The Big Break Chapter 8


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The Unexpected Party

Pippa went into the fairy forest in the morning and told the fairies what was going on with Jazmen and how she was pretty lonely. Oh we can fix that, said Sunflower. I will go and meet her for breakfast like we all used to do with Alieta when we were living in the palace. Us too said Lilly and Chestnut. Okay good said Pippa. I will go and tell Ktara too, she is usually outside in her yard most of the time. Maybe she will come with Carmen and Zatsuky also after breakfast to keep her company. Maybe have a little party together, said Pippa. Sounds good, said Sunflower. Now Pippie and I are taking Tara and Avan to the North East Province for a look around. Then we will be heading back. Not sure what they do there but we will soon find out, said Pippa. Okay said the fairies then Pippie and Pippa flew off. Okay said Sunflower, lets go make breakfast for Jazmen then off they flew. The rest of them stayed to wait for Ivy and Sara to come to the cove. Pippa and Pippie met Tara and Avan in front of the palace then flew off together. They stopped at Ktara's place and told her about how sad Jazmen was yesterday from being lonely. Ktara was glad to help and figured Viridian Zatsuky and Carmen would go to the palace today also. They all took off again for the North East Province. Back at the palace the three fairies went into the palace then to the dinning room to wait for Jazmen. When she came down she was surprised to see them all there waiting for her. Hi girls. Why are you here? asked Jazmen. We are having breakfast with you, said Sunflower. Oh, okay but I thought it was really busy in the forest, said Jazmen. So what, said Chestnut, having fun with you is much better. Jazmen went to sit in her normal spot but Sunflower stopped her. You get to sit at the head of the table today Jazmen. You are queen for the day! Jazmen smiled then sat in Alieta's spot. Okay so lets have breakfast, said Sunflower and then she made her wand appear them made eggs and bacon with toast and orange juice appeared in front of them all. Lets eat everyone, we will need the energy for today.

Pippa brought them all to the Prayden then saw that it was mostly forest. They found an opening and landed there. Hmm, not much here to see, said Pippa. Lets follow that path and see where it takes us. They walked along and it lead to a small town that had some people walking around. They headed for it and saw a man come towards them and said hi to them. Hello sir, said Pippa. Oh those two must be the she devils that Jazmen told one of our men about when he was at the palace. Yep they are, said Pippa. This is Tara and her sister Avan. Well nice to meet you two he said. Oh very nice to meet you too they said back to him. He is good looking, said Tara. Will you stop hitting on every man you meet Tara. Well I am a woman you know, said Tara. Yes and a very pretty one at that, said the man. See he likes me, said Tara with a smile. So who is this pretty looking girl you have with you? asked the man. Oh that is Pippie, she is a fairy princess. Really, a real fairy. I heard about the fairies but never though I would see one way out here, he said. So come with me and meet some of the people here. There is not a lot of us but most live in this town ahead. They all followed him to town and he yelled out for everyone to come meet their new friends. Out came the people and saw Tara and Avan first. Oh so these are the friendly she devils we were told about, said a woman. Yep, the one with the darker hair is Tara, and the one in the red hair is Avan. Wow those are some sexy outfits, she said and kind reveling too, she said. Well they are the ones God gave us and they are very comfortable, said Tara. I bet they are, she said. Well you can't argue with the man upstairs, though they do make you less threatening, that is for sure, she added. Now we have been graced with Pippie also that is a fairy princess from the new forest that we have all heard about. My goodness she is so cute, said the woman. Lovely wings too! So walk around and meet everyone and make your self at home said the man. I am sure everyone wants to meet you all.

