Ivy's New Friend Chapter 8


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The Home Improvement Makeover

Mother Nature and Lilly reached Fawn and Sally's place. My the place looks a bit run down, said Lilly. Yes it does dear. First lets see if Sally is home. Lilly knocked on the door and Sally answered it. Hi Sally, Mother Nature and I are here to make sure Tobias has a bed to sleep on tonight. Okay, said Sally but you said Mother Nature too. Where is she? Oh right here dear, I was just looking at the paint peeling off your house. Well really nice to meet both of you but yes the house does need a new paint job but things are tight right now, said Sally. So can we come in, asked Lilly. Ya sure, come in please, said Sally. Now as for a bed, we only have one and we both take turns sleeping on the couch and the bed, said Sally. Oh my, said Mother Nature. That won't do. Can Lilly here see your bedroom? Sure it is over here, said Sally. Mother Nature saw that the place was nice and clean and well kept inside. Okay this is the room. We both share the dresser and the closet. There is lots of extra space for stuff but we can't afford anything more right now, said Sally. Well let me see what I can do for you, said Lilly. Let me read you for a few moments then that will give me a better idea of what you would like. Okay, said Sally. Lilly held her hand then let go. Okay got it, said Lilly. Now lets get started. Lilly made her wand appear and first replaced the old bed with a bran new one. Then created a matching one on the other side of the room. Sally was in awe as she watched Lilly doing her magic on the room. Now lets repaint in here. You both seem to like a soft pink so let me do that for you. She waved the wand in the air and the walls all changed to a very nice soft pink colour. Now a nice soft carpet would be nice for your feet in the morning. She made a nice big one. Now let me make you two a couple of nice dressers. You will have to transfer the clothes yourself then get rid of the old one, said Lilly. She moved the old one out of the way, then made two nice dresser with big mirrors on them and put them side by side between the two beds. Now a few nice paintings and there that should take care of this room, said Lilly. Wow it looks beautiful in here, said Sally. Ya I am really good at designing stuff, said Lilly. Now let me go out side for a minute then I will be right back, said Lilly. Okay, said Sally. Mother Nature had a look at the new bedroom. So do you like it? asked Mother Nature. Are you kidding it is perfect, said Sally.

Lilly came back in after a few minutes and said okay I am all set. By the way I fixed the paint job on the outside of the house and made a couple of nice flower gardens in front. Really, that fast? asked Sally. Yep magic doesn't waist time, said Lilly. Now this needs a door right here. She created a door and opened it. On the other side was a new empty room. Now lets get started on this room. First of all he is a forest sprite so probably likes the colour green so I will make all the walls a nice natural green. Sally just stood there watching. Just seeing a bran new room had her stunned. Now the bed goes here and a nice man's dresser should go here. Needs a carpet now so probably a nice earthy brown will be best. A mirror right there and a chair. Now some nice paintings of trees and plants on the walls. That should do it for Tobias, his own private bedroom. Now let me see your bathroom. Okay it is here, said Sally. Well nice and clean but not really set up properly. Let me try something. She twirled the wand in the air then things started to move around until Lilly was happy how it looked. Now there you go. I got rid of the tub and replaced it with a shower that now gives you more room in here. Over there is a small tub with hot and cold running water to wash clothes in and a rack beside to hang dry stuff. There is a toilet and a nice big sink with a mirror that opens up and you can put stuff in there too and keep it hidden. Now a nice water proof carpet and that should do it. Wow, there is more things in there now but more room somehow. That is amazing, said Sally. Yep it is all about organizing, said Lilly. Okay lets go back out to the kitchen.

Well nice and clean that is very good, said Lilly. Yes we both like a clean home, said Sally. Okay then how about a new coat of paint and here a new set of shelves. Hmm, looks empty so let me fill it. Lilly filled the shelves with a variety of pots and pans plus other cooking needs. This table is too small so let me make it bigger. There that is better. Now you need enough food in the ice box so what have you got in there? asked Lilly. Not much, I haven't gone shopping yet but we just buy the basics all the time. Lilly smiled. Okay lets fix that for you. Once again she pointed her wand and filled the ice box with lots of food. Oops forgot something. There that is better, I bet any money Ivy has got Tobias hooked on ice cream already so there is two tubs on the bottom shelf. Then Lilly stocked the pantry with spices, veggies and pastas plus other things like bread, sugar and jams. Okay that is all good for now. You just made me hungry, said Sally. Well you have lots to make now, said Lilly. Okay that should take care of the kitchen. Now let me have a look at the living room over there.

She looked at the living room. Hmm this won't do, just one old couch and a couple of small tables. Let me make this into a real living room for you, said Lilly. Be my guest, you have done great so far, said Sally. Lilly made her wand disappear then waved both hands in the air then all the old furniture vanished then she waved her hands again and a brand new living room set up was created with wall paintings, cabinets, end tables and other things. Now this is a lot like Viridian's place seeing how it is about the same size and layout but I it looks better now, said Lilly. Better, it is like a brand new house in here now. Well that was what I read in you. I aim to please, said Lilly. Well you succeeded at that many times over, said Sally. Okay time to leave, said Lilly. Yes me too, said Mother Nature. Enjoy the rest of your day dear then both Lilly and Mother Nature left. Sally made herself a nice bowl of ice cream then sat down at her new big kitchen table. Outside Lilly stopped. Oh one more thing before I go, said Lilly to Mother Nature. There, three lawn chairs, said Lilly. Now that makes it perfect out here, said Mother Nature.



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