Ivys New Friend Chapter 2


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Finding The Building Site

Alieta got to Jessica's place just as Jazmen was leaving. Hi Jazmen, off to work I see, said Alieta. Yep sure am, said Jazmen. Go easy on the girls today, it is going to be hot today, said Alieta. Okay I will think of something easy to do. Probably find some nice shady areas to hang out. The girls on patrol will be okay though seeing fly up high is always cooler with the air rushing by, said Jazmen. Maybe we will all go flying around some though most of the sprites I told to stay home but just be on call if needed. So is Jessica inside? asked Alieta. Yep, her and Daisy are working on another couple orders. They are almost finished though. Daisy is really good at making candy, said Jazmen. Especially after she has eaten a couple. Okay have a good day and off she flew. Alieta went inside and saw Daisy and Jessica just finishing up by packing the candies and putting them on a shelving unit. Hi you two, Jazmen let me in, said Alieta. Oh hi Alieta, we are just finishing up here, said Jessica. Wow this is a very big kitchen, said Alieta. Yep it is, said Jessica. It is the same design as most of the other kitchens in Fae Land but we just had it expanded because the old one was just too small especially when two people were working in it. So you have never seen all Jazmen and I have done to the place. Do you want a quick tour first? asked Jessica. Sure that would be nice. The place looks great so far as I can see, said Alieta. Jessica took Alieta to the big living room first then to her dining room. Alieta especially liked the nice reading nook she had built with the fireplace.

Jessica showed her the main washroom next. My goodness, said Alieta. It is bigger than most of the bedrooms in my palace. Ya that was all me, said Jessica. I love a big washroom. Lots of room. I always said that when going to a eatery and the washroom was nice and clean and not too small then it was a good place to eat. Yes I agree, said Alieta. My you could dance in here. Well sometimes I do in front of the mirror, trying out some new steps, said Jessica with a smile. This room took Jazmen a long time to complete but she took her time and made sure it was perfect for both of us. Jazmen built this room? I didn't know she could do things like this, said Alieta. Well there were lots of times when things were very peaceful in Fae Land and she got bored so she just read improvement books and bit by bit she started making improvements. The bigger jobs like framework and plumbing we hired contractors. It took a very long time to finish everything but now we are done. I still go out shopping and buy things for the place. Jazmen knows I love to shop so we definitely needed a big place. Well it s a good thing you make good money to do that, said Alieta. Well yes now it is but back when I was living with Sally and Fawn we were always broke, said Jessica. I would go to town to buy some necessities and was sad that I couldn't afford the things I saw in some of the stores. That is when just by chance I saw a nice vase I wanted but couldn't afford it but I had a box of candies with me. Back then I always had some candies to share with my friends. I offered the lady in the store a candy and she gave me the vase for the entire box. The next day she came to our place and wanted to buy ten more boxes to sell in her store. That is when I started my candy business and soon after that I met Jazmen that wanted to have a room mate seeing she was working most of the time and had no time to keep the place clean and food in the ice box. Sally and Fawn's place is small so I moved in with Jazmen and the rest is history. Wow, isn't it funny how things work out sometimes, said Alieta. Almost magical I would think. Yep, just have faith and work hard and good things will happen, said Jessica. Now across the hall is my bedroom and beside it is Jazmen's then now this spare room is Daisy's. Each bedroom has it's own small bathroom in it. Now this last room is just the storage room. We keep some old furniture plus other things that I had bought over the years that just haven't figured where to put it yet. I give some of it away when I hear someone needs a bed or a dresser or dishes. Not everyone here in the village can just run out and buy something when they need it like I can. Ya I have been hearing about that a lot lately but lets hope your business takes off and can employ a bunch of elves, said Alieta.

They went back downstairs and Daisy was sitting at the table having a glass of juice. So a pretty big place, said Daisy. Yes very big and well decorated too, said Alieta. Yep Jessica has really good taste for things like that, said Daisy. So girls the plans for the building will be here some time tomorrow so we should start looking for a place to build it, said Alieta. Ya we best get on that, said Jessica. So we need Misty as Ivy said so do you know how to get a hold of her. Yes I do, said Alieta. I just got to call Pippa to get her for us. "Pippa, I need Misty here at Jessica's place to look for underground water". There that should do it. Give her a few minutes to find her. So these shelving units are what you were talking about for the warehouse part I am guessing. Yes they are the perfect size. Don't know how many I will need right now, said Jessica. They have to be assembled though. Best to have two people working together on them. I can help for sure, said Daisy. I love working on puzzles. Jessica smiled. So lets go outside and wait for Pippa and Misty, said Alieta. They went outside and in a few minutes Pippa and Misty showed up. Okay we are here Alieta, said Pippa. Hi Misty, we really need your skill at finding water underground, said Alieta. Okay, I can do that, said Misty. Where do you want to start? Alieta turned to Jessica and told her to take over. Well not too close to the village, she said. How about way over there in that big open area just outside of the village. Okay, said Misty. They all walked over then Misty started to look around.

