Ivy's New Friend Chapter 4


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Pippa Meets Tobias

Jessica and Pippa got to Sally and Fawn's place. This house is pretty small for two sprites, said Pippa. Ya I know, said Jessica. But they can't afford anything bigger right now but they are making due for the time being. Jessica knocked on the door and Sally opened it. Hi Sally I need you two to go on a delivery run to Cumberland for me, said Jessica. Okay I will but Fawn is not here right now. Come in please. They went inside and sat at the kitchen table. Pippa saw that the place was well kept inside. Older furniture but still in good condition. So where is she? asked Jessica. Oh she said she was bringing someone to Fae Land. Something about some one Ivy might like. Really, said Pippa. Ivy is very careful who she picks as friends. Ya she gets that but this is a boy and she said he is really nice and about the same age as her. Oh well Ivy has never really been interested in boys before, said Pippa. That is what Ivy said at the hot tub meeting yesterday but she did describe the kind of boy she would like to go on a date with some day. She is twenty now you know, said Sally. Ya I know, said Pippa. She should be dating now but there is no one in Fae Land she likes that way. So where is she getting this boy from? asked Jessica. I don't know. Fawn knows a lot of people and believe it or not she is a lot older than me so she has been to a lot of different places. I prefer to stay in Fae Land. It is nice and safe here, said Sally. Yes, she looks a lot younger than all of us, said Jessica. Well she said she would be back soon so stick around and have a tea with me unless you are in a hurry to get the delivery done. No there is no rush. Just the order that she brought back but the big one is not to be delivered until next week. You can do that one order of ten boxes yourself then maybe hit a couple more stores and try and get some more orders, said Jessica. Okay that sounds good, said Sally. I can sell your candy easily in Cumberland. A fresh market is always easy to expand in. Sally made a cup of tea for everyone then sat back down. So you seem to be very defensive about Ivy, said Sally to Pippa. Well yes she is my very best friend and I won't let her get hurt, said Pippa. Yes that is good, said Sally. It is good to know that she has a friend that looks out for her. I wish I had such a person. I have made some bad choices in my days. Fawn is nice and all but she has the same problem as me. Just hope for the best we say. Jessica smiled. Ya that is what most of us do, she said. Fawn walked in and saw everyone sitting at the table. Oh I wasn't expecting company, said Fawn. Well Jessica has an order for me to deliver and we were talking about the boy you said that Ivy might like. That is all, said Sally. Oh okay I guess, but he won't come in. He has never been in a house before, said Fawn. He has lived in the forest all his life. Sounds a lot how Ivy first was when she came to Fae Land, said Pippa. Maybe you can talk to her, said Fawn to Pippa. He is used to being around pixies. Okay I will try, said Pippa. What is his name? Tobias, I have known him since her was a baby. Okay Tobias it is then, said Pippa and she went out side to see this new boy. Fawn sat down and said, I hope Pippa can talk him into the house. He is a very nice and well mannered boy. He has very nice and highly respected parents too, said Fawn.

Pippa went outside and saw Tobias sitting on a big rock. The first thing she noticed was his green hair. She walked up to him and said "Hi Tobias, I am Pippa and glad to meet you." Pippa!" Then he stood up very fast. Pippa the queen of pixies? he asked. Well yes that is me, said Pippa. Wow it is an honor to meet you. All the other pixies I know talk about you all the time and how amazing and smart you are, said Tobias. Pippa figured that it should be easy now to get Tobias to come in the house soon. So Tobias, do you know why Fawn brought you here? asked Pippa. Um sort of, she said that there was a very nice girl in Fae Land that she wanted me to meet, said Tobias. But I am very nervous around girls. My parents want me to get out some and explore different places now that I am twenty years old and they trust Fawn a lot because they have been friends longer than I have been alive. So inside the house is Sally that is Fawn's best friend and Jessica that is a good friend of all of us too. Oh Fawn always talks about Sally, she sounds really nice, said Tobias. Well Jessica is also known as the candy lady. She makes and sells candy all over the place, said Pippa. Really, I love candy, said Tobias. Yes we all do, said Pippa. So could you please come in and meet them so we all can talk together some more. I guess so, said Tobias. Can't really refuse a queen. Pippa smiled. Now just a few questions before we go inside. You look so much like a forest sprite but I have never seen a boy forest sprite before, are you? Yep, I am, said Tobias. And you talk to trees and stuff, said Pippa. Yep, I love trees and plants and they love me, said Tobias. Can you read what people are feeling? asked Pippa. Yep, but I don't do that. My parents said it is not polite unless given permission, said Tobias, I most read what is going on with the trees. Pippa got a big smile on her face then took Tobias by the hand and brought him into the house.

