There Be Devils Chapter 4


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  Trouble In The North East Province Of Prayden

Back at the palace a man on a horse came to the palace and asked an elf to get Alieta for him. Oh she is in the forest with Ginger and told us not to disturb them but she left Jazmen in charge. Oh okay then can you get her for me? he asked. Yep and she ran into the palace. He looked around and saw that the place had changed since the last time he was there but looked much nicer. Jazmen came out and asked how she could help him. Well I have been here before a while ago when we were being attacked and Alieta got her team to help us seeing that we are mostly farmers of live stock, said the man. So what is attacking you? asked Jazmen. Troglodytes again and some other winger creatures, said the man. Troglodytes are meat eaters and are attracted to our amimals and I guess so are the other things. Oh I remember them, nasty creatures too. How many are there asked? Jazmen. Not as many as last time but it looks like more are coming because they are all just sitting out in the open, probably waiting for more of them to arrive. Okay I will have some sprites assemble the team and Alexa will take who she needs to get rid of them again. She knows how to kill them fast now. I remember we also sent a couple hundred of our winged sprites also to help so I will assemble them too, said Jazmen. I was told not to use the she devils because they are needed to kill any bad devils that may show up here in the bad lands. You have she devils now asked the man with a surprised look on his face. Yep and they are awesome and very friendly with all of us here and can kill nasty devils. Wow, things have changed here he said. Okay that would be great. I am heading back now, said the man. How long will they be? Probably a couple hours at most but the winged army will be there very soon to hold them off if they decide to attack before Alexa gets there, said Jazmen. The man rode off and Jazmen sent three sprites to Alexa's place then got the army ready. Nasty Troglodytes again, thought. The winged army came together fast and Jazmen put the two captians in charge then filled them all in. Now do as before and stay out of sight until Alexa shows up with her team, said Jazmen. Just attack if they move before she arrives. Okay said the two captains. We remember from last time. Then they all flew off to the province.

The two sprites arrived at Alexa's place and told her that the teams help was needed and what was happening again at the north east province. Again, said Alexa, well at least we know how to get rid of them now and we have Tara and Avan now to help, said Alexa. Well no you don't, said one sprite. Why not, asked Alexa. Well they have to stay near the palace as to Alieta's orders. It seems that they are needed to kill the devils that are coming more often to attack the fairy forest. Really, well I suppose we can do with out them. Does Apollonia have to work with them too, asked Alexa. I don't think so, said the sprite. Okay, said Alexa. I will call her if I see we need her. Now get Zatsuky, Viridian to get ready and head out to Prayden. I will meet them there and get the winged army assembled too, said Alexa. Oh Jazmen already did that and they are probably there already waiting for you, said the sprite with a smile. Jazmen, why her, where is Alieta? asked Alexa. Oh she went swimming with Ginger in the  fairy forest and left instuctions to not be disturbed. Alexa smiled. Good for her, said Alexa. Jazmen was at the last attack of Troglodytes so she knows what is going on, said Alexa. The sprites took off then Alexa got ready and left for Prayden.

When she arrived she saw the winged army were all standing out of sight like before. They are just sitting there, said said one of the captains but there is something else. What do you mean? asked Alexa. Not exactly sure seeing they are so far away but maybe she devils but different from the ones that we have seen at the palace, said the captain. She devils, but there is no magic here to attrack them, said Alexa. Well I don't want to send any sprites out there for a closer look because in case they are she devils then we can't kill them and they can fire fireballs at us. Okay you all stay put, I am calling for Apollonia, said Alexa. She called out for Apollonia and in a few moment she appeared. Hi Alexa, what is going on here and where am I? asked Apollonia. You are in the north east province of Prayden and we may have a situation that you can help us with, said Alexa. Okay, how can I help? Well there is troglodytes just northe of Prayden just sitting as if they are waiting for more to show up but the captain of the winged army thinks there are she devils out there too but they are to far away to see for sure. I know they can't hurt you and you can go invisible, so can you go and get a closer look at them. Sure can, I will be right back, said Apollonia. In the mean time Zatsuky and Viridian showed up. Okay the sprites told us we are dealing with those Troglodytes again, said Zatsuky. Yes but there might be she devils too, said Alexa. I am just waiting on Apollonia to get back from checking. She devils, then we need Tara and Avan, said Viridian. Ya well they have been ordered to stay near the palace, said Alexa. Okay I am back, those are definately she devils but very new ones and not that stupid, said Apollonia. Okay how do you know that about them? asked Alexa. Well first their skin hasn't begun to change colour yet and they can talk proper, they are stonger than regular she devils. I watched one arguing with a troglodyte and just ripped it's head off with one hand. Plus they could sense my presence and kept swinging around to find me. Devils don't have that kind of skill. Okay so what do we do about them seeing Tara and Avan have to stay and guard the palace area? asked Alexa. They don't need both of them there, said Apollonia. Just one of them can kill off a pile of devils at once. I'll go get them. In the mean time get Zatsuky and Viridian to kill those stupid Troglodytes. The devils won't do anything when they see the power they have. Then Apollonia vanished. Okay lets hope she is right, said Alexa. Okay you two head out and as soon as you can reach them with your weapons, start firing and you get the wing army air born but stay above Zatsuky and Viridian. Just keep your eyes open for those she devils, If they come ate you do your best to defend as my girls blast away at them. Okay what I thought was going to be an easy fix has turned into something very different now, said Zatsuky.

