The Big Break Chapter 2


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The Winged Adventure Begins

Avan asked Pippa if they could see that lake Zan told them about first. Sure she said lets go. It is just over there past the town, said Pippa. They saw that a few people were in the water but landed anyways to have a closer look around. Wow it is really beautiful here, said Tara. I have never see here before either, said Pippie. It very pretty. Are they waving at us? asked Avan. Looks like it, said Pippa. Lets go and see what they want. They walked over and three young girls came out of the water and looked very happy to see them. Look it is Tara and Avan and a fairy too with a pixie, one girl said. Hi girls. This is Pippie and I am Pippa. They all smiled. Your names are almost the same, said the girl. Yep but we are very different, said Pippa. Can I touch your wing asked one of the girls to Tara. Sure, said Tara. You can touch mine too also, said Avan. The three girls rubbed their wings and said they felt so soft. We have never seen she devils before or a real fairy. Sometime at night we see pixies flying around though, but that was from a distance plus lately they have been flying around and looking at plants during they day, said a girl. Yes the pixies are helping Ivy take care of Fae Land now, said Pippa. Oh we have never seen her either, they said. We heard she is beautiful. Yes she is very pretty, said Tara but very busy. So we heard that fairies do magical things, said one of the girls. Yep we love doing magical stuff, said Pippie with a smile. Here, hold out you hands, she told them. She made her wand appear and gave each of them an ice cream cone. Wow! That was awesome and our favorite flavor too. You all should go to the park over there and see everyone. Lots of people are there that would love to meet you four, said one of the girls. Okay we will do that, said Pippa. The girls all sat down together and started eating their cones and the four of them flew off to the park.

When they got there they saw that there were a lot of human people there all having picnics and playing games. Well they all look like they are having fun, said Tara. They got on the ground and walked towards a group of people sitting on beach blankets eating snacks. Look mom. Angels are coming, said a little girl. They all turned and saw the four of them. No dear not angels but close though and she smiled at her daughter. They all got up and said hi. We have heard so much about you two from Peter. He said that you two were beautiful and very friendly, said the father. Oh so you know Peter then, said Tara. Ya he made that real fun game. We bought one and play it all the time, said the mother. So he also said that you two can kill devils. Is that true also? asked the father. Yep but most are all gone now so we are taking a break, said Tara. The little girl went up beside Pippie and tugged on her hand. Yes dear, said Pippie. Are you a fairy? she asked Pippie. Yes I am she answered. I love fairies. I have drawings on my bedroom walls of fairies but they are not as pretty as you, the little girl said as she looked up at Pippie with her big blue eyes. What is your name? asked Pippie. Victoria, she said. I just turned nine years old a few days ago she said proudly. Pippie and Pippa smiled. Well then Victoria, here is a gift from me. She made her wand appear and touched the girls wrist and a pretty bracelet appeared. Wow, a real magic wand just gave me a pretty bracelet mom. The mother looked over that was still talking to Tara and Avan. Really how did she do that? she asked Victoria. Like this, said Pippie and gave the mother a matching bracelet. The mother's eyes opened wide. Real magic and a real fairy, I heard about you but was unsure if the talk was real. Yep I have five sisters, we all love doing good magic, said Pippie. Is that one of your sisters? asked Victoria. No, that is Pippa, she is queen of the pixies and a very good friend of mine, said Pippie. Wow a queen like Alieta, she said. Ya our mother is the queen of the fairies, said Pippie. So you are a fairy princess? asked the mother. Yep, all six of us, said Pippie. Now those two bracelets are like the ones our mother gave us when we were young like you are Victoria. They will get a bit bigger when you go to take it off and fit perfectly when you put it back on but mostly they are magical in that they will let you feel where your mother is if you every get lost, said Pippie. Same as yours, Pippie said to the mother. Thank you Pippie, said the mother. Can Pippa do magic too, asked Victoria. Well sort of, said Pippa. You see we have magical pixie dust on our wings and when we fly around some always falls off and lands on plants and trees that helps make them grow, plus the dust can heal small wounds, said Pippa. That is having magic too, said Victoria. Pippa and Pippie smiled. Yes I suppose you are correct, said Pippa. Tara noticed a crowd of people were gathering. Wow it seems that everyone here likes us, said Tara. Are you kidding, said Victoria's mother. Fae Land loves you all!

They talked to some more people then Pippa took them both to Eden. They flew around it first and they could all see how pretty it was from above. Can we go down there? asked Tara. I don't see any people at all so is it like holy land or something. Pippa smiled. No it is just a very magical place and the center of Fae Land's Magic, said Pippa. People don't come here much because they know that most of Alexa's team live in Eden and they don't want to intrude on them. Why would they get mad at them? asked Avan. Not at all. Actually they would welcome them and show them around and even invite them to their home, said Pippa. They are really nice and love meeting new people. They flew down and started to look around. Wow, mom was wright this is just as beautiful as Fairy Land but lots of room and lots of magic here. I can feel it, said Pippie. Yes this is the source of all of Fae Land's magic. It is very strong, said Pippa. They looked around and saw a nice place with lots of flower beds every where. Lets have a picnic here suggested Pippie. Anyone hungry? We are always hungry, said Tara with a smile. Good, then let me set it up for us, said Pippie. She made her wand appear again and made a big picnic blanket that they all would fit on then created a bunch of different types of sandwiches and very tasty fruit drinks. They all sat down and enjoyed a nice picnic. Carmen and Zatsuky were out picking some flowers for their vases at home and saw them having a picnic. They walked over to them and said hi. Hi Carmen and Zatsuky, said Pippa. Wow I have never really seen you two this close up before, said Pippie. Carmen and Zatsuky smiled. You are very tall, Pippie said to Zatsuky. Ya she got the long legs in the family. Oh so you are sisters? asked Pippie. No we are best friends but we all consider us as one big family, said Carmen. So you don't need long legs, you are very pretty, said Pippie. Zatsuky and Carmen both smiled. Well living in Eden keeps us young looking, said Carmen. So how is the devil situation? asked Zatsuky. We got most of them, Gabriel said there is no more close to Fae Land so we are taking a break and Pippa is showing us Fae Land, said Avan. So you two want to join us? asked Pippie. Sure why not, what do you have in all these containers, asked Carmen. Lots of snack food and fruit, said Pippie. Sounds good, said Zatsuky and they both sat down and joined in on the picnic.

Where have you four been so far? asked Zatsuky. Well first we went to that small lake not far from the park, said Pippa. Okay that is Casper Lake. People like to swim a bit in there, said Zatsuky. Yep three small girls were in the lake when we flew down and they came and talked to us for a bit then told us there was a lot of people in the park just up stream a bit, said Pippa. Nice so how did the people like meeting Tara and Avan? asked Carmen. We met a nice family with a little girl and they really liked us and said every one in Fae Land loved what we did here for everyone, said Avan. Then a bunch of other people gathered around and we all talked to them too, said Avan. Ya it was really nice to see that no one was afraid of us and really liked us, said Tara. Pippie made some bracelet for some of the girls too, said Pippa. Well it is good to see you are getting to know the people here that you are protecting, said Zatsuky. Carmen and I have traveled a long way to get here and during our travels we met many people but none were as loving and friendly like the people of Fae Land. It took us almost three weeks to get here but it was well worth the trip. Wow that is even farther than where Fairy Land is, said Pippie. Yep very far south from here, said Carmen. Okay, lets open up these containers and Avan pass over that basket behind you, said Pippie. Got some nice sweet stuff in there. Time to eat and recharge.



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