Ivy's New Friend Chapter 9


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Lilly got back to the palace grounds just as the other fairies were about to make supper for everyone. Hi everyone. Got everything done, said Lilly to Tulip. Everything? asked Tulip. I thought you were just making a new bed for Tobias. Well yes but once I got there I saw the place needed a face lift so I fixed everything, plus had to make a completely new bedroom for Tobias, said Lilly. So will Fawn recognize the place now. Oh probably not but I put some lawn chairs outside hoping Sally will be sitting outside when Fawn got home. Good thinking, said Tulip. Tulip and a couple of other fairies made supper for everyone. While they were eating Tobias was still getting to know all the fairies. Once supper was over some of the fairies cleaned everything up then went over to Ivy and Tobias and started asking some more questions to him. Tobias was happy to answer all their questions. Everyone else broke off into their normal groups so Alieta and Ginger went over by the palace steps and watched everyone. Tulip came over and told Alieta that all is set for Tobias, but Lilly did her thing and fixed the entire place. Alieta smiled. You knew she would do that, didn't you Tulip? Yep that is why I picked her to do it. She is the best at design and if she sees something that is not right, she fixes it, said Tulip. Fawn will probably fall on her butt when she sees the new place. Well that will show Tobias that we all take care of each other here, said Alieta. Ya such a good looking boy too. No wonder Ivy hasn't left his side all the time she has been here. Ya it is easy to see Ivy really likes him, said Ginger. Okay I am off, said Tulip. Going to the pixie forest to check on things before it gets dark and off Tulip flew. Fawn came over and said she just asked Tobias if he remembered where the house was and he said yes. So I am heading home to rest some. It has been a big day for me. Okay dear but expect to see a few changes at home when you get there, said Alieta. What do you mean? asked Fawn. You will see, said Alieta, but it is all good. Okay, said Fawn. Then Fawn flew off home. Both Ginger and Alieta looked at each other and smiled.

When Fawn got home she found Sally outside on one of the lawn chairs reading a book. Um, who painted the house for us? asked Fawn. Lilly, said Sally. And where did the two nice gardens come from? asked Fawn. Lilly again, said Sally. Perfect paint job too, not one drip mark anywhere, said Fawn. Yep, she is the best, said Sally. So did we get the new bed all set up and made for Tobias? asked Fawn. Oh yes, said Sally. Now be prepared before you go inside. Prepared for what? asked Fawn. Magic girl, lots of magic, said Sally. Sally got up and grabbed Fawn's hand. Why are you holding my hand? asked Fawn. You will see, trust me. Sally opened the door and they both walked in. At first Fawn didn't notice the bigger table in the kitchen but in a moment she saw there were now six chairs. Well that is better, said Fawn. Lilly did that for us? Yep look what else she did, said Sally and pointed at the living room. "Oh My God, what happened in here?" and Fawn started to fall backwards. Okay got ya girlfriend. See I told you lots and lots of magic, said Sally. Everything looks new, said Fawn. Yep, said Sally. Now wait until you see the ice box, pantry, bathroom, and our bedroom. Plus Tobias's entire new room. A new room? asked Fawn. Yep, welcome to our new home and beginning, said Sally with a big smile.

The End



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