The Big Break Chapter 5


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Tara And Avan Meet Ktara

After sitting with Zatsuky and Carmen they got up and Pippie made everything vanish. Have you two met Ktara yet? asked Carmen. No, is she a team member too? asked Avan. Yes she is and an excellent tracker and the best cook in Fae Land, said Zatsuky. You three want to go there? asked Pippa. Sure said Pippie. Alieta said show you Fae Land and that is a very good spot also, said Pippa. They all headed over to Ktara's place and saw her outside doing some gardening as usual. Hi Ktara. Look who we found, said Carmen. Ktara looked up and said wow. Those are the best looking she devils I have ever seen. When did you ever see a she devil? asked Zatsuky. Well never but devils can't be as good looking as these two. Hi I am Ktara, very nice to finely meet you two. Nice to meet you too, said Tara and Avan. So what are you doing? asked Tara. Oh just some gardening. Everything grows fast in Eden including the weeds, said Ktara. Here let me help you, said Pippie. She made her wand appear and flew along her entire garden with it. There you go, no more weeds. Ktara looked and couldn't find a single weed. Well thank you Pippie. It usually takes me a few hours to do what you just did, said Ktara. We should invite Viridian and her gang over too. said Ktara. She lives just around the corner. Okay I will get them, said Pippa and off she flew. Viridian and the gang came around the corner and joined in with everyone. So nice to see you two again but on the good guys side now, said Viridian. Yep, it seems that it was always intended to be this way, said Tara. So killing devils must take some major effort, asked Viridian. Nope they are easy to kill now. Once Apollonia figured out what we had to do then it became very simple after that, said Avan. So you two going to stay here in Fae Land? asked Carmen. Ya we like it here plus it seems that everyone likes us too, said Tara. Well protecting Fae Land and everyone living here puts you high on everyone's like list, said Pippa. Well most of the devils are gone now so we will be looking for something else to do soon, said Avan. Well you can help us, I am sure Alexa wouldn't mind but you have to follow her instructions though. She always gives the attackers a chance to retreat, especially human armies. Oh we would never kill a human bad or good but we could definitely scare the pants off them with a couple of blasts, said Tara. So you blast the devils to death. Nope we do the freeze shift thing for that, said Tara. The blast thing is good for killing smaller creatures like gargoyles and stuff. One blast and they are in pieces. Really, said Ktara. Yep see, and Tara put her arm in the air and let out a blast. They all watched it disappear behind the cloud. Wow that went far, but what is that falling now. Looks like a big bird. Oops said Tara. Must of hit another devil. What luck. I will get it, one blast won't kill it. She flew up as they all watched and as soon as she got close to it the devil looked to try and attack her but then Tara turned it to ash then flew back down. Don't worry the ash will disappear before if hits the ground. That was truly amazing, said Pippa. Like it took no effort at all. Well I had to fly up there so some effort but yes devils and demons are easy to kill. They don't belong here anyways. Pippa smiled. Everyone else was still looking up watching the ash fall then disappear. Okay then, said Carmen. We have two super powers on our side now.

So that was some major entertainment so what do we do now for fun? asked Zatsuky. Well it is getting close to supper now, said Viridian so I need to get back and get supper started. Ya me too, said Ktara. Well I can make your supper for each of you before heading back, said Pippie. Ya Alieta told us that we had to come back each night just in case Tara and Avan were needed, said Pippa. Okay, that saves me some work, said Ktara. Can we eat at your place? asked Carmen. Yep, best not to eat alone, said Ktara. Me too, said Viridian. I could use a day without cooking. I will go home and set the table and wait for you to finish here. So where are you four going tomorrow? asked Ktara. Oh to the North East Province. They are mostly farmers but lots to see there also Alieta told us. Ya especially now seeing we just stopped another Troglodyte attack not too long ago, said Zatsuky. So do they know about you two yet? asked Carmen. We don't know, said Avan. Well just act yourself and they will warm up to you fast. What does that mean, warm up to us? asked Avan. Carmen smiled. It means they will like you. Oh okay, said Avan. Pippie went inside with Ktara, Carmen and Zatsuky and put out some plates and glasses on the table. Okay make a turkey dinner for us please with all the fixing. Really you three must be hungry. Well you are not here all the time so why not live it up some, said Ktara. Okay and Pippie did her thing then went back out side. Thanks Pippie she heard them say. They all went to Viridian, Ivy and Sara's place, and Pippie went inside and saw the table was ready for her. Okay what would you all like to eat? asked Pippie. Well what did Ktara get, asked Ivy. Full turkey dinner, said Pippie. Wow that sounds great. Can we have that too? asked Ivy. Yep and Pippie waved her wand and made the meals for them. She went to put it away but as she turned she saw that they only had one small couch in the living room. This isn't right she said to herself and waved her wand and replaced the one couch with a full living room set and end tables plus more. Now that looks better she said and left. Ivy got up and looked at the new living room. Man I love fairies, she said then sat back down and started eating. Okay all done lets go back to the palace first and see what Alieta is doing before I go back to the forest. They all flew off and saw that no one was outside as usual at this time. Not even a fairy. I wonder where everyone is? asked Pippie. You go back to the forest Pippie and I will go and fine out where Alieta is. Probably in the dining room at this time, said Pippa. Okay we will head to the woods, said Tara. See you tomorrow, and they flew off.

Pippa flew into the palace and went to the dining room and found Jazmen sitting there at the table all by herself picking at some food on a plate. Hi Jazmen, where is everyone? asked Pippa. Away, how was your day? asked Jazmen. Well better than what your day was from the look of you, said Pippa. Well Alieta put me in charge and said she and the girls would be gone for a couple of days. But she didn't tell me that Candy and Zan were going away for three days and neither did she tell me that you were taking the she devils for a tour of Fae Land so I have been here alone all day with the odd elf looking in on me, said Jazmen. Wow you definitely sound lonely, said Pippa. Where were the fairies? Just Pippie came with me, said Pippa. In the forest I suppose. Okay, tomorrow I will tell the fairies and Ivy the situation out here. Tomorrow will be a lot different, said Pippa, I guarantee it, said Pippa. Okay, said Jazmen. Now get some sleep and I will see you in the morning. Okay, said Jazmen again and off Pippa went. Maybe I will have some ice cream for desert, Ivy calls it happy food, Jazmen thought to herself.



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