The Candy Factory Chapter 7


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The Picnic

Ivy brought everyone to the shady spot where she took Tobias when they first met. Tabitha set up the blanket and took out all the goodies she had in the packs on the horse. The umbrella was set up too that she gave Sara to carry plus the basket with food in it. Everyone got comfortable and started to eat some snacks. So Tobias, you must have some stories to tell us when you were back home, said Tabitha. Well not too many, said Tobias. Mostly we played with the pixies. They always wanted to play. My parents used to gather a bunch of us together and tell stories of their adventures before Alieta became queen then a bit longer. So tell us why your parents didn't stay in Fae Land when Alieta became queen, said Tabitha. Ya that would be interesting to hear, said Sara. Okay well after the coronation they did stick around for a bit but after seeing how happy Alieta was being in control of such a big country they wanted to see if they could have the same, said Tobias. I think it was my mom that wanted to do that. Back then the feeling of magic wasn't that strong in Fae Land so she set out to start fresh with my dad and three other friends. So where did they start to build? asked Tabitha. Well they didn't at least not at first. They found a nice small forest that wasn't too far from a town. There were lots of pixies in it and made friends with them all. One day the five of them went flying around to check out the area when they saw a bunch of creatures attacking a town. Five, I am guessing two were your mother and father but who were the other three? asked Tabitha. Oh, Rasta, Meri and Soni, they used to fight with Alieta too, said Tobias. Mom said they grew up together when they were very young. Anyways they killed all the creatures and the head of the town paid them with gold. After a while news got out that there was five sprites and were amazing archers saved the town so when ever more creatures showed up attacking other places people came to them asking for help. Back before I was born lots of evil creatures were around I was told so they were very busy and soon had lots of reward money. So are they still in that forest? asked Kiki. Well yes and no, said Tobias. Once I was grown up they would leave for a few days then come back but they kept it a secret to what they were doing. But that is jumping way ahead. Oh sorry, said Kiki. Now things were going great for them for a long time and got to be known as the amazing five but when my mom got pregnant with me my dad made her stay in the forest out of danger. Then after a while he stopped defending towns also though he said not much bad was happening anymore. Once I was born the two of them raised me and taught me lots of things but they had limited knowledge about forest sprites so that is when the pixies helped. They know all kinds of stuff you know about everything.

When ever they got back to the forest they showed the pixies the reward money so they took it and hid it for them where no one could find it. They trusted the pixies that much? asked Tabitha. Well you don't steal from sprites that just killed one hundred creatures, said Tobias with a smile. Besides pixies have no need for money. Oh ya of coarse, said Tabitha. Now that things were very peaceful it was then that my Mom and Dad decided it was time to build a new home. The other three sprites still went out sometimes to make sure things were okay but I think my Mom was now in charge of all the money they all acquired. So where did they build the new home, asked Ivy. I don't know, said Tobias, all I know is what a couple of pixies told me. They said that they found a nice place not too far away that had a fair size woods growing plus had some pixies living in it. I never heard anything else about it but knew they were doing something important when they left me with the pixies for long periods of time. Even now I don't know what they may of built. Maybe Ivy can ask my Mom when she gets here tomorrow or the next day. What, your mother is coming here tomorrow? asked Ivy. Or the day after, said Tobias. Mom said that if Fawn didn't come back in two days with me then she knew all was good and she would come and see the girl that Fawn told her about. Oh boy, now I am nervous. What if she doesn't like me? said Ivy. Impossible Ivy, everyone loves you, said Sara. Well you never know, she was a warrior and might be expecting someone that can fight, said Ivy. Nope she won't, said Tobias. She knows you are a forest sprite like me and we don't fight. It is against our nature. Oh okay, but I am still a bit nervous, said Ivy. You know we best let Alieta know she is coming too. She will be excited to see her again, said Ivy. You bet, said Tabitha, I can see another party happening soon! They all laughed except for Ivy that still looked a bit worried.


Alieta and Ginger got to the palace grounds first. Then everyone that was in the east woods came over. Nice and cool in the woods, said Zan. We just goofed around with some of the pixies there. Next came the bunch from the construction site followed by the picnic crew. Tulip said that the rest of the fairies will be out soon along with Phonixa and Repellia that were in the pool. That is when we will make supper for everyone. Okay sounds good, said Alieta. Lets go sit on the steps Ginger and wait for them. Okay, sounds good, said Ginger. Ivy saw the two of them on the steps and figured that she better go and tell Alieta about Tobias's mother. You all stay here, said Ivy. Ivy walked over and sat down beside Alieta. Hello Ivy, what is going on? asked Alieta. Ginger was surprised to see Ivy sit down on the steps beside Alieta. She had never done that before. Well I think it is good news for you, said Ivy. Oh okay, I like good news, said Alieta. Well I just found out that Tobias's mother will be coming here real soon. What, Samantha is coming to Fae Land after all these years. So how soon is real soon? asked Alieta. Well maybe tomorrow or the next day Tobias told me. So did he say why she is coming? asked Alieta. Yep, to meet me seeing Fawn didn't bring Tobias home after two days and probably to see you, said Ivy. She may have something interesting to tell you. What do you mean? asked Alieta. Well Tabitha asked Tobias to tell us some of the stories that his parents told him while he was growing up and in one of those stories he said that three other sprites left here together and over time they got to be known as the amazing five or something like that and fought off creatures attacking towns. Oh that sounds like them for sure, said Alieta. Well they got lots of reward money for their work and Tobias is not sure but a pixie did tell him that the five of them were making a new home with a wooded area in it that had pixies living there and they wanted it to be nice enough that other people would move there and live. My goodness, said Alieta and stood up. It sounds like they are building their own empire. Samantha was always the type that got what she wanted no matter how long it took. So do you know where this place might be? asked Alieta. Nope, said Ivy. Can't be that far though. Tobias said it was not too far from the forest he lived in and he said that his forest wasn't that far from Fae Land. I am a bit nervous to meet her but everyone told me not to worry. Well of coarse Ivy, you are very pretty and amazing. She will love you. I must get things ready for her, said Alieta. Such an old friend needs to be treated properly. Maybe a small party would be in order. Ivy smiled. Tabitha figured you would have a party, said Ivy. Well not a big one just us here at the palace, said Alieta. Ginger can you help me with that please. You bet I can, said Ginger. I remember her too you know. Oh yes. You were always by my side before I became queen. So Ginger used to fight with you? asked Ivy. Goodness no, said Alieta. She was not the fighting type plus I would never put her life in danger. She was too good of a friend even way back then. Alieta sat back down and had a big smile on her face. You know I see why you like sitting here and talking to people. It is kind of nice having them talk down to you while you are sitting and relaxing. Alieta elbowed Ivy. Ouch that hurt, said Ivy. That is not why we sit here plus Ginger elbows me all the time so welcome to the palace steps crew, said Alieta. Okay, said Ivy, why do you two sit here then. It is the best place to watch everyone, said Ginger plus we can talk without anyone hearing us. Oh okay, said Ivy then they all stared out looking at everyone waiting for supper.

The End



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