The Big Break Chapter 6


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Meeting Some Very Special Elves

Alieta and the girls slept at the lodge in a room the elves set up for them to stay over night in. In the morning they all went back to Tasha's place to have some breakfast. She brought Alieta a coffee just the way she liked it and the girls got orange juice then she served them all mushed up eggs. Hey this is what you like making, said Ginger to Alieta. Yep, where did you think I got the idea from, said Alieta. Okay I get it, this used to be your home, said Ginger. It still is when ever I want it to be, said Alieta. Now eat up because today we are going to meet two very special friends of mine then we will head out to Cumberland that is not far from here. They all ate up then Alieta took them to a place that smelt a bit like burning metal. Now in here is Tess lives. She makes the most amazing armor that you can find anywhere. She makes armor like a blacksmith? asked Tabitha. Well no, not exactly, said Alieta. The dwarfs make the original shape first when she reshapes it to custom orders. But she does make all the cloth and leather armor. She made the new armor that Alexa has now plus I still have the armor that she made me a long time ago, said Alieta.


They walked inside and found Tess sitting at a table reading a big map in her study. Oh look it is Alieta and she got up and gave her a hug. My you look good, she said. Fae Land must be treating you well. Yes it has, been very busy but I am taking a bit of time off right now with my girls, said Alieta. Oh yes I see that and how pretty they are plus nice and young too, said Tess. I am not young, said Ginger but thanks anyways. Well you look young to me, said Tess. Twins too how nice, hope you are teaching them well. So what can I help you with today? asked Tess. Well first I want you to meet Tabitha that visiting and staying at the palace while she is on summer holidays from school, her father is the Mayor of Prayden. Then we have Phonixa that is a fire holder, she always wears something red so we can tell them apart. Then Repellia that can move objects with her mind and finally my best friend Ginger. I see, does Ginger have any talents? asked Tess. Ginger has many talents, said Alieta. She helps out at the palace, pretty much runs it and takes care of all the legal stuff in Fae Land. She lives in the palace also and never lets me get lonely. Oh that is the best one of all, said Tess. Ginger smiled. Now read me and you will see what I want, said Alieta. She can read people to? asked Tabitha. Oh yes dear but not as good as that forest sprite Ivy I have heard about, said Tess. You should bring her here one day for a little visit, I would love to see and talk to her some, said Tess. Okay I will, said Alieta. Tess held Alieta's hand then said oh I see. Okay I will get started on it, said Tess. Then I will send it over to Sable to give it the finishing touches. Sounds perfect, said Alieta. Okay we are off to see Sable before we leave. Tasha said she would get mad at me if I did visit here while I was here. Very smart that Tasha and very correct, said Tess. They all started to leave but as Ginger was passing Tess she put something in Ginger's hand. Show this to Sable and tell her I gave it to you. She will know what to do with it. Okay, said Ginger then caught up with the others.

Okay just over there is Sable's place. She is the strongest enchantress of all. She enhances all the armor and weapons I bring her plus very special items like rings and bracelets that Tess makes, said Alieta. They went in and saw Sable writing in a book. Hi Sable, how are you today. Oh just fine Alieta but still having trouble with this one enchantment. Oh what is that ? asked Alieta. Must be very hard for you to be having trouble with it. Hard yes, at least the result is isn't working but something very important to me anyways, said Sable. I just can't get it right yet. I want to be able to wake up and just say a few words to my cup then it fills with coffee just the way I like it. Alieta giggled. Yes I hear ya, said Alieta. I have fairies to do that for me when they are around. Yes well I don't but I did hear about them. How are those cuties doing. Oh they are doing great and having fun plus making improvements to Fae Land. Very fun loving and a bit nutty like Pippa, said Alieta. Oh Pippa, she still comes by a lot. She likes Tasha's sugar cane in lemonade drink and she also keeps us informed about things that go on in Fae Land. Very nice girl, been around as long as us, probably longer, said Sable. Pippa is very old? asked Repellia. Oh yes dear and very smart too, all the other pixies respect her in an odd pixie kind of way. She is queen of the pixies now, said Alieta. Yes she told me, she should of been made queen a couple of centuries ago, but yes she is a bit nutty too, said Sable. I like that in her. Sable, Tess gave me this ring and asked me to give it to you and you would know what to do with it, said Ginger. Oh let me see that please, said Sable. Oh yes, give me a moment dear. She put the ring in her hand and squeezed it tight then said a few words in old eleven then placed it back in Gingers hand and placed here hand on top then said a few more words. There you go dear, now put it on. You must be very special to Alieta because she rarely gives me one of these rings to enchant. The only other one I did was for Mother Nature then she gave it to Alieta to give to that cute little girl Alexa. So this will make me translucent like Alexa's ring? asked Ginger. Yes it will dear. You must stay safe you know. Now Tess is a good reader but some times she takes a bit of a look around when inside when she shouldn't. She must of found you to be important to Alieta, said Sable. Only this pure gold ring can be enchanted this way. All the rest do other things but this is the best and has the strongest magic.

Okay now who are these very pretty young girls you brought with you this time? asked Sable. Well the girl with the blue top is Repellia that can move objects some with her mind and her twin sister in the red top Phonixa that can hold fire in her hands, said Alieta. Then the cute blonde girl is Tabitha from Prayden that is spending her summer holidays at the palace with me. What I forgot to tell Tess was she is Cindy's great grand daughter. Really, Cindy the angel, that is so wonderful. Cindy stops by here sometimes to check on the elves that work here, said Sable. What about Zan the Triffie that Pippa told me about, how is she doing? She is doing great and is with Candy right now touring around Fae Land, said Alieta. She is staying in the palace with me also. Well seems like you and Ginger have plenty of company now in that big building of yours, said Sable. I am glad for you. Well I have to get to work, hope to see you again soon. Bring me some more armor. I don't want it to get rusty, and she smiled. Very funny, said Alieta. Well I still try to raise a smile, said Sable. Okay we are off to Cumberland, said Alieta. The three teens have never been there before. They all left and went to get their horses.



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