There Be Devils Chapter 6


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Pippa Getting all Wet

Over at Ivy's place Apollonia was telling Ivy all about how great Tara did killing all the she devils. So she killed fourty all by herself, wow she must be very powerful, said Ivy. Yep they both are, said Apollonia. So what do you want to do now? Lets go get Pippa and bring her in the forest and teach her how to swim, said Ivy. I thought pixes didn't like to swim, said Apollonia. They just don't loke getting their wings wet, said Ivy. She saw the fairies swimming and said it looked like fun so offered to teach her and she agreeded. Okay that will be fun, said Apollonia. Yep, she will be in the woods right now so lets go get her, said Ivy. Then Apollonia telepoted them to the woods.  Pippa, time for your swimming lessons yelled Ivy. In a few moments Pippa flew over. Already, I am not sure I am mentaly prepared yet, said Pippa. What do you mean mentally prepared, you are just being a chicken, said Ivy. I am no chicken, well maybe a little bit, said Pippa. That is a lot of water in the pool and what if I just sink. Don't worry we will go in the shallow end where you can touch bottom, said Ivy. Okay but you make sure I don't drown, said Pippa. I won't, take us to the cove Apollonia, I need to get Pippie to give us bathing suits. You got it, then the three of them appeared in the cove. Tulip and Pippie were talking over by the overviewer. Hi Ivy, what's going on? asked Tulip. Nothing bad, we just need Pippie to make us some swim suits, I am going to teach Pippa how to swim, said Ivy. Can I come too? asked Pippie. I really like swimming. Okay lets go then, said Ivy then they left the cove and headed down the path that led to the pool that was not that far. Okay so Ivy gets a green bikini, what colour would you like Apollonia? asked Pippie. A red one like my eyes, said Apollonia. Okay and a blue one for Pippa, that is her favorite colour. She made her wand appear and made Ivy and apollonia's bikinis first then went over to Pippa and made her's. Now I am making a pink one for myself. There how do they feel? I feel almost naked, said Pippa.Yep, but your not. I felt that way too when I first put a bikini on but you get used to it fast, said Ivy. Okay this way is the shallow end Pippa.

Pippie and Ivy brought Poppa over to the steps on the shallow end and they walked Pippa in. Okay Ivy show Pippa how to float then Pippie swam out to the deep end. Okay Pippa, you haven't even gotten your wings wet yet, said Ivy. I know just not used to being in so much water, said Pippa. Apollonia dived into the water from the side of the pool then came up smiling. Now this is refreshing, said Apollonia. Look at them, said Ivy. They are having a real good time. Ya I see that so help me learn to swim please, said Pippa. Okay, said Ivy. She started to splash Pippa's wings until they were all wet. There now no more worring about getting them wet because they are soaked now. Okay, said Pippa. That didn't hurt at all. Ivy smiled. Now lay on your back first and I will hold you up with my hands okay. Yep okay Ivy, said Pippa. There now how does that feel? asked Ivy. Feels nice, said Pippa. Now kick your feet and move your arms. Pippa did as told and saw she was able to move in the water. Ivy removed her hands from under her and Pippa was swimming on her own on her back. Wow I am swimming, said Pippa. Well ya you are so light you don't sink, said Ivy. Oh so I won't sink to the bottom if I stop moving my arms and feet. Probably not Pippa, said Ivy. Okay and Pippa stop moving and just floated in an upright position with the water up to her chest. Wow you are right. I just float like a fishing bobber. You are so funny Pippa, said Ivy. Now get you head wet. Just hold your breath and I will push you right under water. Is that safe? asked Pippa. Yes it is, said Ivy. I am right here and you will just pop right back up. Okay, said Pippa. Ivy pushed Pippa down by her head then let go. Pippa just popped back up. See told you silly. Now how did that feel. Kinda of nice, said Pippa. Like a fish I guess. Well yes but after a bit of practice you will be able to swim like a fish, said Ivy. Cool, said Pippa. Can we go where they are now, asked Pippa. Sure you are safe in any depth of water, said Ivy. Now turn on your stomach then move your legs and arms like a frog, said Ivy. Okay and Pippa saw that she could move faster in the water that way. See you are now swimming said Ivy and they both joined every one in the deep end. Hey look. Pippa is swiming, said Pippie. Yep Ivy is a good teacher, said Pippa. Plus I float really good.

