The Adventures In The Land Of Fae

There Be Devils Chapter 1


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  A couple of days had passed since Tara and Avan moved into the east woods. Their wings were all healed and good as new so they flew around some but just over the palace grounds and the Bad Lands to get them nice and strong again. Zan became a very good friend of Tara and Avan and hung out with them as much as posible. Things were going as planned with the additions being made by Jim and his three elf helpers to Viridian's place. She was getting a new bedroom and a second bathroom similar to the one that was already there. Because of the knowledge that the magic from the forest will be hit by many new attacks over time, Alieta doubled the number of sprites on patrol, day and night. So far all was clear after Avan and Tara wiped out quite a few when they first got to Fae Land. The fairies had just finished the spa, sauna and outdoor eatery in the fairy forest and just waiting for the pool to fillup with water plus Ivy was getting very good controlling the cove's magic and the forest's trees with the overviewer. Things had been quiet for Alexa and the team for a while now and they were getting used to the off time as they knew that Fae Land was now heavily guarded and protected now with two she devils and Apollonia the dark angel. Things were changing to all the land in Fae Land also as new plants began to grow everywhere and even a new small wooded area started to sprout between Latseshy's province where the Black Fae moved into and the north east province. Ivy would do her daily rounds after lunch with Sara and fly around and check on everything. Alieta could see that the two of them loved their job taking care of all the plants and trees in Fae Land. Pippa was busy also with all the new pixies that were showing up in the west woods and forest and actually had to send some of then to the east woods for the time being. That gave the east woods more pixie dust to improve the woods where Tara and Avan stayed at night and sometimes on very hot days...

Chapter 1

Pippa Visits Ivy

  Pippa was so busy that she forgot that she made a promise to Ivy to come see her and check out all the work she had done in there. She figured Ivy would be mad at her so she got up early and went to the cove and waited for her and Sara to come. Why not soak my feet while I wait she thought to herself. Eight o'clock came around and Ivy showed up with Sara ready for work. Hi Ivy. This water is very soothing. Yep she, said then ignored Pippa. Oh oh, she is mad at me she thought. Pippa flew over to her and said she was really sorry. Ivy just gave her a dirty look. Pippa explained that she had her hands full with all the new pixies that she really did forget about their date. Ivy turned to her and said well at least you told me the truth and didn't make up a stupid excuse. I have worked really hard planning and organizing the paths to all the new spots in the forest and everywhere else outside of the forest is starting new plant life, said Ivy. Even with Sara helping it is a very big job. Fae Land is vey big you know, she said. Yes I know and maybe I can help a bit, said Pippa. How? asked Ivy. Well if I was able to get lots of pixies to fly over these new areas of growth and even go down and check on them every day then that would save you some time flying around all over the place, said Pippa. Well that would be nice but how would you be able to do that? asked Ivy. Pixies do what they want I thought during the day. Yes but now I have an idea that will work, said Pippa. Okay, what is it? asked Ivy. Well I will make it that any new pixies that come to Fae Land and want to live in the forest, must first have to live in the east woods first and do the flying around for you before they can even enter the forest, said Pippa. Well that is a good plan but how are you going to control them? asked Ivy. Well that part will be up to you, said Pippa. Me, what can I do? asked Ivy. You control the forest right, said Pippa. Well yes I do, said Ivy. Then can you make it that pixies that are new here can't get into the forest until you or Sara approve them, she asked. Hmm, maybe but they can get so small though, how can I stop them? asked Ivy. Tulip over heard them talking and walked over. Well Ivy, the magic will stop them not the trees. You just have to tell the cove what your plan is and any pixie that has not been in the forest before will just hit a wall of magic and won't be able to get in no matter how small they are. They will have two choices then, fly around and help out the new plants that pixies love to do anyways or find somewhere else to live, said Tulip. I never though of that, said Ivy. Do I have to get in the water again like last time when I changed the rules? asked Ivy. Nope, the cove gave you full control then so you can do it from anywhere in the cove. Cool, said Ivy. So just think it and it will happen? asked Ivy, Pretty much but you will probably have to concentrate on it hard for all areas of the forest get the message. Okay! So can I do it now? asked Ivy. Nope, said Pippa. Why? she asked. Because you are going to show me all the new spots in the forest that have been made. I really want to see them, said Pippa. Ivy hugged her. I can never stay mad at you for long Pippa. Okay I will get Sara to keep an eye on things then we will go, Okay? You bet, said Pippa, this is going to be fun.

Ivy told Sara what to do while she was with Pippa and especially keep an eye on the forest outer walls. Okay, said Sara, have fun. Okay let me first show you the sauna, it is very nice and big enough for a bunch of people at once, said Ivy. Okay I was thinking that even pixies might use it too, said Pippa. Okay lets go. Ivy flew Pippa along the path way she made from the cove to it. Wow the trees, don't have to move for us, said Pippa. Nope I made it so they didn't have to move and wide enough for two people to walk beside each other or one sprite to fly along without her wings not touching the trees. Very smart, said Pippa. Okay we are here, said Ivy. She opened the door and they both went in to the warmth of the room from all the candles that were in there. Smells really nice in here said Pippa. Yep, sented candles, said Ivy. Now if you want it warmer so you sweat a bit then you just go over to that heater and wave you hand over it. It will only get so hot as to not become too hot to handle, said Ivy. Nice and clean too with lots of benches also, said Pippa. Yep and towels too for laying on and resting your head on or wraping it around you when you take off your clothes, said Ivy. I see no change room though, said Pippa. Nope not in here because clothing is optional, said Ivy with a smile. Perfect, said Pippa. Now there are extra towels over there if needed and over there on the front wall is cold water to drink, said Ivy. Wow you thought of everything in here, said Pippa. Yep but this came from Carmen's memory, I just added some more stuff and the fairies did it for me, said Ivy. Now when we leave, all the candles will go out when no one is in here but as soon as the door opens the candles come back on. You can always blow out some of the candles if you want it darker in here, said Ivy. Now lets go to the outdoor pool and lounge area, the pool shpuld be full of water by now.