Misty walked around looking down at the ground, sometimes crouching down and placing her hand on the ground. After about ten minutes she stopped and said she found the best spot. They all walked over but the grass there was not very green. The grass is all brown here, said Jessica, looks like there is no water here. Ya well look at my feet, they are all wet, said Misty. Yes I see that, said Alieta. I wonder why. Oh that is a very good sign, said Misty. Too much water underneath can cause the roots to rot some. Misty crouched down and ran her hand across the top of the grass. Yep, lots of water here and not to deep at all. Must be coming from a under ground river that hit a rocky spot then turned upwards to go over it. Misty made her wand appear then made an X to mark the spot. Now we need to find a drier spot to put what ever you are building out here, said Misty. Well it will be pretty big, said Jessica. So how big is big? asked Misty. Oh maybe around half the size of the palace at least, said Jessica. My that is big, said Misty. Well lets keep walking outward away from the village, said Misty. They all spread out and started looking down at the ground. Alieta came to a spot that showed spots of dry sand in between patches of grass. She stomped on it and it seemed pretty firm. Try here Misty. I might have something, said Alieta. They all walked over to where Alieta was standing. Misty crouched down again and this time she found no water. Okay no water here, said Misty. Now let me walk around and see how big this dry spot is. She is pretty good isn't she, said Pippa. Yes, I don't know how she can see under ground though, said Jessica. Me neither, must be another fairy thing, said Pippa. Okay all this area is pretty dry so you can build what every you want here that will make a good base, said Misty. She then went back to where she made the X. Now I will suggest making a well here if you don't mind having to come outside to fill water containers then bring them in when ever you need them. That way you will just need the two water containers on the roof for washing dishes and use in the washroom like all the houses have here. A well would be great, said Jessica. Beats having to buy water from Cumberland. Okay then, I will be right back, I need to get Chestnut to help me with starting the well, said Misty then she flew back to the forest.

So a well will be good enough for you instead of using overhead water containers? asked Alieta. Yes more than good enough, said Jessica. We would drain the water containers on the roof too fast and what if it didn't rain for a while and they went dry. A well won't go dry with an underground water supply. Yes that is true though Mother nature does make it rain here usually at night to keep the containers levels up and everything green, said Alieta. Yes but it would have to rain every night to keep up with the amount of water we will need to make candies and clean pots and pans, said Jessica. Yes, you have a point there, said Alieta. Misty came back with Chestnut and asked everyone to move back. Things can get pretty wet and messy when we start to drill down and make the hole for the well to sit on, said Misty. Everyone moved way back then both Misty and Chestnut made their wands appear. Okay, ready Misty? asked Chestnut. Yep lets do this, said Misty. They shot out two energy beams directly on the marked spot until water started to shoot up out of the ground. They kept the beam going moving their wands making the hole bigger and bigger. How deep should we go? asked Chestnut. All the way down until there is no big rocks in the way, said Misty. They kept the beams going for a couple of minutes then stopped. There was now a big hole in the ground with no water coming out anymore. Misty looked down the hole and saw the water level was just five or six feet down. Okay It's perfect now lets make the well, said Misty. Now they used their wands to create a nice stone well above the hole complete with the crank, rope and bucket. Chestnut put a metal weight on one side of the bucket rim so when it hit the water it would tip over allowing water to fill the bucket. Misty tested it to make sure everything worked properly. There you go, an unending supply of water, said Misty. Wow that was so amazing to watch, said Jessica. Have you ever seen them drill for water like that before Alieta. Nope never, that was very impressive, said Alieta. No one other than us fairies has see us drill before, said Chestnut, you four are the first. We love drilling because it is fun and we get all wet. See I told you, fairies can be nuttier than pixies sometimes, said Pippa.




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