The Big Break Chapter 3


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Alieta Surprises The Girls

Alieta first took them to the beautiful lake where Zan and Candy went skinny dipping. Wow very pretty around here, said Phonixa. I can see why people skinny dip here. The water looks really clean and it is sort of hidden by all those tree. I don't think I would like getting naked outside in the open, said Tabitha. Oh that will probably change when you get older, said Repellia. They rode on and Alieta told them that they will take a short cut through the park. When they got there she saw that a lot of people were at the park so she rode on to say hi to everyone. People were waving at them and they all waved back. Victoria saw Alieta and ran up to her. Hi Alieta. You look so nice today. Well thank you dear, said Alieta. We saw the queen Pippa today also, she was very nice and look what Pippie gave me and she showed Alieta the bracelet. Very pretty, said Alieta. She gave one to my mom also, they are magical, said Victoria. Alieta remembered when Guen gave the two little girls the friendship bracelets in town. Hi Alieta, nice to see you out and about, we met Avan and Tara today, said Victoria's mom. They were wonderful. Very polite and friendly. Everyone here was happy to finally meet them. Well that makes me very happy to hear that people like them. They were worried that they would not fit in. Are you kidding I told them that Fae Land loves them, said the mother. Yes I see that now and they deserve it too, said Alieta. Who are the pretty girls with you? asked Victoria. Oh the cute red haired elf is Ginger, my best friend then Tabitha is visiting for the summer while school is out, said Alieta. Then my other two girls are Phonixa and Repellia that are twins that live in the palace with me, said Alieta. Your girls, so they are princesses too like the fairies? asked Victoria. Oh no they are not my girls that way but they are my family though, said Alieta. Well they look like princesses too me, my mom always says to trust my eyes and they look like princesses so they are princesses, said Victoria then smiled at the girls. She is so adorable, said Phonixa to Ginger. To us you are a princess too, said Repellia. Victoria smiled and said, sometimes my dad calls me his little princess. Then she, said good bye and ran off back to her father. She is something isn't she, said Alieta. Yep, a bit of a handful at times but she is only nine, said the mother. So where are you off to. Oh it is a secret. I want to surprise the girls, said Alieta. Oh I think I know where, said the mother and smiled. Okay have fun and off Alieta and the girls headed out again.


 So where are we going? asked Phonixa. You will see soon, we are almost there, said Alieta. Now do you see way ahead of us that looks all reddish, asked Alieta. Yes, why is it all red? asked Repellia. Well it is a village that only has one kind or trees that grow there called red maples. They are very pretty and where I get my maple syrup from for the palace, said Alieta. Oh okay, said Repellia. But much more goes on there, said Alieta. They soon made it to the village and was greeted by an elf welcoming them all. They got off their horses and the elf led the horse away by herself. She can manage all five horses by herself? asked Tabitha. Yes she can talk to the horses, said Alieta. Cool, said Tabitha. I have never seen this place before, said Ginger. I know, said Alieta. Not many people have been here. If you look around it seems to be out in the middle of nowhere, said Alieta. They all looked and saw that it was miles from the nearest woods or other land marks. They walked in towards the village and saw lots of red maple trees and some had buckets on them catching the sap from the trees. Is that where maple syrup comes from? asked Repellia. Yep, said Tabitha, and red maple trees make the best and sweetest of all maple syrups. Very good, said Alieta to Tabitha. Now here is the main area of the village. There are no roads like you all are used to, just stores and homes built randomly everywhere. At least you would think they are random at first look, said Alieta. An elf came out of one of the shops and said hi to Alieta. Who have you got with you dear? Did you hear that, she called Alieta dear, said Phonixa to Repellia. These are my girls I told you about the last time I was here, said Alieta. Oh how wonderful, we all love to see the young ones visit but that rarely happens, said the elf. Girls this is Tasha and she is the best cook around, even better than Ktara but don't tell her I said that and Alieta smiled. Get her to come here and I would love to show her some things, said Tasha.

