The Candy Factory Chapter 6


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Lilly Finishes Off The Candy Factory

Gabriel, Alieta and Ginger got to the construction site and saw Jessica with Daisy and Jazmen sitting reading some books. Here comes Alieta and Ginger, said Jazmen and looks like Gabriel is with them. Really the angel Gabriel, both Jessica and Daisy, said together. Yes, that would be her, said Jazmen. Jessica and Daisy stood up. Hello all. I see things are going well here, said Gabriel. Hi Gabriel, nice to meet you, said Jessica. Me too, said Daisy. Here Gabriel sit in my chair. I can stand now, said Daisy. Well thank you Daisy, I am not used to all this walking. Here sit in my chair Alieta. We can sit on the grass, said Jessica. Yep the cool grass helps to keep the body cool, said Ginger. Everyone got comfortable then Gabriel, said. "I love watching strong men working". Really, but you are an angel, said Daisy. Ya so, I am a girl too you know, said Gabriel with a smile. Misty came back with Lilly and saw everyone watching the work being done. Hi Gabriel. Here to watch the show? asked Misty. Yes, can't see too much right now though, said Gabriel. Well you will soon, said Misty. Lilly is going to finish off the outside of the walls. She is the best at that. So Lilly what do you think. Just a good coat of paint and some doors and windows? asked Misty. Nope, a lot better than that, said Lilly. I will fix it she said then flew off. Misty smiled. I knew she would say that. Okay I have to go back inside and help Tulip, said Misty. Lilly flew around the building slowly first then made her wand appear. I love this part, said Gabriel. Lilly first started adding windows on the first and second floor. Then added a door to where the kitchen will be and the dock doors plus another door going into the warehouse. Then she started at the bottom and slowly began to fly around the building making the outdoor brick work. Each time she passed everyone she went up a bit higher. In about ten minutes all the walls were finished but Lilly could not be seen. Lilly was at the front of the building and was not happy with that side. What if I make it like a store front. That way the village here and the palace gang won't have far to go to get candy, thought Lilly to her self. Plus us fairies too! She changed the front brick work to a much lighter plaster then made the front windows look more store like. Added a couple of signs then some wood plank designs. Now she figured it looked much better.

Lilly flew around to everyone that seemed to be wondering where she went. Okay, I think I am done with the outside, said Lilly. I did how ever change the plans some in the front so come and look at it and see if it is okay. They all walked around to the front and saw an amazing change and it now looked like a store. A very big store but still a store. This looks amazing, said Jessica. You gave it a store front. Yep, that was my plan. Why not sell candies here too to all of us. That way people don't have to go to town all the time just to get a box of candy, said Lilly. Perfect thinking, said Jessica, that was what I was thinking also. Yes I agree, said Gabriel. A factory and a store combined, very clever. Now I need need to go inside to help in there next. Well this has been fun all but I have to get back to work, said Gabriel. Keep up the great work. Then she disappeared. Josh came out and said all is going super fast so you best figure out how many ice boxes you need and shelving units. I will suggest you get a few small wagons also to make it easier to transport the boxes of candy around inside. Okay I figure we will need six ice boxes in total. Three upstairs and three in the kitchen, said Jessica. I have a couple more shelving units in storage so I will order more as needed. Okay good. I will order the ice boxes when I get back then. They should be here tomorrow some time. You will have to be here when they arrive to show them where you want them. So Lilly did all of this to the outside? Yes she did, She did a great job don't you think, said Jessica. Oh yes, said Josh. Fastest building I have ever seen built!

Lilly finished doing all the work inside and the workers had all the floor planks nailed down that Tulip and Misty made for them. The roof was all done also. The workers told Lilly it was the easiest roof they every installed on such a big building with the help of the fairies. Josh came back out and said that just a few things needed to be done but all looks great so far. Just an inspection of all the doors, windows and other structures were now being done. Once I get back to Cumberland I will also contact the cabinet makers that did all the work on the homes in Fae Land. I will make sure they come tomorrow also. Once the kitchen is finished then I suppose the water part will be next. I can have two wagons come tomorrow also so they can pump the water up to those tanks on the roof. I am done for the day so have a look inside and see all the magic that was done. That is the best way I can explain it, said Josh. They all went inside and saw the inspection going on. This is perfect, said Jessica. Just like I imagined. Good size warehouse and very big kitchen space also. Look over there is a washroom so I think there is supposed to be another one upstairs. Probably right above this one from the looks of those pipes. If you are happy then I am happy, said Alieta. Well it has been a long day so we best be getting back to the palace. It will be supper time soon. Good thing Daisy made us all some sandwiches for lunch or I would be famished right now. Daisy smiled. Anytime Alieta, she said. Okay lets go Ginger. What ever everyone decided to do today, they will all be back soon, said Alieta. Both Alieta and Ginger left the building and headed back to the palace grounds.

So do you like? asked Tulip. You bet, said Jessica. I have to thank you three for helping and doing such a great job. So here are your keys to the place, said Lilly. I made three of them but one key will open any door. I figured Daisy and Jazmen should have a key also. Always best to have extra keys. So lets all head to the palace. I am very hungry, said Tulip. Yep us too, said Lilly and Misty. Okay, said Jessica. I will check on Sally and Fawn first and see if they are still in the hot tub, then I will meet you there. Okay see ya and off they all flew. Jessica headed back home and found Sally and Fawn both sitting on the chairs reading Alieta's books. Hi you two. I see you both found the books that Alieta wrote. Yes they have amazing stories in them. Are these all true stories? asked Fawn. Yes they are, said Jessica. Wow they are really brave. I can't imagine doing anything like these heroes did, said Sally. Well that is why they are called heroes, said Jessica. So I am heading over to the palace for supper. The candy factory is almost done thanks to three fairies. Should be up and running very soon. So if you want to join us you both are welcome. No I think we will eat at home today, said Fawn. Got lots of food now to pick from. Okay see you two tomorrow then, and off Jessica flew. Both Sally and Fawn went back to reading their book.




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