When Apollonia appeared on the Bad Lands she found Avan and Tara sitting on the sand. Hey look Avan it is Apollonia back again, said Tara. How has it been here? asked Apollonia. Not much happening since you left, said Avan. Alieta told us we have to stay around the palace just in case more devils show up. Well I need one of you to come with me to the north east province. Alexa is there with Zatsuky and Viridian getting ready to battle a bunch of Troglodytes and some new she devils, said Apollonia. What about what Alieta told us? asked Tara. You just said nothing is happening here and I just need one of you and I dought Alieta would like to see any of her team and winged army get killed, said Apollonia. I'll go, said Tara and stood up fast. Hey not fair, I want to go too, said Avan as she stood up also. Well I called it first, said Tara. Okay but this is not going to be an easy battle because these she devils are very new and smart plus very strong, said Apollonia. So what, I can still kill them, how many are there? asked Tara. Lots becasue these are not regular she devils. These are new she devils all cloned from the original one. Cloned, by who. By a demon, of course, said Apollonia. I didn't tell Alexa about him yet because I wanted her team to kill most of the Troglodytes first. Okay so what are you not telling us yet? asked Avan. Well every she devil has to be killed or the demon will just keep cloning them as they get killed. This time you will have to attack these devils and make fast work of them all. I will try to get to the demon but her will probably have some devils protecting him. This demon that can clone beings is no dummy. Okay so you just tell me what to do and we will get it done, said Tara. Okay but Alexa is the leader so first we have to listen to her, said Apollonia. Oh, okay, said Tara. We better get going then, said Tara. Then the two of them zanished. I hope Apollonia doesn't let all those she devils hurt Tara too much, we just got better from her attacks. I am sure they will be just fine, thought Avan.

When Apollonia and Tara got back to Prayden most of the Troglodytes were dead. Oh good, Tara came back with you, said Alexa. Yep I am ready to kick some butt, said Tara. So you were right about the she devils staying back as Zatsuky and Viridian were blasting the Troglodytes but why are there so many of them? asked Alexa. Well as I told you these she devils were new and stronger but what I didn't tell you was they are all identical clones created by a very smart and powerful demon. What, why didn't you tell me that? asked Alexa. Well I needed all the creatures killed first so that Tara could concentrate just on the devils and looks like they did a good job as I expected, said Apollonia. The demon won't show himself until I confront him anyways. I don't want him taking off on us. Okay so why are they so far north? asked Alexa. Well my best guess is that they are going for Eden's magic and those Troglodytes were already here waiting for more of their kind. I saw a devil kill a Troglodyte so that showed me they were not working together. So the she devils were waiting for the Troglodytes to begin their attack before flying into Fae Land then, said Alexa. Yep and also to see what defence there was here, said Apollonia. So now that they know do you think they will leave? asked Alexa. Probably just look for another place to enter Fae Land, but we are not going to let them, right Tara, said Apollonia. I guess not, you must have a plan then? asked Tara. Yep, I will take care of the demon and your will take care of all the devils but this time you don't wait for them to come to you, This time you attack fast and hard so that demon doesn't have time to clone more devils, said Apollonia. Okay lets get started, we are going in from behind them all. Then they both vanished. Man that Apollonia is hard to figure out said Alexa. Sometimes she is as playful as a teenager and other times she is this amazing fearless warrior. Good thing she is on our side said the winged army's captain.