They all played around in the water for a while and Pippa found it pretty easy to swim seeing she didn't have to even move her arms or feet to stop her from sinking at all. After a bit Ivy said lets all go to the eatery. I am getting hungry. Okay they all said. It is a bit of a walk but all our wings will be dry when we get there, said Ivy. Off they all went in a bit they were at the outdoor eatery and bar. They all sat on the picnic tables and Pippie asked what every one wanted. I'll have a chocolate milkshake, said Ivy. I want an ice cream cone, said Pippa. Okay what about you Apollonia? asked Pippie. Umm ice cream cone too but strawberry this time, said Apollonia. Pipps made her wand appear then made every thing for them and made herself a milkshake like Ivy's. Ivy told them that it was just a five minuite walk to the exit from here so Pippa if you want some ice cream you can come in anytime you want. Behind the counter is a self serve box that makes ice cream for you. That is very handy and you bet I will take advantage of it but don't tell the other pixies or there will be a line up to the ice cream machine, said Pippa. Ya I could see that happening, said Ivy.


  Once they had finished their ice cream treats Pippie changed their clothes back then headed to the cove. So did you two like swimming in the pool? asked Ivy. Yep, water is lots of fun, said Apollonia. Yes it was great, said Pippa. If I knew that I can't sink then I would of gone swimming a lond time ago. Even if you can't fly for a while? asked Ivy. Tep, but I can fly a little bit with wet wings, just not that fast, said Pippa. Okay I better get going home and see what is going on with Viridian and Sara, said Ivy. Ya I better go up to heaven and check in with Gabriel., said Apollonia. I am starting to like her now seeing she doesn't boss me around anymore. Yep nobody likes a bossy person, said Pippa. What are you going to do Poppa. I am going to go tell Alieta how great a swimmer O am and can't sink, said Pippa. Well your not a great swimmer but you are not bad for a biginner, said Ivy. I know that but I am not telling her that, said Pippa. Well you know where the pool is so get some practice in, said Ivy. Ikay I am off, see you all tomorrow, then Ivy flew off. Okay talk to you later Pippa, it was a good day today, said Apollonia then she vanished. Pippa went to walk out of the forest but stopped then turned around. Maybe I can have one more ice cream cone to take with me, Ivy did say I could help my self. She walked back and behing the bar and found the self serve box. One chocolate ice cream cone please, she said out loud. the the box glowed for a second Pippa opened the door and took out the cone. Perfect, this is going to be fun living so close to this magic box, she thought to herself then headed out to the palace. When she reached Alieta Poppa saw that people were beginning to go back into the palace for the night. Hi Alieta, I didn't realize it was so late, said Pippa. Ivy and Apollonia took me swimming and now I am a great swimmer and I don't sink either. Well I am a good swimmer or like Ivy said I am pretty good for a biginner. But I do float because I am so light. Alieta smiled. So where did you get the ice cream? asked Alieta. In the magic box at the outdoor eatery in the fairy forest. Do you want me to get you one, it will onlt take me a few seconds, said Pippa. No I had my fill at supper time, said Alieta. Avan walked over to Alieta and said she was leepy and had to get ready for bed. You sleep a lot, said Alieta. Not really, I have a bath before going to bed and dry and brush my hair untill it is dry then in the morning I have another bath and do the same with my hair plus brush my teeth, said Zan. Triffies are very clean people you know. Well I know now, said Alieta. Hi Zan I can swim now, said Pippa. Very good Poppa, glad to hear that, said Zan. Okay goodnight and she headed into the palace holding her game. Tara and Avan were getting ready to go to the woods. Hi Pippa, nice ice cream cone you have there said Tara. Yep do you two want one, I can be back super fast, said Pippa, No we are off for a good sleep in the woods. It has been a busy day for us. Goodnight and off they flew. Ginger said goodnight to Alieta and Pippa also the the twins came over. Hi Pippa, isn't it a bit late for ice cream? asked Phonixa. Nope never too late for ice cream, said Pippa. Umm I think the saying is it is always room for ice cream, said Repellia. Anyways we are off to bed, See you all tomorrow, then they went in the palace. Man it is like you hit a switch and turned everyone off, said Pippa. Well it is bed time, said Alieta and I better get to bed also so goodnight. Alieta started to head towards the palace but looked back and saw Pippa was looking a bit sad. She went back to her and took Pippa's hand. Come my nutty little friend, sit with me on the steps and tell all about how you learned to swim today., said Alieta. Pippa got real happy and they both sat down on the steps together. Okay now it all started when Ivy first showed me the pool and I saw Pippie and Sunflower having fun in the water. Alieta knew she was in for the full story and maybe a bit more but Pippa needed to tell someone about her adventure with water that was very exciting to her so Alieta was all ears for her special little friend. 

The End



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