is very tall but very pretty, said Savanah. Well you are very important Ginger probably more important than all of us here. I thank you and all the trees and plants all over the world thank you as well. It is an honor to meet you and Savanah bowed her head to her. Ginger started to get tears in her eyes. Yes Ginger is very modest but if it wasn't for her there never may have been a palace built and I may never of became queen plus there may not even be a Fae Land as we know it today. So yes I believe she is the most important person in Fae Land and I am glad she is my best friend, said Alieta. Plus she it so darn cute too! They all smiled. So who is that hiding behind you Savanah. Well she is shy around new people but this is my best friend Caspie. She kinda is in charge of all the pixies in the woods. Okay so like Queen of the Pixies then, said Alieta. Nope, there is only one queen and that is Pippa, said Caspie. All pixies know about Pippa. Really Pippa is queen all the way across the ocean too. Yep, it don't take long for a pixie to fly across an ocean. Is Pippa here, I would love to meet her, said Caspie. Well I can arrange that, Pippa is a very good friend of mine and lives in the west woods. Pippa there is someone here at the palace that want's to meet you, said Alieta.


What she can hear you from here? asked Caspie. In a moment Pippa appeared. Yes Alieta who is it? asked Pippa. Right behind you, said Alieta. This is Caspie that is in charge of all the pixies in the woods across the ocean. Pippa turned around and smiled. I have heard about you, said Pippa. You are a very good leader of pixies and as you know that is not easy at all. What are you doing here? Well I was suppose to stay and watch over the woods while Jupitor and Savanah came here for a visit but Apollonia had to leave in a hurry so she just took all of us with her here, said Caspie Me too, I was suppose to fly back to the forest and tell my sisters where Mom was, said Saturn. I see, so you are one of Jupitor's daughters? asked Pippa. Yep I am Saturn and Mom is over there talking to Guen. Well we best send a message back to your forest so your sisters will not be worried about you two, said Pippa. Caspie, come with me to the woods, I want you too meet a couple of my friends that help me with all these pixies here. One day there will lots more pixies where you live and having some help is important. Okay but I don't know how long we are staying, said Caspie. No worries, Alieta will call when it is time to leave, said Pippa then they both took off to the west woods. Guen walked over to Alieta. Jupitor has never seen a cove before so I am taking her and Saturn plus it would be a good idea to bring the forest sprite also so that Ivy can show them how it works, said Guen. Plus I want Tulip to meet Saturn, it sounds like they have a lot in common. Okay, I need to talk to Tara and Avan about that demon, said Alieta. Guen got the three of them to follow her to the west woods.

When they reached the entrance of the forest, Guen showed them how it worked. Now Ivy has the permissions of the forest set so that all fairies and pixies can get in by just touching a tree, said Guen. What about Savanah, she is a sprite, said Jupitor. She is a forest sprite and all trees and plants love them so they can get in without having permission, said Guen. All she has to do is touch a tree or talk to one and they will let her in. Go ahead Savanah, try it. Savanah touched the tree closest to her and suddenly the trees opened up showing the three paths. Wow, so it is true the trees can move, said Jupitor. Yes and they can do so much more with a fully functioning cove, said Guen. Now the center path takes us to the cove in the middle of the forest, said Guen. The other two go to places that the fairies have made in here. It is almost three miles to the cove from here so we need to fly, so I just tell the trees we are flying and they will open up far ahead for us. Okay lets go. They followed behind Guen and the three of them were amazed at how the trees kept opening up then closing behind them. Once they reached the cove, Guen opened the entrance and they all walked in. Ivy and Sara were looking closely at the overviewer with Tulip. Ivy, I brought some guests that I want you three to meet, said Guen. Ivy flew over with Tulip first then Sara started walking over. Well that explains why there was a surge shown on the overviewer, said Ivy. Another forest sprite came in the forest. Yes, this is Savanah and she is from across the ocean along with Jupitor and her fairy princess Saturn, said Guen. Really, how did they get here? asked Ivy. Apollonia brought them, so what do you think Jupitor? asked Guen. Oh my goodness this is better than I had ever dreamed about my cove would look like, said Jupitor. The magic is so strong in here. Can you feel it Savanah. Um yep but give me a second, this is unbelievable. Are we going to make one of these? asked Savanah. We are going to try, said Jupitor.


