Ivy's New Friend Chapter 3


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Visiting The Pixie Forest

Carmen and Zatsuky were riding out together to see where this new forest was. Look at that tree Carmen. It is all glistening with yellow leaves like it is alive or something, said Zatsuky. Ya and I can feel it radiating something too, said Carmen. Yes probably magic if Ivy planted, said Zatsuky. Look ahead of us at that big green area, that must be the forest. They headed towards it faster now and soon got to a big rock wall. Well that was not far at all from us but how do we get in there? Do we have to climb in? asked Carmen. I wouldn't think so, lets look around first, said Zatsuky. There must be a way in somewhere. They started to ride along the rocky wall and soon came to a tunnel. Okay that must be it, looks like we have to go in by foot from here, said Zatsuky. They headed through the tunnel that wasn't that dark at all and the ground was pretty flat to walk on. Look up ahead. Lots of green I can see, said Carmen. They walked through the opening and saw an amazing scene of big plush trees, ferns, flowers and bushes everywhere. Wow this place is something else, said Zatsuky. It is like a wonderland in here. Yep it sure is, said a voice from behind them. Oh hi, said Carmen. I am Roseberry and I am your tour guide while you are in here, she said. Oh okay, said Carmen. Now once you get the hang of the layout of the Fantasy Pixie Forest then you will be able to come in again on your own, said Roseberry. Okay sounds good but that might take more than just one time being in here, said Zatsuky. Oh it really isn't that hard to figure out, said Roseberry. The fairies made it fairly easy to get around with paths and land marks. Us pixies just take care of the forest. So follow me and I will show you around this section first. They followed Roseberry and she showed them some amazing scenes in the forest that were breath taking. There were small areas here and there where people could sit and rest for a while. They noticed that there were no chairs or tables anywhere. Oh no this is a pure natural environment, said Roseberry. Sitting on the ground is recommended but some rocks that have been shaped properly and are good for sitting on too. Man those fairies thought of everything, said Carmen. Well only four fairies made this entire forest and only two of them were princesses but Misty and Chestnut are the oldest so they have a lot of experience in building forests, said Roseberry.

Now follow this path along the banks of this small lake and it will take us to a spot where there is an island. The water to the island is not that deep so we can walk across to it then you will be able to see a beautiful waterfall across the way that feeds the lake, said Roseberry. They walked along the narrow path until they got to the island that Roseberry told them about. They walked across and noticed the water only came to a bit below their knees and it felt very nice on the skin. The water in this lake is a bit magical, said Roseberry. Some of the magic comes from Eden that Ivy has diverted here from the beacon tree and the rest is from all of our pixie dust. I also have noticed that there are no flying insects anywhere, said Zatsuky. Nope no insects like that, said Roseberry. The pixie dust repels them so that way there is no eating of the leaves and stuff. Small birds come in though and often make nests in here like sparrows, blue jays and cardinals. They reached the island and across the lake they saw the waterfall that was running very strong. Now the water crossing here towards the waterfall can get pretty deep but if you come in from the other side of the forest you can walk along the path over there to the falls. Or if you like to swim then do that instead, said Roseberry. For today lets just cross over here and go to another section of the forest.

So how many sections are there in here? asked Carmen, six so far, said Roseberry. There are spots that are just lots of trees and bushes that can be cleared out some but we can't just go a head and do that our selves, said Roseberry. Ivy or Pippa has to okay it first because the two of them are our queens. Carmen smiles. So you have two queens? Yep, we are very lucky here to have both of them as our queen. Ivy is queen of the forest and Pippa is our queen. Both very nice queens, said Roseberry. I just saw a blue jay fly into that tree over there, said Carmen. Yes they make their nests in the trees and are very good for the forest. They eat seeds off the ground that are from the trees which helps to control the growth in here, said Roseberry. Now this forest is not a playground. It was designed from Lollipop's imagination as being a good place to take a stroll or bring a date in for a picnic or something. Even the family can come in for a picnic but no children under fourteen can come in with out an older person with them. These are all good rules, said Zatsuky. This whole thing was well thought out. Yep, there is a lot of us pixies in here and we are pretty smart though sometimes we may not act that way, said Roseberry with a smile. Okay there is a clearing across the pond so lets go there to sit and rest for a bit. Okay good plan, said Carmen. Lollypop and Tulip have some ideas for adding new areas in here now that there is so much magic now but they haven't told us what they are yet. Well knowing them it will be something amazing to see, said Carmen.



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