The Candy Factory Chapter 2


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The Plans Arrive

In the morning Daisy and Jessica got up and had their morning coffee then started to work on the candy orders again. Jazmen got up and came in the kitchen. Going to work? asked Jessica. Nope not today, she said. Too hot out there. Yesterday was way to hot for the winged army. Told them to stay home today but just be on alert in case they are needed. Even flying around didn't help much, said Jazmen. So what are you going to do today? asked Daisy. Probably hang out with you two, she said. Well help us with these orders then, said Jessica. The plans for the building will be here today so we want to get them all ready for delivery before they arrive. Okay, I can do that, said Jazmen. They worked away and soon had the rack completely full. Okay that is full but still got some orders here that won't fit, said Jessica. Well maybe I can get Sally and Fawn to deliver some of these. That will make some room, said Jazmen. Good idea. Go get them please. They always get up early, said Jessica. Okay, said Jazmen and she left. Now lets just go out side and wait to hear from Alieta, said Jessica. It is too hot in this kitchen right now. They both went outside and sat on the two lawn chairs. That's better, said Daisy. You know we will be able to see the building being made from way over here. Yep that is true but I want to be closer to see how they are doing went the get started building, said Jessica. Glad it is not us working on it in this heat. So how long is it going to take to finish it? asked Sally. Not sure but at least a week I figure, said Jessica. That is if they have a bunch of men working on it.

Jazmen got to Sally and Fawn's place and saw that the place looked great. She knocked on the door and Tobias answered it. Hi Tobias, nice to see you. Where is Sally and Fawn? asked Jazmen. Oh maybe still sleeping, said Tobias. I got up a while ago and had some ice cream. Oh, well can I come in? asked Jazmen. Yep, come in. Wow this place has been completely changed. Yep, Lilly did her magic on it, said Tobias. Let me yell for them two sleepy heads. He yelled for the two of them and he heard someone say, okay okay. So fairy magic did all this? asked Jazmen. Yep, just Lilly by herself I think, said Tobias. The two girls came out and saw Jazmen. Hi Jazmen. Sorry, we slept in, said Fawn. Lilly gave us new beds and stuff. It was really hard to get out of such comfortable beds. Jazmen smiled. So, we have some candy orders that need to be delivered, Some for Fae Land and I think two for Cumberland, said Jazmen. Oh good, said Sally. We want to make some more money to decorate this place some. I told them it looks great the way it is but then they told me it was a girl thing, said Tobias. Well it is a girl thing. Us girls love making stuff look pretty. You best get used to that because Ivy loves very pretty things too, said Jazmen. Ya I know, I'm just very new with the girl boy thing right now, said Tobias. Well every body is different so just listen when Ivy talks and you will be able to tell what she likes best, said Jazmen. Okay I will, said Tobias. You should go to the forest where she works soon. It will probably let you in no problem seeing you are a forest sprite and all, said Jazmen. Oh where is it? asked Tobias. Just west of the palace and through the woods. When you get to the wall of trees just touch one and they should open up for you, said Jazmen. Really, the trees will move? Yes, they are all alive with magic, said Jazmen. Just follow the center path to the end. You should be able to fly to the end of the path then do the same with the doorway to the cove. That is where all the work is done. Okay, I think I can remember all of that, said Tobias. I think I will have another bowl of ice cream though before I go. Jazmen smiled. How many bowls have you had of it so far? asked Jazmen. Just one, said Tobias. Okay just pace your self. Too much of a good thing is not good for you, said Jazmen. Okay we are ready to go, said Fawn. See you later Tobias and off the three of them went.

