The Candy Factory Chapter 5


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Back At The Palace

Ivy, Sara and Tobias showed up at the palace grounds and saw that everyone looked like they were making plans for the day. Lets go talk to Alieta and Ginger first, said Ivy. They are in their regular spot. They walked over to the two of them and said hi. Well hello Ivy, you are out here very early today, said Alieta. Didn't you two go to the cove this morning? Yep we were there already but because of Tobias here we finished early, said Ivy. Really, what did Tobias do? Well not much, said Ivy. He just showed up in the cove. Seems that the forest really likes him. Well yes the forest should with him being a forest sprite but how did that matter? asked Alieta. Well Tulip told Sara and Tobias to walk in the pool and the entire overviewer screen lit up nice and bright. Then I was then able to make the repairs very fast with all that extra magic around. When done Tulip told them to get out of the pool then the overviewer went almost back to normal but still was brighter than usual. So Tulip said I was done for the day seeing Misty and her were helping with the candy building today and had to wait for Pippa so she would keep an eye on things for now. So we came here to see what was going on after Sara and I took Tobias for a quick tour of the forest. Alieta smiled. Well I am glad to hear you got everything fixed, said Alieta. Yep all fixed so what is everyone planning on doing today? asked Ivy. Well the group over there are probably figuring out that now, said Ginger. I want to see the new candy building in a bit. Alieta told me that Tulip and Misty were working on it and it was close to being finished. That could be fun I guess, said Ivy. I know that Sara is not really interested in watching stuff like that though, said Ivy. Oh by the way we are sisters now!

Sisters, what do you mean? asked Alieta. Well you know what sisters are, said Ivy. We tried to become blood sisters first though, said Ivy. You actually cut yourselves? asked Alieta. Yep but just a small prick on our thumb. I read about how to do it in a book, said Ivy. Alieta smiled. Well dear, you shouldn't believe everything you read. You can get an infection doing that, said Alieta. Ya that is what Gabriel told us too, said Ivy. Gabriel was there too? asked Alieta looking surprised. Well she showed up when I said something about blessing, said Ivy. You know her, she is attracted to that word. Ginger started to giggle. She told us that what we just did would not work so she fixed it for us, said Ivy. And how did she fix it may I ask, said Alieta. Oh she put both of our bloody thumbs together then squeezed hard and made my blood go into Sara and her blood go in to me, said Ivy. She then said that we were now real blood sisters. She also blessed us while she was doing it. Oh, okay. I suppose that would make you blood sisters, said Alieta but not real sisters like Phonixa and Repellia. I guess, said Ivy. But she did say that in Gods eyes and her eyes we were real sisters now. Never heard of anything like that before, said Alieta. And you probably will never hear about it again, said Gabriel that just appeared out of nowhere once again. Oh hi Gabriel, Alieta seems to think we can not be real sisters, said Ivy. Well of coarse she can't, said Gabriel. She doesn't know the ways of the heavens. So you are saying that they are real sisters now? asked Alieta. Well think about it, said Gabriel. Sara was created in heaven and has no real parents and she has the same blood type as Ivy. Ivy has no parents now and I merged their blood together but really wasn't necessary but seeing they share the same blood anyways there was no danger. They are both very pretty and smart forest sprites with the same generic codes and same blood. They have been blessed as sisters so they are sisters now. Even your doctor will say they are sisters with a blood sample. Sara smiled. Yep we feel more like sisters now, said Sara. My God, said Alieta, that is amazing. Ivy said she wished she had a real sister so we gave her one, said Gabriel. It is as simple as that. They are still the same girls though. Just a bit closer than they were before, said Gabriel. Well I always looked at the two of them as sisters at least the closest thing to it, said Ginger. Good for you Ginger. I am pretty sure everyone will see them as sisters now, said Gabriel. Now when Sara gets a boyfriend which will be some time from now of coarse, she will be able to introduce Ivy to him as her sister. Yep, sisters for ever, said Ivy. Alieta smiled. Well if you say they are sisters then so be it, said Alieta. Now while I am here I want to go visit that candy factory that is being built. When it is done I want to bless it for Jessica. She is a lot happier now because of you, said Gabriel. Ya it seems that way, said Alieta. Really nice and smart girl. Okay Ginger wants to see it too so lets all go together and no cheating Gabriel. No transporting. Gabriel smiled, Okay dear.

The three of them walked off together to the construction site that really wasn't that far away. Lets go see what everyone else has decided to do today, said Ivy. Okay they both said. They walked over and it seemed like they were still undecided as to what to do yet. Hi everyone, What's up? asked Ivy. Hi Ivy, we are still thinking of the best way to stay cool today, said Tabitha. What were you three talking about over there with Alieta, Ginger and Gabriel? asked Zan. Oh about how Gabriel made us real sisters, said Ivy. Oh, I thought you two were sisters, said Zan. Us too, said Tara and Avan. Well we are sisters now but don't ask us how it happened because it is a long story but we are now inside and out, said Ivy. Okay they all said. We are all sort of sisters here anyways, said Phonixa. Except for Tobias that is. Tobias smiled. Interesting family you have here Ivy, said Tobias. Yep they are the best, said Ivy. So you got any ideas on how we could stay cool today? asked Tabitha. Well either Sandy Lake or the pool in the forest is all I got, said Ivy. Ya we thought of that too but done both of them already this week, said Tabitha. What about the new Pixie Forest? asked Tara. Well that is more for family picnics and intimate couples, said Ivy. Well we can always find a nice shady area to have a picnic too, said Sara. Ya maybe, said Tabitha, best idea yet. What about you Kiki, what do you all do for fun on a hot day back home? Well not much said Kiki. We usually just stay in the woods where it is nice and cool and shady. A picnic sounds fun though. Well we are going in the east woods, said Tara. It is always nice and cool in there. Ya me too, said Zan. Well swimming at the pool sounds good to us two, said Phonixa. I think I will go where ever Ivy and her sister goes, said Tabitha with a smile. Okay then everyone is going to do something different today, said Ivy. Tabitha go get some picnic food from the palace kitchen then get your horse and we will leave together. I know a great shady place to go. Okay everyone, see you all back here at supper time, said Tabitha and everyone went in different directions.



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