The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

The Candy Factory Chapter 1


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At the palace things had calmed down considerably and it was going to be getting dark soon. Everyone said their goodnights to Ivy and Tobias and started getting ready to go their separate ways. Alieta asked Ivy and Tobias if they were going home soon or staying up later to talk some more. Ivy said she had work to do in the morning and Tobias said he better get going back to Sally and Fawn's place soon. He didn't want to get Fawn mad at him. Carmen and Zatsuky finished their tour of the Pixie Forest with Roseberry and saw it was getting late so they headed off home. Viridian and Sara were going to stay up and wait for Ivy to get home and talk some but then Viridian decided not to because she was getting tired. There will lots of time to talk another time, said Viridian. Well I am waiting up for Ivy, said Sara. Okay, I am going to bed, said Viridian. Alexa got home and told both Diego and Titus that Ivy has a boyfriend now and he seems to be a standup guy. They both were surprised at first but then Titus said, "Well she is the prettiest girl around, it was bound to happen eventually". Soon it was getting dark and everyone went into the palace and Alieta got an elf to show Kikki and Mace the room they were going to be staying in for the duration of their stay. At Jazmen's place the three of them had some supper then talked a bit in the livingroom about the next day when the plans for the new candy building will be ready. Well we can get these three new orders ready and put them on the rack then wait to hear from Alieta about the designer and the plans, said Jessica. Another day was about to come to a close so Alieta and Ginger went and sat on the palace steps as usual to wait for nightfall and enjoy the peace and quiet plus the sparkle of pixies flying around...

At Night In Two Homes

Ivy and Tobias walked over to Alieta and Ginger sitting on the steps. So here you two are again, said Ivy. Yes we both love this time of day when all gets quite and peaceful, said Alieta. Today was a very busy day for both of us, said Ivy so we will be heading home now. Yes very busy but exciting too for all of us, said Alieta. Okay goodnight said Ivy then flew off. Well I got to go also, said Tobias. So what did you think of our Ivy? asked Alieta. Well she is very beautiful and speaks her mind easily. She made me feel very welcomed to be here and even though we just met she spoke to me like a friend. She is a very special girl, and I am glad my mother made me come here with Fawn to meet her. You know your mother Samantha along with Dallas were amazing warriors but decided to go out on their own after the war was over, said Alieta. Thing is there were three more sprites that I lost track of also. Who were they? asked Ginger. Rasta, Merri and Soni, the six of us practically grew up together in the elder village, said Alieta. I wonder what ever happened to them after the war. I know them some, said Tobias. They used to sit with me when I was younger and play. I don't see them much anymore. Well I did hear rumors of a small group of sprite that people call the amazing five, said Ginger. Where did you hear that, I never heard anything about them? asked Alieta. I have my contacts, just ask Pippa, said Ginger. She knows everything that goes on around here. Well I know nothing about an amazing five, said Tobias. So you said your forest isn't that far from here? asked Alieta. Yep only an hour away but we flew at full speed so we could get here faster, said Tobias. Now that I am older Mom and Dad go away a lot more. They don't tell me what they are doing but the pixies were always fun to play with. Tobias looked around and saw it was getting darker out.


So Tobias, are you sure you know your way back to Sally and Fawn's place? asked Alieta. Yep, no problem, said Tobias. So long as it doesn't get too dark. I used to try catching pixies when they were very small at night but that was impossible. Forest sprites have good eyesight but not so good in the dark. Alieta laughed. Yes I could see how hard it would be to catch a pixie, especially at night, said Alieta. Look see there some go now, said Alieta. They are fast even when they are not being chased. Tobias smiled. Okay thanks for welcoming me Alieta and Ginger. I will see you both soon but now it is time to go home, at least that is what I think of it for now, said Tobias. Well it is your home now, said Alieta and it will be a much nicer home now after Lilly did here magic touch to the place. Tobias smiled again. Fairies are so cool, he said then flew off. Well Ginger, there goes one happy man, said Alieta. Yep he sure does look happy, said Ginger. What guy wouldn't be happy getting to be with the prettiest girl in the land. Yes that is true, said Alieta. It will be nice having a couple new guys around though. Mace seems really nice too. Ya why is there so few guys in Fae Land? asked Ginger. Well mostly because the elves and sprites rarely give birth to a baby boy, said Alieta. Some type of generic thing I was told by Gabriel but most got killed during the great war as you know. Though I have noticed that even the human families are producing less male babies now. Why are you interested in getting a man now? Not really but it would nice to be able to date sometimes, said Ginger. I have never had a guy buy me dinner in a nice eatery or any eatery for that matter. Well I can set you up with Lucifer if you would like, said Alieta with a smile. I think I will pass on that, but thanks anyways, said Ginger.