Zatsuky and Viridian came back to where Alexa was standing with the captain. Okay we got them all, Has Apollonia come back yet with one of the she devils, asked Zatsuky. Yep she brought Tara and they just vanished a few moments ago, said Alexa. Its seems they they are going to take care of all the she devils and demon by themselves. A demon too, okay let them, said Viridian, There is an aweful lot of she devils out there staying out of range. Yep they know and are going to attack from behind, said Alexa. One of the advantages of being an angel being able to teleport. The two of them reappeared about fifty yards behind all the she devils. Well there sure is a lot of them said Tara. Yep but you can handle them. Just remember to attack fast and hard, said Apollonia. I will keep the demon busy. Okay where is he? asked Tara. Right in front of us, now fly up high then swoop down at them while their backs are turned to you, said Apollonia. That way you will wipe out most of them in the first pass. Okay boss, said Tara then took off fast and high. Apollonia walked up to the demon that was still invisiable and tapped him on the shoulder. Hi big guy, you here for the show also? asked Apollonia.

Tara was nice and high now then came swooping down blasting a bunch of she devils into piles of ash then did a quick one eighty and blasted another bunch of she devils. The rest to the devils took flight and began sending fire balls at Tara. Mean while the demon turned fast and saw Apollonia looking at him with a big smile on her face. What, a dark angel, how dare you sneek up on me and who is that out there battling my devils? asked the demon. Oh that is Tara, she is a she devil to but nothing like the one you made then created all those clones, said Apollonia. She is no match for my new breed of she devils, they will tear her apart, said the demon. Well they are not doing that great so far, Tara has killed half of them already. No problem I will just clone more, said The demon and began making more. Meanwhile Tara was being attacked from all sides, getting hit by multible fire balls. She flew up fast very high. then came swooped down again. She yelled now I am mad she yelled then spread out both arms and smashed her hands togeather hard. Every single she devils turned to dust falling to the ground. The demon was horified. That is impossible he yelled at Apollonia. You two will pay for this. Nope, you will pay, nice chatting with you but it is time to say goodbye, said Apollonia then waved both her hands at him and turned him into a pile of dust also. Apollonia flew over to Tara that was standing on the ground looking at all the piles of ash and dust she made. Good job Tara, seems like you have more in you than you thought, said Apollonia. Ya well they got me mad, said Tara. Apollonia smiled. So how do you feel? asked Apollonia. Good but I hurt all over, said Tara. Well nothing Lilly can't take care of for you, said Apollonia.


Tara and Apollonia flew back to where everyone was watching. Apollonia looked at Zatsuky's sword and it was no longer glowing red. Well looks like we got them all, said Apollonia. You all got rid of the nasty creatures, Tara took care of all the she devils and I killed the demon. A good days work I would say. Yes but Tara got hit quite a few times with fireballs, said Alexa. Are you okay? A bit soar but I will be fine, said Tara. Well I am taking her back to the palace then getting Lilly to fix her up like new but taking on that many devils at once can be a bit tricky but Tara did great, said Apollonia then they both vanished. Great, Tara was amazing, said Viridian. Ya like fourty angainst one, that is better than our record of killing ten wizards, said Zatsuky. Well now we have seen how powerful God made these two sisters so say a little thank you prayer to him tonight, said Alexa. Back at the palace Apollonia and Tara appeared where Avan was pacing back and forth. Tara, your back, I was so worried about you, said Avan then hugged her. Ouch, easy Sis. Took on some fireballs so a bit soar right now, said Tara. Ya I better get Lilly, I will be right back, said Apollonia. Sorry about that so how many were there? asked Avan. Not sure thirty or fourty maybe, said Tara. I found out I can kill twelve at once when I get mad though. Wow that is a lot, did Apollonia help you. No she took care of the demon, said Tara. Why don't you sit and rest then, said Avan. No I better stay standing, feels best like this. Apollonia returned with Lilly and she went over to Tara and grabbed her arm. Okay no broken or fractured bones this time just some burns and scratches, said Lilly. What were you doing? Tara killed fourty she devils by her self. she is my sister you know!, said Avan proudly. Lilly smiled them made here wand appear and passed it over the soar areas of Tara's body. There you go, good as new, said Lilly. Thanks Lilly, I feel much better now, said Tara. Can I have an ice cream cone now please? Me too, I was the one doing all the worring, said Avan. Sure there you go, how about you Apollonia. Yep, I killed a demon you know, said Apollona.




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