There Be Devils Chapter 3


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Alieta And Ginger In The Fairy Forest

Alieta and Ginger both arrived at the forest entrance with their bathing suits. Alieta told the trees who she was and wanted Ginger to come in with her and the trees let them in. Now this is different, said Alieta. There never were paths in here before, said Alieta. There were three paths going in different directions. I wonder which one brings us to the pool, asked Ginger. Well the middle I think takes us to the cove so one of the other two must go to the pool, said Alieta. Well I am right handed, said Ginger so lets try the right path first. Okay, why not, said Alieta and they started on there way. Ivy felt that someone had just entered the forest and asked Sara that was looking at the overview, where they were heading. On the path towards the sauna and the pool, said Sara. Two people. Okay maybe I should go and check on them seeing the paths have no lables on them yet, said Ivy. Alieta and Ginger came to a split in the path. One went a bit to the right and the other kept going straight. Now where? asked Ginger. Well lets try right again, said Alieta. Okay and they started to go again but after less than a minuite they came to a door. Ginger opened it then saw everything light up inside. They went in and saw it was the sauna. Wow look at this place and it smell so nice in here, said Ginger. Looks like the sauna, said Alieta. Very big and very beautiful too. Just then Ivy came in and was surprised to see Alieta and Ginger just standing there looking around. Hi Alieta and Ginger. Welcome to the sauna, said Ivy. This place looks amazing, said Alieta and look at all the candles. How did they get lit. Oh it is automatic when the door opens, said Ivy. They all go out when the sauna is empty and the door gets closed. So are you going to get changed and relax for a while? asked Ivy. Well we were actually looking for the pool, said Ginger. Oh well you were headed in right direction, said Ivy. You just had to keep going straight. We haven't figured out how to lable the paths yet with out using signs everywhere, said Ivy. Why don't you just set up a map outside at the main entrance, said Ginger. Ivy looked at her then smiled. That sounds perfect, said Ivy. A map is so simple too. I will tell Tulip about your idea, said Ivy. I am sure she will love it. Now follow me and I will show you the way to the pool, said Ivy.

They left the sauna and Ivy walked with them along the path they should of taken in the first place. So where does the left path at the entrance go to asked Alieta. Oh that goes to the outdoor eatery, and the spa, said Ivy. You can get there from the cove also. Nice I would love to see that also, said Alieta. But first a good swim. As they were walking on the path the trees suddenly opened up and reveiled the pool area. Here we are, said Ivy. So the trees just opened by them selves without touching them? asked Alieta. For now they do until I figure ou t way of indicating the pool here, said Ivy. Lots of things to still work on. Where does the path continue on to? asked Ginger. Goes to the cove. Eventually every where in here will lead to the cove, said Ivy. You have done a great job Ivy, said Alieta. Yep, Sara helps a lot too, said Ivy. Ginger look around and saw that the pool area was amazing. This is awesome she said and such a big pool too. Yep, it has a shallow end if you don't know how to swim yet like Pippa, and a deep end where you can jump off the diving board, said Ivy. This area is where you can relax and dry off with the warm sunlight coming in, said Ivy. No towels in here though, you would have to bring your own, said Ivy. So where are the change rooms? asked Alieta. No change rooms, said Ivy. Not needed because everyone is safe in here. Okay then Ginger we have to change in the open, is that okay with you? asked Alieta but then saw that Ginger had already stripped and put on her bikini and was testing the water with her toes.

Alieta laughed. Well she is not shy and neither am I, said Alieta. She stripped and put on her bikini. Very nice bikini Alieta, suits you perfectly, said Ivy. Well thankyou dear. Now time to get wet and have some fun, said Alieta. I would join you but I still have some work to do for Pippa and make a new rule for the forest. Oh what is that, asked Alieta. Pippa said too many new pixies are coming to Fae Land and they are all going into the forest. It will get too full of pixies that way, said Ivy. She told me to make it that new pixies can't get into the the forest until Pippa, myself or Sara grant them access in the meantime she will tell them that they will have to live in the east woods and help me take care of the rest of Fae Land and all the new growths first for a while. That will help the east woods and give me a break from taking care of everything, said Ivy. Good idea, said Alieta. Plus it will give them a chance to see the rest of Fae Land. Ginger was on the diving board and yelled, "Watch this" and she jumped high and landed it the water with a big splash. Come on in she yelled. The water is perfect. Okay, said Alieta. Alright have fun , I am off to work, Just follow the path until you get to the cove when you are done, said Ivy and she left. Alieta got on the board and did an amazing dive into the water and hardly made a splash at all. Wow, where did you learn to do that? asked Ginger. Oh I used to dive off the cliff with some friends a long time ago into a deep lake west of Cumberland. Well you have to teach me how to dive like that, said Ginger. It looks fun.

Alieta swam over to Ginger that was treading water. It is hard to teach someoe to dive properly, said Alieta. It just takes lots of practice. The trick is to jump high then curl down, then keep your body straitght as you come down.Took me a long time to get it right but once you got it you never forget. Maybe I will stick to the canonball then, said Ginger. I is really easy. They swam around for a while then got out ans sat in the chairs on the deck to dry off. You know, who would of thought we would have a swimming pool in Fae Land, said Ginger. Boy things are changing fast. Yes and it is up to use to keep up with the changes and keep things under control, said Alieta. I think we can handle it, the people are all still the same, just more things to do, said Ginger. Yes and more people too, we are going to have to look at expanding the housing to the grassy plains, said Alieta. Yo must be running out of room in the elf village by now. Well there is a bit of room but your right, said Ginger. Thing is elves want to be close to the woods. Maybe get Ivy to start planting some new trees now, you saw how fast those two trees at her plcae grew, said Alieta. But for now lets just relax and enjoy the peace and quite.



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