There Be Devils Chapter 2


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Devils Amongst Us

  Alieta was out side with Ginger looking at some of the new flowers that had started to grow around the palace grounds when two sprites flew down and said there is trouble in the Bad Lands again. Looks like three she devils this time and they don't look like the friendly type either, said one of the sprites. Okay go get Tara and Avan in the woods. Let them see what is going on, said Alieta. More she devils? asked Ginger. Well Gabriel said to expect more attacks because of the magic, said Alieta. You can go in the palace if you want dear, said Alieta. I would rather stay out here with you, said Ginger. Feels safer for some reasome. Besides Tara and Avan can take care of them easy enough. Alieta saw the two sprites fly with Tara and Avan to the Bad Lands. Well okay then lets have a look and see how close they are, said Alieta. The two of them went to the edge of the Bad Lands and saw that they were not that far at all. There was a blue She devil and a red one that looked pretty nasty. What is that with them? asked Ginger. It looks diseased. Looks like a she devil also, just a different type, said Alieta. The two sprites flew back to us and said no one can understand what they are saying. Some wierd language. They looked and saw the three devils leep towards Tara and Aven and they pushed them back but not that far. The three devils flew back a bit then sat down out of range, it seemed. Avan flew back to Alieta and said these ones are stronger than the one we have been dealing with lately. Can't talk to them either. They speak jibberish as far as I can tell, said Avan. Look, said Ginger, two more. They looked and saw two male devils join the girls sitting on the ground. Um maybe call Apollonia, I think, said Ginger. Will she help too? We haven't seen her since she banged us up really good. Yes she will and it is a good time to start trusting each other. She may not be able to kill devils like you can but Apollonia can do things you two can't do. Okay, call her then said Avan then went back to the Bad Lands.

Alieta called Apollonia and in a few moments she appeared. Hi Alieta, what's up? asked Apollonia. Well there are five devils out there and maybe we need a bit of help, said Avan. She smiled. I dought you need my help but l'll go see what is going on, said Apollonia. As she walked towards Tara and Avan, she saw the devils move back a bit more. Hello you two, I am over due making a big apollogy to both of you, said Apollonia. Man I feel bad for what happened. That is okay we kind of deserved it but are we all good now? asked Avan. Yes we are, so I see you have five devils out there that are afraid of you two and now me also. Ya they are out of range and when we try to get closer they back up, said Tara. Plus these ones are a lot stronger than the ones we have been killing lately. Well devils are stupid as you already know but can be intimidated very easily, said Apollonia. Gabriel told me you two have the power of heaven and hell in you so either of you can just blast them and turn them to dust. I will bait them for you two and get them to come nice and close, just spread out some. How are you going to bait them, asked Tara.I am going to play with their tiny brains and get so mad at me they will forget all about you two. Just watch, this is going to be a lot of fun, just wait for my word then Apollonia started to walk out towards the devils. I am starting to like this dark angel, said Tara. Ya me too, look the devils are all up now wondering what Apollonia is up too.

Apollonia got to about fifty yards from the devils that were all watching her closely. Hey ugly devils what is this some kind of reunion? yelled Apollonia. She kept on walking slowly towards them then began taunting them. I bet you five can't even deal with one girl. Look at you all just standing there looking stupid. The devils got mad and began walking towards Apollonia. I bet I could take all five of you with one arm tied behind my back, continued Apollonia that was now slowly walking backwards. look they are getting closer, said Tara. That girl has guts. Either that or she knows more about devils than we do, said Avan. Apollonia continued to make fun of the devils getting them extremely mad to the point they began to run towards her. Apollonia now started moving backwards very fast making it look like she was afraid of them. The two male devils flew up a bit and came at Apollina that was now just twenty yards from the Fae Land border. Okay now yelled Apollonia then disapaeared. Both Avan and Tara raised thei hands and turned all five of the devils to dust. Gotem, yelled Avan. Ya but where did Apollonia go? asked Tara. Right here, said Apollonia that wqas behind Tara and tapped her on the shoulder. Hey don't do that, you startled me, said Tara. Ya us angels like to do that, said Apollonia.

So it is ovious you know things about devils that we were not told, said Avan. What were you told? asked Apollonia. Just they were atracted to magic, not smart and very evil and dangerous, said Avan. Ya and only us two can kill them, said Tara. You were able to just walk right up to them without being attacked. Why is that? Devils as you said are not very smart, actually they are very stupid and do things on instint, said Apollonia. When I walked up to them I got a bit smaller than them making look like no threat. Devils are used to seeing people run away from them, so walking towards them was confusing. Look at me, do I look like something that is threatening? No you are actually very pretty, said Tara. Yes and so are you two that you can use also to your advantage, said Apollonia. Another thing you need to know is devils have a problem speaking properly but they have great hearing and understand what you say to them. They anger easily, actually they are angry most of the time but calling the stupid and ugly gets them really mad to the point they just want to kill you and will attack even if they had no intent of doing that at first. Their anger blocks any reasoning they may of had so when they come at you, just toast them. You two just have to work on the range of your powers. Oh we can fire energy blasts very fare, said Avan. Okay use that then, just don't give devils or demons a warning shot. Just kill them. Me I like to play around with demons some because they can't hide from me plus a bit of payback is something they deserve. Anything else you want to know? Yes where did you learn all this? asked Tara. Beats me, came with the wings I guess, said Apollonia. Anyways, I am off to help out five of my angel friends that are calling for me. Then Apollonia vanished. Wow she is a lot smarter than she looks, said Tara. She is an angel, all angels are smart, said Avan. How would you know, we have only met Gabriel and Apollonia, said Tara. I just know, why even question me? Tara smiled, Because I think you look cute when you get mad at me, said Tara. Avan smiled then shook her head. Come lets tell Alieta that the devils are all dead now.

They walked over to where Alieta and Ginger were watching some from the corner of the palace. Okay I guess you know they are dead now, said Avan. Yes but you sure let them get awfully close to Fae Land, said Alieta. Well that was Apollonia's plan, she had everything under control, said Avan. Yep she knows a lot about devils that we didn't know, said Tara. Gabriel appeared and said yes God gave her that knowledge about many kinds of evil beings and creatures. Her ways may seem a bit unusual, even playful but she always gets the job done. So where is she now? Something about helping five other angels that were calling for her, said Avan. Oh good, she needs to work with them to learn how to work as a team. said Gabriel. You ask me she already knows and makes for a good leader, said Tara. That girl has no fear. Of course she has no fear, you saw what she did to us, said Avan. Well does that mean you two are good with Apollonia now? asked Gabriel. Yep she is awesome, said Tara. Good, she has no fear because nothing can hurt her, just her feeling can be hurt so be nice to her and she will always be nice to you, said Gabriel. I found out the hard way that Apollonia responds best to respect and kindness. Well she sure does have out respect in so many ways, said Avan. Now keep those patrols going all day, devils don't see very good at night and tend to stay where they fel safe, said Gabriel. So two devil killers and one demon killer I have here now, said Alieta. Is there any other thing more that I should know of? asked Alieta to Gabriel. Nope not really, just overloards but are celesrial and help keep the universe in order and rarely come to earth, said Gabriel. Okay then, said Alieta. Not even noon yet and so much has happened already. Well let these two do their job and go relax in the fairy forest, said Gabriel. Yes good idea. Want to come Ginger? asked Alieta. Sure, let me grab my bathing suit and off Ginger ran looking real happy.




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