 Jazmen and the three fairies finished their breakfast then Jazmen asked what is next. We check the sun dial like Alieta does every morning, said Sunflower. Okay lets all go, said Jazmen. They all went out and checked the sun dial. Yep a little after seven, said Chestnut. An elf came over and said, "Nice to see some fairies out here again. It's been very quite around here with out you all around". Well stick around because we all plan on having fun today, said Sunflower. Cool, said the elf. So what kind of fun are we having today? asked Jazmen. Oh you will see, said Sunflower. Well Pippa did tell me last night that today wasn't going to be boring like yesterday, said Jazmen. So how is today looking so far? asked Chestnut. Pretty good so far, said Jazmen with a smile. Well if there is going to be some fairies out her today then I can get a couple of my friends to come hang out also, said the elf. Just because Alieta is away with Ginger and the twins, doesn't mean we can't have some fun too. Yep and once Ivy and Sara get to the cove at eight then maybe they will come too, said Lilly. But what is everybody going to do? asked Jazmen. Your the queen for the day, you figure it out, said Lilly. We will do what ever you say, so long as it is fun! Back in Prayden, Pippa asked what there was for them all to see here in this province. Well not much really, said the man. We are a live stock province and supply most of the meat to Fae Land. Mostly animal farms and slaughter houses, he said. Don't really think Pippie here wants to see a slaughter house. What is a slaughter house? asked Tara. Oh it is where the animals are killed and then bled out then cut into pieces for sale at the markets, said the man. Yuk, said Pippie, sounds gross. They all laughed. Okay never mind then, said Pippa. What do you all say we head back to the palace and see what is going on. I have a feeling that it is going to be fun there today. Okay they all said and flew off.

 Back at Ktara's place she decided to get Carmen and Zatsuky to come with her to the palace. They liked the idea seeing nothing was going on so they all got dressed up nice like Ktara and headed out. They saw Viridian outside and invited her too. Viridian got changed then headed off also. While going by Paisley's place. Ktara decided to knock on there door anyways figuring they were just making out as usual. Paisley answered and was happy to see them all dressed up. What is going on? asked Paisley. Oh we are all heading out to the palace to keep Jazmen company. Everyone went on a break or something and left her in charge yesterday all alone with nothing to do. So a party then, said Paisley with a smile on her face. Ya, why not, said Ktara. Hey Titus want to come to the palace with us girls. No I am hanging out with Diego today at his place, said Titus. Okay then. When you get there tell Alexa to get dressed up and get her little butt to the palace, said Paisley. Okay dear, said Titus. She went back in and got all pretty looking and then headed out with them. At the centaurs place. Oaklyn was outside with Taiyo. Hey where are you all going dressed up like that, she asked them. All girl party at the palace, said Paisley. Awesome, let me get Starlite. She will definitely want to go with us too, said Oaklyn. When Titus got to Alexa and Diego's place he told Alexa about the all girl party at the palace and to get all dressed up. She was all happy and got Angus to deliver a note to Tempressa, about the unexpected party.

Now the town in Cumberland is not that far from here. We will get there in less than an hour, said Alieta. Let me see that ring, said Phonixa. Okay, said Ginger and went to take it off. Oh no dear leave it on. Never take it off. It will never tarnish your skin, it is pure gold, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Ginger. She showed Phonixa it on her finger. Oh kind of plain looking but it does look like gold, she said. Yep and to me it is much more valuable then gold, said Ginger. Alieta smiled and they started on their way. They got to Cumberland and saw that they had just missed a party of some sort. Oh look it is Alieta said one of the women. She must not be mad at us anymore. Hello girls, what did I miss. Oh Zan and Cindy were here and we threw them a small party just for being so forgiving of us. She is so sweet and adorable, said the woman. Yes she is, said Alieta. So where were they going? asked Alieta. Well Cindy asked where the next town was but we told her that it was being expanded and a lot of construction was going on there. One of the men told them that there was the dairy farm to the west not far from here where you buy all your dairy products and the triplet girls lived. Zan wanted to see the farm so they left about an hour ago. So do you what to go there too? asked Tabitha. No not now. First I want to take you to that nice eatery up the street, said Alieta. It is bit on the expensive side but the food is very good, said Alieta. Oh not expensive anymore, said another woman. It seems Zan told the owner that the prices were all wrong and the menu was too confusing. She told him how to fix the menu and to lower all the prices to Fae Land's pricing. She said lots more people means lots more money. It seems to be working because now the place has a lot more people in it and it has only been one day. Ya that is our Zan for sure. Very smart girl, said Alieta. Yes she is, now did she really read the entire dictionary, asked the woman. Alieta laughed. Well yes she did actually, said Alieta. Wow "I could never get past a the "A's", she said. They all headed over to the eatery and saw the place was almost packed. Wow this has really changed, said Alieta. Oh hi Alieta. Very nice to see you again and you brought friends too. Yes these are my friends from the palace, said Alieta. We are just touring around Fae Land some. How nice, he said. Now there is this big table here by the window, so have a seat and I will get you all the menus. Wow very busy in here for a change, I have never seen it so busy before, said Alieta. This is definitely Zan magic, said Ginger. The owner came back and gave them all a new menu plus had a waiter give them all a glass of ice water. Then they left. Hmm, the menu is all organized now and nice reasonable prices too, said Alieta. Yep Zan magic for sure. They all decided what they wanted and they gave the waiter their order. Okay I will be right back with your free garlic bread to nibble on as you wait for your meals and he left. Free garlic bread too, said Alieta. Never heard of that before. They all got their meals and ate up while they chatted. Alieta paid the bill and they all left. So do you want to go see Zan and Cindy at the farm? asked Repellia. No lets leave them be, said Alieta. Lets head for the North Eastern Province of Prayden where Tabitha comes from.

