The Candy Factory Chapter 3


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Tobias In The Fairy Forest

Tobias flew over to the woods and followed Jazmen's instructions of how to reach the forest entrance. Okay this must be the place he thought to himself. Those trees are very close together. Now she said just reach out and touch one. Okay lets try that first. Tobias grabbed one of the trees branches then magically the trees opened very wide for him. Wow, she was right. Magical moving trees. He walked in and the trees closed behind him. Okay now she said go along the middle path and something about being able to fly in here. As soon as he said that the trees opened up far ahead of him. Wow they can hear me too. Okay lets try this out. Tobias took flight and was moving pretty fast. He could see the trees were opening up well ahead of him. He kept on going and saw that he was going pretty deep into the forest. How big is this forest? he wondered. After a bit longer he saw the trees stopped opening up ahead of him so he slowed down until he reached what must of be the door into what Jazmen called the cove. He did the same as before but before he could touch a tree branch the tree beside him extended a branch to him. Now this is different he said to himself. I suppose I should shake the branch like a hand. He did that and the tree all of a sudden felt very happy to Tobias. He talked to it in old elven and said he was here to see Ivy. The entrance to the cove immediately opened for him. He walked in and the entrance closed behind him.

Wow, look at this place. Just amazing, he said. Now I get it about how girls like pretty things. This place is spectacularly pretty. He saw Ivy off to the side looking down at something but Sara spotted him and waved. Tulip was flying around above the big pool and saw him too and flew over to him. Hello Tobias. Welcome to the cove. Hope your trip through the forest didn't take too long, said Tulip. Well it did take a while to get here but I was able to fly. How big is this forest? asked Tobias. Oh lets see. The path to the cove I think is about three miles. The cove is in the middle of the forest so that would make the forest about six miles long. It is a bit smaller width wise so about five miles wide. So that would make the entire forest about one hundred and twenty square miles, said Tulip. I am feeling an intense presence of magic or something in here that I have never felt before. Yep that is magic from the pool, said Tulip. This is the source of all the magic for the forest. Though it just went up some since you entered the cove. Why would that be? asked Tobias. Probably because the cove or the entire forest has never had a male forest sprite in here before. You must be very strong inside to have this effect on the cove, said Tulip. Ivy, your pretty boyfriend is here, said Sara. Ivy looked quickly then said go keep him company while I finish this. Can't stop now but look at this, every green spot just got a lot brighter. Yep a pretty boy forest sprite just came in, said Sara with a smile. Okay I get it you think he is pretty. Okay I will fly over and keep him company, said Sara. Sara flew over and welcomed Tobias. Did you see anything odd on the overviewer before you flew over here? asked Tulip. Yep, everything is a lot greener, said Sara. Amazing, said Tulip then flew over to Ivy. So this is where us two work, said Sara. Pretty cool place isn't it. You bet, said Tobias. So what are they doing over there? asked Tobias. Oh Ivy is working the magic with the overviewer. She can control it better than anyone. There is a bit of a problem in one of the areas of the forest so she is fixing it, said Sara. Looks like she will be busy for a bit longer. Hey Sara, can you two get in the pool and walk about half way to the center please? asked Tulip. Okay, lets go. The water isn't that deep, said Sara. They got in the pool and walked forward. Okay stop there please yelled Tulip. Don't want to blow a fuse she said with a smile. Ivy looked at Tulip and said, "There that has got it. Fixed in a fraction of the time it normally takes". So will it stay that way when he gets out of the water? asked Tulip. Yep, the magic wasn't the problem, it was the link to it. That is what I was repairing. Now it is perfect again, said Ivy. Okay you two, you can get out of the water now, said Tulip.

Okay Ivy your work is done now thanks to him. Go have some fun now. I have to stay here with Misty until Pippa comes to get me. We are helping with Jessica's candy building, said Tulip. Okay I will show him around first, said Ivy then flew over to them. Hi Tobias, how was your night. Very good, said Tobias. Lilly did her thing and fixed the house. Mother Nature was right, a bed is much better than branches, said Tobias. Good, Lilly is the best at fixing things, said Ivy. Let me show you some more of the Forest. Okay, said Tobias. Can I come too? asked Sara, Yep, you sure can, said Ivy. So the waterfall area is off bounds right now because of unknown problems so lets check out the pool first then the sauna, said Ivy. Okay, said Tobias. They went through the right archway way and headed down to the pool. Once inside Tobias was surprised to see that much water locked up inside a forest. It is like a small lake, said Tobias. Ya sort of, said Ivy. The water is constantly being replenished so it is always fresh like a lake, said Ivy. It will probably get busy in here later today with most of the palace gang. Me too probably, the water feels great, said Sara. It is hot out there and I have never been swimming in here yet either. Pools are a lot of fun, said Ivy. You will see, I will take you swimming soon. Plus the water is a bit magical so it is good for the skin also. Okay now lets go see the sauna. It won't be busy today at all because it heats up in there to make you sweat that cleans out the pores but is very relaxing too. I go in there sometimes to just lay and think, said Ivy.

They headed down the path to the sauna and went in. I like this too and it smells really nice in here, said Tobias. That is all the scented candles that do that, said Ivy. Now I can always turn off or on the heat over there by the heater but I have it turned off at the cove right now, said Ivy. You can get quite a few people in here, said Tobias. Yep, the more the merrier, said Ivy. One shouldn't stay in her too long though when the heat is on because you get very sweaty then you have to go to the pool to cool off. Now in the other side of the forest is the outdoor eatery and spa. I go to the eatery a lot to take a break and have some ice cream, said Ivy. Oh I had two bowls already this morning, said Tobias. Jazmen told me that I should wait a bit before eating any more right now. Ivy smiled. Ya two bowls is a lot for in the morning, said Ivy. Okay then lets go out and see what the palace gang is doing, said Ivy. But I just got comfortable, said Sara. Come on silly, you are just showing off, said Ivy. Showing off what? asked Sara. Never mind, you can come in here any time you want but lets go outside now. Okay, both Sara and Tobias said. They headed out of the sauna then went to the forest exit then flew over to the palace.



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