So come in and I will make you something to eat, said Tasha. They all went in and saw a couple more elves sitting and eating, they looked up and said hi to Alieta then went back to eating. They all sat down at a table and Tasha came over and asked them what they wanted to drink. That very nice juice you make would be good for all of us, said Alieta. Okay then and she left. She didn't ask us what we wanted to eat, said Ginger. Alieta smiled. No, she only makes one thing a day. It is always fantastic, said Alieta. Tasha came back out and gave everyone their drinks. So where are we exactly? asked Ginger. Oh you are in the elder village dear the oldest village in Fae Land. We were here just as Fae Land started to form after the rains, said Tasha. It wasn't called Fae Land then though. I will be right back with your order and she left again. So is it true that they we here first, asked Ginger. Yep, way before me anyways, said Alieta. Not really sure where they came from though. And she is just as old? asked Ginger. Yep, not bad looking for a girl that is many centuries old, said Alieta with a smile. Well ya, she is actually quite pretty, said Ginger. Well thank you dear. I wash my face every day and she smiled at Ginger. Now here you go all and enjoy the food. Then she left. So what is it? asked Phonixa. I don't know but what ever she makes always taste great, said Alieta and started to dig in. Okay then, said Phonixa and tasted a bit of hers. Wow, this is super good. I told ya, said Alieta. They all started to eat and Tasha watched them behind her counter.

When they were all done, Tasha came and cleaned off the table. That was very good, said Tabitha, what was in it. Oh some lamb and pork mixed with a bunch of other stuff with special herbs and spices. It is very good for you, said Tasha. So Alieta, while you are here go see Sable. She will be mad if you didn't visit her while you were here. Oh I will, I want to talk to her anyways, said Alieta. Good said Tasha, I always knew you were going to turn into a good girl. You used to be such a brat and trouble maker when you were younger, said Tasha. Alieta was a brat, said Ginger, no way. Yes way dear but that was a long time ago, said Tasha. She did manage to always make friends and now she is a queen so she has changed. She really wasn't a bad brat though, just always had to do things her way all the time. Funny thing is that usually it was a better way. Okay Tasha thanks for feeding us and here is the money I owe you from last time also. Thank you dear. See you all again, tell that Ktara about me, said Tasha. She sounds like she may have promise. News travels fast here in Fae Land with all the pixies and they say people she is the best cook in Fae Land. Okay I will, said Alieta. Here take some candies with you, they are very good., said Tasha. Did you make these too? asked Phonixa. Heavens no, a wonderful sprite in the elf village makes them, said Tasha. Her name is Jessica and has a sprite deliver a few boxes to me every month. They are very popular here among us. I know Jessica, she makes lots of amazing sweets, said Ginger. I imagine she does, said Tasha. They all took a few candies each then they all got up and thanked Tasha for an amazing dinner and left. Ginger tuned to Alieta and said that she talked to you like you were her daughter or something. Well she sort of was along with some of the others here, said Alieta. You see a long time ago when I could first fly and was in Cumberland that was just all forest then. Five of my friends were bored and flew out to find some adventure. We came across this place and was greeted kindly and was made very welcomed. The six of us stayed for about fifteen years I think and learned a lot from these very kind but extremely smart elves. So you could say that they were my first family. When we went back to Cumberland we saw that people had started to move in and were constantly under attack from various creatures. We flew back and told the elves what was happening so they gave us some special enchanted armor and bows and arrows that never seemed to run out and would penetrate anything. After a few quick lessons we went back and started to defend these people and soon we were loved by them. I then created my first army of winged soldiers. Man those were the days, said Alieta. Ginger smiled. There is so much about you that I have not heard about yet. Yes but the best things happened when we became friends, said Alieta. Oh ya, I totally forgot, said Ginger, What Is that? asked Alieta. A man came by a few days ago and said your order was almost done and will be delivered in about a week. Sorry I just forgot, said Ginger. Oh that must be the statue, said Alieta. Statue, you had a statue of yourself made? asked Ginger. No silly it is of the first queen of Fae Land. Alexa saw her when in that time line room under the palace. I went to Cumberland and they had hand drawn portraits of her in the archives so I asked them to make a life like statue out of marble of her for me. That was a while ago. It is going up in front of the east wing of the palace. Cool, said Ginger. Phonixa put one of the candies in her mouth and was surprised at how good it tasted. Hey these candies are super good. Yep I buy a box from Jessica every week, said Ginger. Alieta tried one also. My goodness, these are amazing, said Alieta. Next time you go to see Jessica get me a few boxes too!



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