Well if you want to protect your forest and keep unwanted people and creatures out you will have to make a cove, said Guen. There are just a few things that you need to make a cove in the middle of a forest. So what are they? asked Jupitor. First an underground water source, next lots of fairy dust that has been on the trees and ground for a while, pixie dust works too but fairy dust is more powerful and finally four fairy princesses over one hundred years old, said Guen. Well we have the water and plenty of dust everywhere but I have only three children, said Jupitor. I was going to make the fourth. No that won't work, your magic won't mix with the princesses magic properly. Why won't it, I can do anything they can do and more, said Jupitor. Yes but you are not a virgin anymore, said Guen. I don't know why but I tried a long time ago with just three princesses and it worked for a bit then just kept falling apart all the time. What is a virgin? asked Sara to Ivy. We are, said Ivy, now just listen too them. Your girls magic is completely pure and very powerful and can be combined to do very big things like create a cove and drill for water. Even though your magic is stronger, it is slightly different now and will not mix and combine with theirs but once you had you first child you and only you will be able to make the very important beacon tree in the forest. Well we can't wait for me to have another child then wait over a hundred years, to make a cove, said Jupitor. I can help, said Tulip, I have helped make two coves now. But your not one of my girls, said Jupitor. That don't matter, said Guen and Tulip here can tell your girls exactly what they need to do. This entire forest used to be all desert land before and not that long ago either. Yep, just a little over two weeks ago, said Ivy. You all grew this entire forest from desert land in just two weeks, how is that possible? asked Jupitor. Fairy magic and a lots of pixie dust magic too, said Tulip. Pretty cool don't you think. Yes very cool, said Jupitor.

Now all that said, let me show you how the overviewer works, said Guen. Ivy you should get to know Savanah and tell her how you can make the magic work for you. Saturn you should see this also so you can work yours also when it is made. Okay, that sounds like fun, said Saturn and followed them. So your Ivy, Kenzie told me you were a very special and powerful forest sprite, said Savanah. I am powerful too, said Sara. But not like Ivy, I am very strong. Yep Sara is super strong, strongest person in Fae Land, said Ivy. Well she is the biggest sprite I have ever seen, said Savanah. Now Kenzie also told me that you can control magic in Fae Land. How can you do that. I thought only fairies could control magic. Fairies can only control the magic in them and not the magic around them so that is why they need an overviewer, said Ivy. Forest sprites have the strongest reading powers in them and can actually communicate with nature as you probably know. First you have to be able to listen to the magic around you and understand it then connect to it so you can kind of talk to the magic. I did that a while ago shortly after I first came to Fae land and sat down at the strongest magic spot in Eden. White magic is made of pure love and feels great when it communicates with you. So magic talks to you? asked Savanah. Not really talks to me like we talk to each other, said Ivy. It is like when you read someone with out them telling you anything about themself. You just feel it and can see inside. Here I will show you, said Ivy. She walked into the pool and told Savanah to follow. They went to the center then she had Savanah stand beside her. What is Ivy and Savanah doing? asked Saturn. Looks like Ivy is teaching Savanah how to communicate with magic, said Guen. Lets watch, this is amazing to see. Okay now remember white magic is pure love and will not hurt you so don't move away from me no matter what you see happening. Okay, I will trust you, said Savanah. Ivy closed her eyes and the water began to swirl then bubble some. Then the magic from the pool could be seen rising up and heading towards Ivy. What is going on? asked Jupitor. Just watch you will see, said Guen. Next the magic all gathered around Ivy and began to swirl around her. She opened her eyes and told Savanah to hold her hand. When she grabbed Ivy's hand the magic began to move over to Savanah also then it was swirling around both of them. Okay close your eyes and just feel the magic all around you and passing through your body then listen closely, said Ivy. Savanah did as Ivy said then she got a big smile on her face. It's saying welcome and it likes me, said Savanah. Ivy smiled then let go of Savanah's hand. The swirling magic first broke apart and swirled around both of them separately then sank back down into the water and the pool was calm again. So how did you like that? asked Ivy. Must of been the most amazing thing I have ever felt or seen or what ever that was, said Savanah. Yep that is like the touch of an angel, said Ivy. God's love is white magic and he just welcomed you and said he loves you. Really that was God talking to me? asked Savanah. Well part of him anyways, his magic is all over the world so it is kinda hard for out minds to figure out how it is possible for him to be everywhere at the same time but that was really cool right! said Ivy. Oh ya, super cool, said Savanah. One more thing you should know, white magic is connected everywhere, said Ivy. Think of it as being one huge power that controls the entire planet. When you go back home and the fairies create a cove, just step in the pool and the magic will already know you and then you will be able to do things like I can here.

Okay lets get out of the pool and go talk to Sara over there sitting on the side of the pool, said Ivy. Can Sara do what you just did with me? asked Savanah. No not yet but I let her feel the magic like you, said Ivy. Sara is my helper and kind of my sister and is very young. It is hard to explain. So Jupitor what did you think of that? asked Guen. That was astonishing to say the least, said Jupitor. How can a forest sprite have that kind of power? Beats me but she does and she doesn't abuse it, said Guen. Alieta told me that Ivy is still the same girl she first met that loves to play and make people happy. Ivy is one of a kind and very special girl. Anyways now that you have seen what a cove looks like and how the overviewer works you should be all set very soon to make your own cove but I have a feeling you may want to let Savanah set the permissions and rules to the forest seeing the magic knows and trusts her now. But we are thousands of miles away from this pool, said Jupitor. That don't matter, white magic is everywhere that circles the world and is inside it. It is all connected, said Guen. So do you want to see the swimming pool in here my girls made? That is probably where they all are right now. You have a swimming pool in the forest? asked Saturn. Yep a real big one, said Tulip. I was hard to do but we made it work. Come lets go swimming. I have never gone swimming before, said Saturn. Don't worry it is easy and fairies float just like pixies, said Tulip.



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