They all got on their horses and headed out. They were about half way there when Alieta saw Pippa, Pippie, Tara and Avan flying south. Look, they must of already been in that province and looks like they are heading back to the palace, said Alieta. Pippa saw them so she flew down to talk. Hi Pippa, said Alieta. You all done now? Yep, nothing to see in that province said Pippa but the people were very nice. What you mean, nothing to see? asked Alieta. Yukky slaughter houses was what Pippie said. We passed, I didn't want to see them at all either so we decided to head back to the palace and keep Jazmen company, said Pippa. Your girls don't need to see animals being killed and cut up either. Yes you are right, said Alieta. Now you said you were going to keep Jazmen company, Is there something I should know about? asked Alieta. Well yes, said Pippa. You all took off and left her in charge with no one around. All the girls were gone plus Tara and Avan. The fairies were all busy in the forest so when I got back at night I found her sitting alone in the dinning room looking very sad. Oh my god, I never even thought about that, said Alieta. She must of been bored stiff. Ya even the elves out side we not around without any fairies at the palace, said Pippa. We are headed back now but I did tell Ktara what was going on with Jazmen plus Sunflower, Lilly and Chestnut went there to make breakfast for her. Okay, good said Alieta, We will head home too seeing I don't want the girls to see a slaughter house either. Okay, said Pippa, see you all there and flew off. Poor Jazmen, said Ginger. She must hate us all now. Well maybe a bit but she would never hate us, said Alieta. Okay lets all head back now and have some fun. Yeah! all the girls cheered. Mission make Jazmen happy!


Jazmen and the three fairies were hanging out on the palace grounds when a bunch of elves came over and asked what was going on? You will see, said Sunflower. Look there are people coming, said one of the elves. Told ya, said Sunflower. Jazmen looked and could see them and as they got closer she saw that they were the heroes and they were all dressed up. What is going on? asked Jazmen. Just some of your family coming to be with you, said Sunflower. Just then Pippa showed up with her crew. Well Pippa did say that today I was going to be fun, said Jazmen. Hi Jazmen, we are back, said Pippa. Already? asked Jazmen. Ya there wasn't much to see in Prayden and slaughter houses didn't sound too nice to check out so we decide to come back and be with you, said Pippa. Jazmen gave Pippa a big hug. I am your family too you know, said Pippa. Yes I know Pippa. Look who is coming, said Jazmen. Yep I saw them when flying here so I flew down and asked them what was going on and they said an all girl party at the palace. A party, for me? asked Jazmen. Yep an all girl party, said Pippa. But they are all dressed up too. Sure why not be an all pretty girl party also, said Pippa. The team arrived and came over to Jazmen. You ready to party girlfriend? asked Paisley. Yes but look at all of you so pretty and sexy, said Jazmen. I can fix that, said Pippie. Out came her wand and then Jazmen had a beautiful dress on. Wow, said Jazmen, thank you, I have never worn anything like this before. Well now you have a party dress, said Pippie. She turned to Tara and Avan then said, you two already look great and sexy. Tara and Avan just smiled. Okay then lets get this party going, said Jazmen.




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