Hi everyone, sorry about staying outside but Pippa asked me to come in here with you all. She is a queen you know, said Tobias. Yes we all know she is and a very good one too, said Fawn. Come Tobias, have a seat, said Fawn. Tobias sat down and Jessica was looking him over. You are a forest sprite I bet, she said. Yep, said Tobias. Fawn, did you know he was a forest sprite? asked Jessica. Yes of coarse I did I am good friends with his parents and Alieta knows them too. Oh, okay, nice wings and very different from girl sprites, said Jessica. Yep male forest sprites have nicer wings for some reason, said Fawn. So Fawn you brought this nice young man to Fae Land so you best fill him in with a little more details then just saying you want him to meet a nice girl, said Pippa. Okay Tobias, I have only seen Ivy once and she seems like an very nice girl. I want you to read me a bit so you can see her and what we did yesterday, said Fawn. Okay, said Tobias. Tobias looked at Fawn then smiled. She is very very pretty, said Tobias. Pippa saw that Tobias didn't have to touch Fawn to read her. That was funny when she covered that old guys eyes. She is a forest sprite like me but some how I feel she is very important here. I like her braids too! Everyone smiled. You got all of that in a few seconds? asked Pippa. Yep, it was just yesterday though, said Tobias. Ya but how did you know the other stuff like being a forest sprite and being important? asked Pippa. Oh that is from what I got inside of Fawn. She must of known that about Ivy. Okay then, said Pippa. I think we best move to the next step, said Pippa. What is that? asked Fawn. We have to take him to see Alieta and Ginger next before meeting Ivy. I have heard of Alieta from my parents. She is the very big queen here right, said Tobias nervously. Well she is about the same height as you but yes she is the queen of all of Fae Land, said Pippa. Oh, do we have to meet her now? asked Tobias. Yes we do, said Pippa. Ivy is a very important girl to her and a very good friend too. We have to see her first. Don't worry though, Alieta is very nice and kind hearted. She has a way of making you feel welcomed and I am sure she will like you, said Pippa. Ya trust Pippa, said Jessica. Pippa knows Alieta better than all of us. Okay then. I will come with you but Fawn has to come with us, said Tobias. Okay, said Fawn I was planning to anyways. Okay lets go. This is a good time to go to the palace because everyone else is at Sandy Lake so just Alieta and Ginger will be there probably, said Pippa.

Jessica and Sally went to her place to get the orders ready for delivery and Pippa, Fawn and Tobias took off for the palace. Okay there they are sitting on the palace steps as usual, said Pippa. Lets land a bit back from them and let me talk to them first, said Pippa to Fawn. You make sure none of these elves start hitting on him. Okay I will, said Fawn. There are elves here too. I have never seen an elf, said Tobias. They landed about twenty yards from the steps then Pippa walked over to them. Fawn saw that a few elves have already seen Tobias and were walking over to say hi. Pippa said hi to Alieta and Ginger. Hi Pippa, who you got there with you. I see that one is Fawn but who is the other person? asked Alieta. Well I am just doing this as to be the proper way of doing things, said Pippa. What are you talking about Pippa? asked Alieta. Well let me start here. That very nice boy over there with Fawn is Tobias and Fawn brought him here with his parents blessing to meet Ivy, said Pippa. Really, Ivy you say. What makes you think Ivy wants to meet a boy? asked Alieta. Ginger elbowed Alieta and gave her a dirty look. Okay I guess she might want to meet a boy now that she is twenty, said Alieta. Well he is twenty also, said Pippa but is very nervous around girls and just told me he has never seen an elf before plus he was afraid to go in the house and.. Okay Pippa so get to the point please. Well he is a forest sprite just like Ivy and has strong reading powers too. He read Fawn with out touching her and saw Ivy and found her to be very pretty but also felt in Fawn that Ivy was very important here too. So my point is I thought it would be proper that you met Tobias first, because Ivy is such a good friend of yours and very important to you and everyone else here in Fae Land. Your blessing goes a long way with me, said Pippa. Alieta stood up. You silly pixie, you know I trust your judgement. I bet you already gave him the third degree, said Alieta with a smile. Yep, sort of did, he is very good looking as forest sprite usually are, said Pippa. Ginger started to giggle. Okay tell them to come over. It seems he is getting some attention already from a few elves. He looks a bit nervous around them. Not as nervous as he is going to be meeting you Alieta. His parents know you and have told him about you. Really, now I have to find out more. I will make him relax, don't worry, said Alieta. I know you will, said Pippa. I will go get them. Now stand up Ginger. Lets look good for Tobias. He could be part of our family soon, said Alieta. Ginger stood up straight like a soldier. Like this, she said. Alieta laughed. You silly girl. You can always make me laugh.



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