Jessica could see Alieta and the architect coming so they both got up and met them half way. Good morning Alieta and Josh, said Jessica. Now I see you have marked out the spot where the building is going, said Josh. Yep, and Misty found water near by also so they built a well, said Daisy. Okay good, That will save a bunch of work, said Josh. Now have a look at these plans and tell me if there needs to be any changes. Okay, said Jessica. They got down on the ground and he spread out the plans. Well it seems to look good, said Jessica. Just then Misty and Tulip flew over. Hi everyone. Misty told me the plans would arrive today, said Tulip. Yep they are right here, said Daisy. Can I see too? asked Tulip. Ya sure, said Jessica. Hmm, looks like mostly wood, what is that on the bottom? asked Tulip. Oh that is cement, said Josh. Same stuff used making town roads, just a finer grade. Oh, I don't know anything about cement, said Tulip but we can help with the wood part, said Tulip. Really how, asked Alieta. Well we can make wood with our wands. Lots of it too. Us two can make all the pieces just like it shows in the drawings then put them together as shown in this drawing. Yep but you should nail it together more to make it is stronger, said Misty. We have magic in the forest to make things stay together there, not much out here. Well yes we were going to first make all the frame work after the cement floor drys then nail up all the wood planks, said Josh. Well we can't build it, said Tulip. Sure would save a lot of time and work unless your men like working in this hot weather. Well we have a big crew coming today to first pour the cement then after a few hours we can start building the first floor, said Josh. Okay, we can make the walls and roof plus everything else, said Tulip. Your men will just have to nail it all together better, said Tulip. So you don't use hammers, saws and nails? asked Josh. Nope, we use our wands to do everything, said Misty. You won't need to cut anything. Just nail it all together, said Tulip. Wow, that would save you a ton of money Alieta, said Josh. Must be great having fairies working for you. Oh they don't work for me. They just do things like this for fun, said Alieta. Okay then, said Josh. What do you need to start working on this? Let us two look at those plans again then we will get started, said Tulip. Josh handed them the plans. When the cement gets here I will send someone back to tell them that we won't be needing the wood, and so many men, said Josh. So this will be fun for you two then? asked Josh. Yep, especially with it being a candy factory, we love candy, said Tulip.

Okay so here is my plan for the first floor walls and second floor support beams, said Tulip. We will make the wood for each wall where it is to be built. The door openings will be placed at the back for what ever this is. Oh that is the loading dock, said Jessica. Oh okay, said Tulip. Now will the cement be dry enough to walk on? asked Tulip. Yes it is fast drying cement and ready in three to four hours, said Josh. Okay good. Then we can make the wood for the stairs and ramp inside plus that other big wall inside with the two big doorways on it, said Tulip. Wow, you really got this all figured out and very fast too, said Josh. Yep, us fairies can be nutty but really smart too, said Tulip with a smile. So, Alieta, just call Pippa to get us when the cement part is done then we will come back and get started, said Tulip. Okay, said Alieta. Then Tulip and Misty flew off. Well those two seem to know what they are doing, said Josh. Well Tulip is the youngest but the best with plans and Misty is older and has the more experience plus she can find water underground somehow, said Alieta. Sounds like them two can do more than my entire crew can do, said Josh. Well they are fairies, said Alieta. Yes, of coarse, said Josh. Now how are you getting the water inside? Well that we will figure out when the building is almost done, said Jessica but we will just bring it in with buckets as we need it but we still need to fill the two water containers on the roof. You know, I think this is going to be the most fun and fastest building we have ever made. Yep, we all like having fun, said Daisy. Hey look here comes Jazmen. Hello everyone, said Jazmen. How is everything going? Perfect, said Jessica. Tulip and Misty just saved us a ton of money by making all the wood for us. Really, well if they are doing anything like what Lilly did to Fawn and Sally's place then it will be amazing. Alieta smiled. Looks better now? she asked. Better, it is like a bran new home fully furnished and not with cheap stuff either. Tobias didn't seem too excited about it but I suppose that is because he has never lived in a house before. I told him to head to the forest and see what Ivy does for a living. Do you think he should go unannounced? Ya sure why not, said Alieta. Ivy will probably love showing him around and Sara seems to like him too. Good, that is what I was hoping, said Jazmen. Oh by the way. Fawn and Sally are spending the first half of the day delivering orders then they want to know if they can use your hot tub. Jessica smiled. Sure why not. They will need it after all that flying. They best not light a fire under it though. Too hot today for that, said Jessica. Ya they both said that too, said Jazmen. So I am guessing that the winged army are taking a break today, said Alieta. Ya but they are all on alert in case needed, said Jazmen. Good enough, said Alieta. Look here comes the cement wagons, said Josh. Wow there are a lot of them, said Alieta. Well it is a very big place, but they probably brought extra to make sure they don't fall short. Yep always best to have too much than not enough I always say, said Jessica. Another one of your saying? asked Daisy. Yep sure is, said Jessica. She has a whole bunch of saying she lives by and they all make sense, said Jazmen.



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