The Big Break Chapter 9


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All Girl Party Success

The fairies set up a table with party food on it then an elf said she will get the minstrels. Look here comes Alexa and Tempressa, said Chestnut. Alexa and Tempressa walked over looking great. Wow you two are amazing looking, said Jazmen. Well thank you they both said. Everyone here looks great, said Alexa. Tempressa went to Tara and Avan. Hmm, you two look much better not all banged up and frozen. They both smiled. So were you that ice person that we could barely see. Yep The Ice Queen at your service, said Tempressa. Pretty sexy outfits you both have on, said Tempressa. Thanks but if you looked any hotter you would melt into a puddle, said Avan. Tempressa laughed. That was a good one she said. The minstrels arrived and got set up then started the music. Okay everyone lets start the party and get dancing, said Jazmen. Alieta could hear something in the distance as they were passing Sandy Lake. Do you all hear that? asked Alieta. Yes it sounds like music, said Ginger. Alieta smiled. Lets go girls. There is a party happening at the palace! said Alieta. They all sped up. Look the whole gang is here, said Alieta. They are all dressed up and we are all dusty looking, said Phonixa. Who cares, said Alieta. Look Jazmen, there is Alieta and the girls, said Alexa. Oh hope she isn't mad at me for having a party. Are you kidding, Alieta loves parties, said Alexa. The five of them went over to Jazmen and said nice party girl. Yep, hope it is okay, said Jazmen. You bet, said Alieta. You look great Jazmen, a pretty dress and sandals. They look good on you, said Alieta. Ya I do look good dressed like this but I do prefer my regular outfit, said Jazmen. Well looks like the perfect party dress for you, how long have you had that? asked Alieta. About ten minutes, Lilly made it for me, said Jazmen. Okay that makes sense, I am going in to clean up and get changed, said Alieta. You girls do the same. The four girls ran into the palace then Alieta said to Jazmen, "I am so sorry, Pippa filled me in how I left you all alone. It will never happen again. We will talk later". Then Alieta ran into the palace.

The rest of the fairies along with Ivy and Sara all showed up seeing it was almost lunch time. Wow a party, said Tulip! Ivy smiled then Sara said I wish I had something nice to wear like them. Me too said Ivy. Pippie over heard them and came to the rescue. No problem said Pippie and she used her wand on them and two beautiful green outfits appeared on them. Both Sara and Ivy looked at each other then smiled. They are perfect, said Ivy. Yep, I figured you two loved green and all so now you are wearing fancy greens. Are they sexy too? asked Sara. Oh ya, very sexy, said Pippie. They both smiled at her. Wow, said Paisley. I didn't think you two could get more beautiful and hot. I am impressed! Alieta and Ginger came out dressed up and the twins came out in pretty dresses with Tabitha too. Okay we are all here, so lets all rock and roll, said Jazmen. Candy and Zan were getting close to the palace and heard the music. I wonder what is going on? said Candy. Sounds like people having fun, said Zan. Alieta must be having another party probably, said Candy. She loves to throw parties and doesn't need much of a reason to have one, said Candy. Odd for a queen, said Zan. But everything here in this country is odd she said with a smile. Lets go faster, I love parties too and dancing. Okay, said Candy and they both moved out to the palace grounds. Look, said Zan, lots of people in fancy clothes dancing and eating. Yes but I don't see Alieta anywhere, said Candy. This is different. They rode up and two elves came up to them so Candy asked where Alieta was. Oh she went inside to get changed. She will be out soon, said the elf. I will take your horses to the stable for you both. They walked over and saw that most every one was team members dressed up plus all the fairies with the she devils and even Ivy and Sara were in different outfits. Something special must be going on, said Candy. You don't get all dolled up for nothing. Who cares lets go have some fun said Zan and she ran into the crowd and started dancing. Candy walked over to Carmen that was talking to Ktara and asked what the occasion was. Oh found out that Jazmen was left in charge of the palace when everyone left on a break and she was bored stiff so we decided to all cheer her up today, said Ktara. So Alieta left also? asked Candy. Yep with all the young girls and Ginger so the place was kinda barren yesterday, said Carmen. So why is everyone all dressed up? asked Candy. Why not, said Ktara. All girl party and a chance to show off to all our friends. Even the fairies are being extra nutty today as you can see. Candy looked down and saw Sunflower sitting on the ground waving at her and was quite small. Go grab something to eat then join in, said Ktara.

Alieta came back out from the palace all dressed up and went to Jazmen. You put on a very good party, even better than me, said Alieta. No you are the party master but this party just kinda happened by itself, said Jazmen. All I know is Pippa said today was going to be better and man it sure is. You look great in that dress now, said Jazmen. I have never seen you a different outfit before other than your old battle outfit. But look at you all decked out looking so pretty. Yep everyone looks great here today, said Alieta. So lets go dance! Everyone was dancing plus eating food and drinking, just having a great time. Tempressa and Phonixa put on a little show for everyone. Phonixa made fire appear in her hand then Tempressa froze it that fizzle it out. Lots of little things were going on here and there. Ginger went over to Alexa and showed her the ring the elders gave her. Wow, you met the elders, Yep and they want to meet you and Ivy also, said Ginger. I wonder what would happen if we both went translucent and touched each other, said Alexa. Lets try, said Ginger. They both went translucent and found they could touch each other. Alexa called Carmen over. See if you can touch us while we are holding hands like this, said Alexa. Carmen's hand could not touch either of them. Very cool, said Alexa and the they both went solid again. So you got a cool ring like Alexa too now, said Carmen. Yep the elders gave it to me, one of them read Alieta for something that she needed and also saw that she wanted me to have this ring I think. Alexa smiled. You know Alieta loves you like a sister, said Alexa. You two go back a long way. Even before Mother Nature and probably even further. You have always been by her side and she loves it that way. Of coarse she wanted you to have that ring. Ya I know, I love her too, said Ginger. You better, she would die for you. So get out there and have some fun, said Alexa. They really go back that far together? asked Carmen. Oh yes, probably before Alieta was even queen, said Alexa. It was Ginger that found Tempressa and Snowflake for Alieta. If it wasn't for Ginger, we may not of ever gotten our Mother Nature.