Ivy got home and saw Viridian had already gone to bed and Sara was sleeping with her head on the kitchen table. Ivy smiled. She looks so sweet when she is sleeping, she thought to herself. Better wake her though. Sara, wake up, bed time, said Ivy quietly. What, said Sara then saw she had fallen asleep. Oh my, she said. Sorry, didn't mean to fall asleep. I was just waiting for you to come home, said Sara. Ivy sat down with her. You know I was just fine, said Ivy. I was just at the palace. I know, that is not it, said Sara. I just like going to bed knowing you are home and going to sleep also. Ya I feel the same too, said Ivy. It is like we are connected or something, said Ivy. Stay here, let's look at my orb together before going to bed okay? Sure that would be fun, said Sara. Ivy went got the orb that Merlin gave her and placed it on the table between the two of them. Okay lets start at the beginning, said Ivy. Ivy and Sara took turns changing the image with their hands. Sara could see how happy and what a wonderful life she had when she was young. It showed her parents and some of Ivy's friends. She especially like the scene when Ivy was learning how to fly. She ended up on her face more than once. Sara looked up at Ivy and said, You were so fun to be with even back then. Ivy noticed that Sara had tears running down her face. I have never seen you cry before, said Ivy and wiped the tears off her cheeks. Sara smiled. Thought I couldn't cry, said Sara. This is the first time. You know, instead of you being one of my best friend as you said I have lots of, I want you to be my sister. I don't have one of them, said Ivy. Sara smiled big time. Really! That would be the best. We already act like sisters, said Sara. Yep we do now let's make it offical. Ivy got a small pointy knife out of the draw then pricked her thumb with it. What are you doing Ivy? asked Sara. Here you do the same to your thumb. It don't hurt much. This will make us blood sisters, said Ivy. Okay, said Sara and did the same as Ivy. Ivy then put her thumb to Sara's and pushed hard against it and held it there for a few moments. There that should do it, said Ivy. Kinda like Gabriel blessing us.

Just then Gabriel appeared. Not quite Ivy but good try, said Gabriel. Oh hi Gabriel we were just trying something I learned in a book, said Ivy. Yes I see that, said Gabriel. Let me see your thumbs please. Both girls showed the blood on their thumbs. Gabriel smiled then put both their thumbs back together again and held them tight then said something quietly to herself. There that is better now, said Gabriel. Both Ivy and Sara looked at their thumbs and no blood or cut could be seen anymore. You cleaned our thumbs, said Sara. Well no not really, said Gabriel. The way you did the blood sister thing won't work when both of your thumbs are bleeding out. I just made the mixed blood go back inside of both of you. Now you both have each other's blood inside of you. True blood sisters now, said Gabriel but that really wasn't necessary. Plus I blessed the union so even better. They both looked at each other and smiled. So we are sisters now. Well in mine and God's eyes you always have been, said Gabriel. Now off to bed you two, it is late now. Okay Gabriel, thanks, said both of them, Oh by the way, Tobias is a wonderful boy, said Gabriel. You two were made for each other. One day Sara here will meet a wonderful boy too but she has to grow up more yet. There are more surprises for her too coming soon anyways. Good night then Gabriel disappeared. I hope they are good surprises, said Sara. They will be if Gabriel has anything to do with it, said Ivy.

Tobias got home and notice the place outside look really nice and had chairs plus gardens now. He touched he outside of the house and it was nice and smooth. He went inside and saw both Sally and Fawn stretched out on the two couches. Hi Tobias, like the new stuff we got? asked Fawn. Well Alieta did tell me that Lilly did her thing on this palace. I really like Lilly's thing, that is for sure, said Tobias. They both giggled. Fawn moved over to the couch Sally was on and said this one is yours we are guessing because it is green, said Fawn. Tobias walked over and laid on his side. Wow, this feels really good, he said. Yep they are both perfect, said Sally. Now all we have to do is decorate the room a bit. Seeing Lilly stocked our ice box and pantry for us the money I got from delivering candies can go towards that instead, said Sally. Looks good just like this, said Tobias. Well we are girls and we like pretty things, said Fawn. Ya I know girls like that kind of stuff. It is okay with me. Pretty things are good to me also I suppose. Ya like that girlfriend you got now. It don't get any prettier than her, said Sally. Tobias smiled. So what else did Lilly do? asked Tobias. Well she did her magic on our bathroom. It looks way better now, said Sally. Plus she gave us two a wonderful bedroom with all new stuff except once we transferred the clothes from the old dresser to the new ones so you have to take the old one out back for us please. Okay I can do that in the morning, said Tobias. For you, Lilly created a whole new room just for you with a nice bed and furniture. Looks really good for a male forest sprite, said Sally. Cool, said Tobias. Now that room you can decorate it yourself, said Fawn. Oh okay but I will have to wait until mother visits, said Tobias. Your mother is coming to Fae Land? asked Sally. Well not right away, said Tobias. Maybe in a few days. So why will that matter? asked Fawn. It doesn't I suppose, said Sally. So is your mother bringing you some money, you need money to shop you know. Fawn smiled. Those two have tons of money, said Fawn. Really, how come? asked Sally. All the reward money they got helping people out. They kept on fighting battles after Alieta became queen, said Fawn. So do they still fight? asked Sally. Nope, once Samantha became pregnant they both figured it was time to stop. They had enough riches now to start their own empire they figured. Did you know that Tibias? asked Sally. No but they do go away for days at a time now, said Tobias. So how come you never asked them for money help? asked Sally to Fawn. Well one of my rules is never borrow money from friends especially if you can't repay them somehow, said Fawn. Oh okay, I get that, said Sally. Okay it is late now so lets go to bed, said Sally. I am dying to try out my new bed in our new bedroom! Okay, said Fawn and they took off leaving Tobias laying on the couch. Girls, he thought to himself. It is just a bedroom, what is so special about a bedroom. He got up and checked out the ice box and saw it was well stocked and even had ice cream in it. I would have some now but I am still full from supper so maybe for breakfast he thought. So better to go to bed. Ivy might need my help tomorrow. He walked over to where the new door was and opened it. It was kinda dark inside but he could still make out where the bed was, so he took off his shirt and layed down. In no time he fell fast asleep.



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