Ivys New Friend Chapter 6


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Mother Nature Meets Tobias

"Mother Nature, come and see my new friend please." In a flash Mother Nature appeared. Hi dear who have you met? Wow, the real Mother Nature! said Tobias. My who have we here? asked Mother Nature to Ivy. This is my new friend Tobias. He is a forest sprite too, said Ivy. My he is a very handsome forest sprite too. We don't get many male forest sprites around these days, said Mother Nature. So Tobias, are you planning on staying? We could use another forest sprite here to help out Ivy. I think so, said Tobias. It seems really nice here and we don't have ice cream back home in my forest. Oh Ivy turned you on to ice cream. Pretty good isn't it, said Mother Nature. You want some Mother Nature? asked Ivy. Sure do dear, best invention of food ever, said Mother Nature. Ivy got up and made Mother Nature a bowl too then sat back down. So what kind of work can I do to help Ivy, asked Tobias. Oh lots of things, said Mother Nature. There is lots of plants growing here in Fae Land. Talking to trees and plants is one, flying around looking for problem areas, helping in the two forests. That new pixie forest is looking great and the pixies are taking good care of it but every once and a while a forest sprite should go there and chat it up with some trees. That will make the forest happy to know a forest sprite is around. Definitely not hard work of coarse. My this ice cream is good. Ivy smiled. So where are you staying Tobias? Well I am under Fawns care so I suppose with her and Sally, said Tobias. Okay good. Have you ever slept on a bed before? asked Mother Nature. Nope, just the one I make in the trees, said Tobias. Well you will love it. Much better than tree branches, said Mother Nature. Anyways you should stay here with Ivy for a bit longer until Viridian and Sara get here. They need to meet you also. They will be here in a few minutes. Then maybe go to the palace together and meet all those nice nutty people and those incredible fairies and have supper there. Then I will touch base with Lilly to make sure you have a bed there at Fawn's place. Got to make sure you are taken care of, said Mother Nature. You will see fast that these people are a great big family that all take care of each other all the time.

Viridian and Sara walked in and were surprised to see Mother Nature sitting at the table eating ice cream with Ivy and Tobias. Hello girls how was your lunch? asked Mother Nature. Well very good as usual, said Viridian. Nice to see you here. Oh always nice to visit my friends, said Mother Nature. Well that was very good Ivy, Thank you so much. Have you two met Tobias yet? No we just know what Alieta told us, said Viridian. Well he seems like a nice boy, all forest sprites are very pleasant, even the ones that stay hidden in the forest, said Mother Nature. Now I am heading over to the palace and making sure things are set up for Tobias tonight. Was Alexa still there when you left? Yes she was, said Viridian. Okay good, I need to talk to her also. Okay so sit and talk to this wonderful young man and I will see you all later. I am sure Tobias is a bit nervous being here and meeting everyone. This is the first time he has been out of the forest and away from his parents and friends so make him feel comfortable. Then Mother Nature vanished. Ivy smiled. What can I say, she likes ice cream also, said Ivy. Yes I suppose she does, said Viridian. Ivy took the empty bowls and spoons and put them in the sink.

So may we sit with you two? asked Viridian. Yep, Tobias is really nice. I bet he would like to know more about you two. Yes maybe you are right, said Viridian. Alieta and Ginger pretty much filled us both in about Tobias. She really likes him so that is good enough for me. How about you Sara. Yep he sounds like a very nice boy I guess, said Sara. What do you mean you guess? asked Viridian. I have never seen a boy before if you say he is nice then I believe you, said Sara. Oh ya, I never thought of that, said Viridian. How could a fully grown pretty girl never of seen a boy before? asked Tobias. Well she may look fully grown but she is not that old, said Viridian. Looks like we do have some things to tell you about our family here. Viridian and Sara sat down but Sara kept her distance from Tobias. So ask away Tobias. What would you like to know about us all. Well first I would like to ask Sara how old she actually is and how she likes working with Ivy, said Tobias. Sara smiled. She was happy that he picked her first to ask questions. Well I am almost one and working with Ivy is always interesting and fun at the same time. She never gets upset and seems to be smiling all the time she is working. You are only one year old, did I heard you correctly? asked Tobias. Yep, I was created by God to help Ivy because she was over loaded with work and was not having any time to have fun anymore. What do you mean you were created by God. Aren't we all created by God? asked Tobias. Well yes I suppose but I was created by him in heaven, said Sara. Wow amazing, said Tobias. So you are very special. Yep but we all are here in Fae Land, said Viridian. Things are very different here in Fae Land compared to anywhere else. Yep Sara is like a sister to me and one of my best friends too, said Ivy. Sara smiled. Ya Ivy is my best friend along with Viridian but Ivy has a lot of best friends all over the place, said Sara. Okay Viridian, I noticed you are very tall. The first elves I met today by the palace were smaller than me. Are you a special kind of elf? asked Tobias. I like to think so, said Viridian. I am taller than most elves though it comes in handy sometimes when working with the team, said Viridian. What kind of team? asked Tobias. Oh you don't know about the team of heroes yet I suppose, said Viridian. Well we are a team that all have our own special talents that defend Fae Land and other places from evil enemies and creatures, said Viridian. Wow, so you are special then, said Tobias. Yes I suppose I am. I do have a spear that was blessed with the power of the heavens that can kill just about anything plus I have a suit that can make me invisible. That is pretty special. You bet it is, said Tobias. I was told that this was a magical place by my parents. Now I am starting to get it. Well you two should head off back to the palace. I am sure everyone there would love to meet your new friend Ivy. He seems quite adorable. I like him, said Viridian. I like him too even though he is a boy, said Sara. He is very pretty. Ivy laughed. He is handsome silly not pretty. You say handsome I will say pretty. Even his hair and wings are pretty to me, said Sara with a smile. Okay I guess you are right. We best get back to the palace, said Ivy. We did take off kinda suddenly. Best you did, said Viridian. You didn't need a bunch of us asking questions when the two of you had just met. Okay see you two tonight, said Ivy, Bye Sara and Viridian, very nice meeting you two, said Tobias then out they went and headed to the palace. Do all boys look as pretty as Tobias? asked Sara. No but I wish they did, said Viridian.



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