There Be Devils Chapter 5


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The Fun Game

Jazmen came out of the palace and could see Alieta and Ginger walking back from the forest and they both looked very happy. So how did everything go in Prayden? asked Jazmen. All taken care of, said Apollonia. Ended up being a bunch of she devils and a demon there too. Really I thought it was just Troglodytes, said Jazmen. Yep them too but all cleared up now, said Apollonia. Hi Jazmen anything going on? asked Alieta. Not now, said Jazmen but earlier Alexa took the team and some of our winged army to the north east province to fight off more troglodytes and Tara and Avan killed a bunch of she devils and I guess Apollonia killed the demon. What, you got a hold of Alexa and her team and got them set up to fight again, said Alieta with a bit of a surprised look. Yep. It was easy. Pretty much the same as last time, said Jazmen but the devils and demon were differen't but Tara and Apollonia took care of them. So Tara and Avan killed some more devils then too, said Alieta. Nope just Tara went, she killed ftfty of them all by herself, said Avan. No there was just fourty, said Tara. Fifty, fourty, the same thing, lots anyways, said Avan. Well then at least you were not bored, said Alieta. Nope pretty exciting actually, said Jazmen. So where is Alexa now? asked Alieta. Back at home I guess, I stayed here at the palace, said Jazmen. Okay and Lilly you came out of the forest too, said Alieta. Yep Apollonia came and got me. Tara had some cuts and bruises I needed to heal, said Lilly. Well then, I see I wasn't needed at all this time. Seems like everyone here took care of everything without me, said Alieta. Well all I did was what I have seen you do many times, said Jazmen. Jazmen didn't even know I came and got Tara, she was with Avan in the Bad Lands, said Apollonia. You and Ginger were in the forest having some fun for a change so we figured it all out ourselves, said Jazmen. You were having fun in the fairy forest right? asked Jazmen. Yes we were and had a great time, said Alieta. So has anyone seen Repellia and Phonixa? Yep they are inside with Zan and Tabitha, said Jazmen. Not sure what they are doing though. So it seems that Jazmen is a good choice to be my fill in when I am not here, said Alieta. Yep, I have always liked Jazmen said Ginger. Very level headed and all the sprites and elves like her a lot too. Yes I have noticed that and she took control right away today as it seemed, said Alieta. I think it is time to raise your rank among the sprites to general. That way you will have full control over the entire army. Really, me a general, wow, wait until I tell Jessica, she will be so excited, said Jazmen. Who is Jessica? asked Alieta. She is my roommate, we have shared the same house for a long time, said Jazmen. She makes the most amazing candies. Do you know Jessica? asked Alieta to Ginger. Yep I know everyone in the elf village, said Ginger. Jessica is really nice, always in the kitchen something like Ktara. So I am going in to hang up my bikini, said Ginger, You want me to bring yours in too? Yes please, thanks Ginger, said Alieta. 

Okay I am heading home now that you are back, said Jazmen then flew off. Me too, going back to the forest to try out the swimming pool, said Lilly then she flew away. Is Ivy finished in the den yet, asked Apollonia. Yes her and Sara went home not long ago, said Alieta. Okay good, I am going over to her house, said Apollonia then she vanished. Zan came out with the twins and Tabitha. So what have you three been up to? asked Alieta. Just listening to Zan telling us some of her stories, said Repellia. She has lots of them. I bet she does, said Alieta. They all got out front and saw a man on a horse, riding very slow to towards them. Hmm, wonder who that is? asked Alieta. That is the man I helped with the game, said Zan. Oh really, said Alieta. Aleita walked towards him and he sped up a bit. Hi Alieta. I have something for Zan, he said in a nervous voice. Oh is that the game she helped you with? asked Alieta. Yes it is but are those she devils, he asked Alieta. Well yes they are but they are Fae Land's she devils and they are here to protect us all from evil devils, said Alieta. So they are not dangerous then? he asked. Nope not to us anyways, said Alieta, They are really quite nice and love playing and stuff. Oh okay then maybe they would like to play my game with you all. Well I was hoping to see this game. Cindy told me it looked like a lot of fun. Come and meet Avan and Tara, said Alieta. Okay he said. So what is your name. Peter, he said. Oh nice name, said Alieta.