They left the sauna then flew back along the path that they took to the sauna but then Ivy took a slight turn and they were on another small path that ended at the trees. They walked towards the trees and they let the two of them in. Wow look at this place, said Pippa. It so big and open here. Yep and look there is Sunflower and Pippie in the pool, said Ivy. But they are getting there wings all wet, said Pippa. They don't care. They can fly with wet wings with no fairy dust on them and the dust comes back fast after the wings dry, said Ivy. Wish that would happen with me, said Pippa. Swimming looks fun. Well you can, said Ivy. Just after you finish swimming just relax on one of these lounge chairs and the warm air will dry them fast, said Ivy. Yep that would work, said Pippa. She looked up and saw that it was wide open and she could see the sky. Can't someone get in from above with it opened like that? asked Pippa. Nope, the magic keeps everything out including birds and even small flying insects, said Ivy. No insects also, now that I like, said Pippa. Now the pool has a diving board at the deep end for jumping off of, said Ivy. Hi Ivy and Pippa, said Pippie. Come on in the water is perfect. Ivy smiled, maybe later, I am showing Pippa around first. Okay then, watch this Pippie said. She got out of the pool then went to the diving board then ran on it then bounced at the end and went high in the air then came slashing down under water. When she came back up, she asked if they liked that. That was awesome, said Pippa. Looked like a lot of fun. It is fun, said Pippie. Now the pool has decorations on the corners and the water as you can see is crystal clear, said Ivy. The whole area is surounded by trees too, said Ivy. It looks like a resort in here like the drawings I saw in a magazine while waiting for Alieta to get back in her den, said Pippa. Yep this is a good place to relax and clear your mind, said Ivy. So I see no change room here also, said Pippa. Nope, no need, said Ivy. Just strip and put on your bathing suit. It don't take long to do that anyways, said Ivy. Pippa smiled. You are very pretty and don't mind being nude for a minuite, said Pippa. What about other people? Every one in Fae Land is pretty, said Ivy. Besides a bikini dosn't cover much anyways. Pippa smiled. Ya you right. Bet you look great in a nice green one. I got one at home. Ginger gave it to me when we went swimming at Sandy Lake, said Ivy. You will see me in it and I will get a fairy to put one on you too. I can do that, said Pippie. I do clothing designs too! Okay now you have seen the waterfall before. It is the same as the one in Fairy Land so lets go check out the two spots on the other side of the cove. There is the spa that Repellia thought of and the outdoor eatery that Candy came up with and Alieta helped to design it, said Ivy. Lets go to the eatery first, I could use a snack, said Pippa. Okay, they are very close to each other, said Ivy. Figures Alieta would have something to do with the eatery, said Pippa and they both laughted.

Ivy took Pippa back to the cove then out the other side and went down the path towards the entrance a bit then came to the eatery. So no trees in the way here? asked Pippa. Nope, it is just a place to eat and drink and is not far from the entrance either so a good place to have lunch or a snack, said Ivy. Bet you Tulip would like this spot, said Pippa. Yep she really does, said Ivy. Tulip loves making food for everyone. Now if you just need a cold drink or two then the tall stools around the bar are perfect for that but if you want to sit and eat too then there are a few picnic benches here also, said Ivy. So what if you come here and there is no fairy to help you? asked Pippa. Oh then you either ring this bell and wait or go to the self serve box, said Ivy. So how does that work? asked Pippa. Oh here I will show you, said Ivy. She went behind the bar to a ice box looking container, that said self serve on it. She spoke at it and said two cherry milkshakes with whipcream please. Then opened the door and inside were the two shakes. She gave one to Pippa and they both sat down on a picnic table. There is only a few things you can get from that but I made sure milkshakes and ice cream cones were in it., said Ivy. So do you like what we have come up with so far? asked Ivy. Amazing, said Pippa. It is like a whole different world in here. Good milkshakes too!. They both sat and talked a bit while drinking the shakes. Once they were done they headed over a bit to where the spa was located.

Okay here it is, said Ivy. Looks like a big bath tub to me, said Pippa. Ya sort of but it is not for washing in, just relaxing in the scented water, said Ivy. There is a chair over there where you can get your nails cut and painted like the twins do all the time. What is the bed for? asked Pippa. That is for getting a massage but no one here knows how to do that so you would have to come in here with a friend and tak turs giving each other a massage I guess, said Ivy. Regardless it is another place to relax. So that is everything we have come up with so far. Well you all have done some great work in here, said Pippa. So who all can come in and use these areas, asked Pippa. Everyone at the palace and all the heros plus they can bring in friends with them, said Ivy. Anybody else has to let us know ahead of time so one of us can approve them but fpr them they need to be approved each time they return. Okay those are good rules, said Pippa. Yep so I better go and set the rule for the new pixies now, said Ivy. Okay and I will start sending new pixies to the east woods, said Pippa. I will be back so you can teach me how to swim. I will only trust you with me in the water. Okay, anytime you want, said Ivy.



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