Repellia saw Tempressa and Alexa talking by the table with all the food on it. She walked over and said hi. So you got to meet the elder elves too, asked Alexa. Yes and found out something very special about Alieta, among other things like Tasha is an amazing cook, even better than Ktara but also that Alieta grew up in that village and is very strong, said Repellia. She could probably pick someone up and throw them away. Really, said Tempressa. She is keeping that a secret from us that is for sure. I don't think so, said Alexa. Ivy could tell if she had any secrets and she says Alieta has no secrets. We just haven't asked her about being strong, but I know she was a warrior before she became queen. Lets do it now then, said Tempressa. She is over there with Ginger. Okay why not, said Alexa. They went over to Alieta and Alexa said that Repellia heard that you are actually very strong. Is that true? Well yes dear I can take care of myself I was raised in a very magical place with very magical elder elves. I have tossed a few men around here and there. Not as strong as you though. Wow there is so much that we don't know about you, said Alexa. Well just go to the elder village. They want to see you, said Alieta. Where is it, asked Alexa. Oh just a bit south east of Cumberland. You can't miss it. It is the village with all the red maple trees growing everywhere. They will tell you anything you want. I don't mind. I have no secrets, said Alieta. Yes we know that, said Alexa.

The party was still going after a couple of hours then Safire showed up again. Another party and I wasn't invited, said Safire. Don't blame me, this is Jazmen's party, said Alieta. Oh okay then, I better go suck up to her some so she will invite me next time, said Safire and off she went. They all laughed. She is so funny, said Ginger. Yep and strong as anything, said Alieta. Safire is very light hearted and loves to make people laugh but she has a flip side you don't want to mess with. So Alexa, when you go to see the elder elves, take Ivy and Ktara with you. I believe all three of you will find it very interesting and different there. They are all waiting for you three, said Alieta. Okay, said Alexa. Now get out there and have some fun with everyone. Okay and off she went. Why does Alexa want to know so much about you, asked Ginger. I don't know, Alexa is just very inquisitive, said Alieta. You can always ask me questions too you know. Nope don't need to, said Ginger. I know all I need to know about you. What about you, what stuff haven't you told me yet? asked Alieta. Nothing important, I am just a boring elf, said Ginger with a smile. Boring my butt, said Alieta. The party went on and more food was put out. It was one of the longest parties ever with exception to the harvest festival but that was more of a celebration than a single party. Eventually it was beginning to get dark and Jazmen noticed that people were starting to get tired. Okay every one, may I have your attention please. Everyone went quite and the music stopped. Hmm, that was easy she thought to herself. Now I want to thank you all for coming and looks like everyone had a great time. I also want to thank you all for showing me that I am also part of the most amazing family anyone could ever wish for. It is starting to get dark and I believe you all should start getting ready to head back home soon. Tomorrow is another day and anything can happen in this great land of ours so thanks again and pleasant dreams to you all. They all clapped then started getting ready to go home. Jazmen went over to Alieta and Ginger. How was that? she asked. Very queen like, said Alieta. Safire came over and said nice speech Jazmen. Even better than Alieta's. Well maybe not all of them but better end of party speeches anyways. Okay I am off down stairs again. Word of warning though, never arm wrestle with Alieta, she almost beat me once then off Safire ran. Man she is such a nut, said Jazmen. Yep but she is our nut, said Alieta. The minstrels all packed up and the fairies cleaned everything up. Everyone stopped to say great party and good night to Jazmen. Pippie put Ivy and Sara's normal clothes back on but gave them the two outfits to keep. Tara and Avan went to the woods. Soon everyone was gone and the fairies all went back to the forest. So how about you Jazmen, you keeping that dress. Yep I like it. I have lots of the other outfits at home. Okay then see you tomorrow then, said Alieta. Jazmen then flew home. Okay girls in ya all go. Get ready for bed please, said Alieta. What about Ginger, said Phonixa. Oh she is older than all of you put together. She can stay up as long as she wants, said Alieta. Then they all went into the palace.


All was nice and quite again. Alieta and Ginger sat down on the palace steps. So how did you like the trip we all went on? asked Alieta. I loved it, said Ginger. The elder village was the best though. Yes, they are amazing people in an small village. First place on this continent to have magic coming from it that they know of, said Alieta. I would like to go back and visit that farm though with you, said Ginger. Candy said the three triplets were very nice and so was their brother. Yes we will do that, said Alieta, but not on horse back. I will get Gabriel or better still Apollonia to transport us there. I can fly their in a few minutes but why not take the free ride plus Apollonia may enjoy seeing a farm. Okay I am beat now so I am heading up to bed also, said Ginger. Okay dear. Have a good sleep, said Alieta. Ginger went into the palace. Well that was a very nice time today Alieta thought to herself. Nice and peaceful out here and very quite now. She could hear the water falling from the mountain in the distance. Tiny lights could be see flying by like fire flies but she knew that were really pixies doing there nightly thing everywhere. Well time for me to go to bed. Like Jazmen said, tomorrow is another day. It will be hard to top this one though. Alieta got up and headed up to bed.

The End




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