He went and said hi to everyone. Oh look Avan a nice handsome man. Okay girls, said Zan, he is married and has two wonderful children. Oh okay. Why is it that all the good ones are taken, said Tara. Peter smiled. They are funny too, he said to Alieta. Girls this is Peter and he brought the game here that Zan helped create for him. Oh good, said Zan. You finished it already. Yes I did and I made a few adjustments that you suggested and added a couple new game rules but I think I have a winner now, said Peter. A game, we love playing games, said Tara. Peter looked at the two of them. My you two girls are pretty and amazing wing structures. Oh you like our wings. Oh yes very much. The designer must be very talented, said Peter. Well God made them for us, said Avan. Oh then there ya go. The most talented of all, said Peter with a smile. Okay Zan this is for you and he handed her the box. For me? Cool and she sat down and opened the box. Every one else sat down with her. She took the board out of the box and unfolded it. Wow it is beautiful, said Zan and very colourful too. Yes my daughter came up with the perfect colours for the game. Now the game is designed to have a maximum of six players but four seems to be best. I will watch, said Alieta. No I want you to play first with me, said Zan. I will watch, said Repellia. I am not to good at playing games. I'll play, said Tabitha. Mee too, said Phonixa. Okay then lets start with Zan rolling the dice to see who goes first then the person to the left of her rolls next, the highest number goes first, said Peter. They all did that and Alieta got two sixes. I go first then right? asked Alieta. Yes now pick a colour of the player you want to use. They are all shaped so that they can be moved easily. They all picked a game piece. Now everyone starts here and you move along the spiral blocks and if you land on a different coloured one then you just do what that block says. The object of the game is to get to the middle then start back to the begining again. The first person to do that wins, said Peter. Oh so go back again, said Zan. Yes we found that when using two dice the game ended to fast but if you are playing with just one other player than you can use just one dice and make first to the center wins, said Peter. Okay, sounds easy enough, said Alieta. She rolled the dice and five was shown between the two dice so she moved her player along the path. Zan was next and she rolled a seven and landed on a coloured block that said two forward. Yeah. I like this game, she said. They all kept playing and all loved playing it which made Peter very happy.

Just then two devils flew over head and looked like they landed near the forest in the Bad Lands. Was that two devils? asked Peter. Ya, said Avan, I will get them this time. Well she didn't look nervous or anything, said Peter. Nope she has this, she will be back in a minuite, said Avan. Really that fast, said Peter. Yep, see here she comes now, said Tara. In a few moments Avan returned. Okay all done so who is winning? asked Avan. That was fast, said Peter. Well ya, I wanted to get back and watch the game, said Avan. Soon a bunch of elves were gathering around and watching them all play. Wow, where can we get a game like that, it looks like a lot of fun, said one elf. Well I have only made a few of them so far and sold all but this one and my kids game so far. It takes a bit of time for me to make just one properly, said Peter. They all kept playing an in the end Tabitha won and jumped up and did a victory dance. Everyone laughed. Can we play now? asked an elf. Well ask Zan it is her game, said Alieta. Sure go ahead. Just six players at a time. They all got up and let the elves play the game now. Well Peter it looks like you have a winner there, said Alieta. Yes everyone seems to love the game so far. I guess I have my work cut out for me, he said. Well maybe I can help you with that, said Alieta. Really how? asked Peter. Well I know this guy in Cumberland that does the kind of work that you need done. He has a large variety of things that people invent and bring him and he has a bunch of people working for him that mass produce the thing they gave him to work with plus he comes up with lables and promotions then even delivers the finsh products to stores in Cumberland and all over Fae Land. Wow that sounds great but must be expensive for him to do all that. Well yes and he does take ten percent of all sales too but what you need is an investor, said Alieta. Oh well I don't know anyone with that kind of money, said Peter. Well you do now, said Alieta. Who and he looked at the girls standing in front of the palace. Me silly. I would love to invest in your game, said Alieta. Realy. Now I will get his address for you and you show him one of your finished games then tell him that I am your investor. He will get started right away on it, said Alieta. I don't know what to say, so what percent do you want. Oh nothing but I would like three free games though when he gets the games done and in stores. I am sure Gabriel would love one to play with Cindy and probably Mother Nature also. Those are very impressive game players, said Peter. Yep they are but they need to have fun too, said Alieta. Okay deal and they shook on it.

Safire came out of the tunnel leading underground and ran over and asked what all the noise was about up here. I can here it all the way down under. Oh it is a new gamed that Peter here made that is a lot of fun to play plus Avan just killed two devils. Oh a game would be nice for us under ground, said Safire. Hi Peter, I am Safire. So you are the inventor? Well yes but Zan helped me get started. Yes a wonderful girl, a bit timid. Never come up from behind her or you will scare her, said Safire. You said somthing about killing two devils? Safire looked around and saw Avan and Tara, Are they what I think they are? asked Safire. Yes they are our new she devils, said Alieta. Your she devils how did that, happen. Oh never mind, you can tell me later. So they are frendly I take it. Yep and they can kill devils. What devil killers, now I got to go meet them and she ran over to see Tara and Avan. Well she didn't look shocked at all when she saw them, said Peter. Oh Safire doesn't scare easy plus she likes to talk a lot when she is up here so two new people to talk to is great to her regardless who they are, said Alieta. You have quite the place here, said Peter. Very interesting people. Oh you haven't seen half of them yet. But you will eventually. Let me get that address for you before you head home, said Alieta and she went into the palace. Ginger walked over to Peter. Alieta is going to help you isn't she. Well yes she is said, Peter. Ya I knew she would. I could tell by just looking at her. She is very kind and jenerous that way, said Ginger. Yes she is best queen anywhere, said Peter. Alieta came back out of the palace. Here ya go Peter, now rememebr I want three games for free. Okay, said Peter. I can hardly wait to get home and tell everyone about Tara and Avan. Everyone is going to want and meet them. Alieta smiled. Okay bye for now, and he got on his horse and rode off. Three games for free? How is he going to make money that way, asked Ginger. Well I am his sole investor and all I want is three games, that sounds good to me, said Alieta. Ya I figured you would help I know you pretty good, said Ginger. Yes you do now lets go listen to Safire, she is always fun to hear when she meets someone new, said Alieta. Yep she is a character, said Ginger.



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