Ivy's New Friend Chapter 5


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  Tobias Meets Alieta And Ginger Then Ivy

Pippa went to them and saw the elves were very interested in Tobias and was asking him a lot of questions. What is going on here, asked Pippa. We are just asking this guy some questions but he won't talk to us. Pippa looked and Fawn. I tried to get rid of them but they just won't shut up, said Fawn. Oh really then let me tell you all this. He is twenty years old and is here to meet Ivy. All their eyes opened wide. Just twenty and for Ivy. Oops we are so sorry. Nice meeting you young man we have to go. Tobias smiled. You are a very smart queen, said Tobias. Yes and now lets meet another very smart queen. She really wants to meet you, said Pippa. They all walked over to Alieta and Ginger and Tobias saw they were smiling. They look friendly, said Tobias. Who is the girl with the red hair, asked Tobias. That is Ginger. Another very important person here and Alieta's best friend, said Pippa. Oh okay, said Tobias. They reached Alieta and Ginger and Alieta put out her hand to shake his. Tobias shook her hand and smiled. So did you just read me, asked Alieta. Nope, I don't do that unless you give me permission, said Tobias. Why did you smile then? asked Alieta. Because your hand is so soft and you are so pretty, said Tobias. Alieta smiled. Pippa told me that your name is Ginger, you are very pretty too and I love your red hair, said Tobias. Ginger smiled and began to blush. So Pippa here filled me in that you are a forest sprite like our Ivy. Pippa already asked you all the right questions and seeing that you are here now in front of me, I know that you answered them just as Pippa wanted to hear. I trust Pippa with my life so that being said I see a lot of good in you. So welcome to Fae Land Tobias. Thank you Alieta, I am beginning to see what my parents were talking about when they told me stories about you and them. You are very kind, said Tobias. So what are your parents names, I must know them I would guess, said Alieta. Samantha and Dallas, said Tobias. Oh My God! I know them very well. We fought many battles together in the old days. Two of my best fighters also. So are they doing well now? Yes they seem very happy, said Tobias. Fawn has been a good friend with them long before I was born. She would stay with me sometimes when I was young when they left for a bit until they came back. I think Fawn will know best about what they have been doing, said Pippa. Alieta turned and looked at Fawn. Well you could say that they are the most respected sprites in the forest and all of Paxon, even the pixies respect and love them, said Fawn. They are very smart and act a lot like you. Oh that makes me so happy, said Alieta.

Now back to meeting Ivy. How much do you know about her? asked Alieta. Well not much, said Tobias. I saw she was very pretty but she was behind some man covering his eyes so couldn't see much of her then but next I saw her in some big tub of water and I really liked her braids with the green ribbons. Alieta smiled. Yes she can be very funny at times. So I am not going to tell you much about her other than she is very important here and loved by everyone in Fae Land. I respect her privacy so best you talk to her. She has no bad secrets at all. She is how ever a very busy girl during the first part of the day but has plenty of time for fun after that. She works in the forest with eight fairies. Have you every met a fairy? asked Alieta. Nope never, you really have fairies here that do magic? asked Tobias. Yes we do and they are amazing but can be pretty nutty at times. They do how ever love doing magic stuff, said Alieta. That is so cool, said Tobias. The pixies back home told me there was no such thing as real fairies, they were just a children's myth. But I didn't believe them. Myths usual come from some truth somewhere, said Tobias. Yes that is true, said Alieta. You seem pretty smart too. Yep, Mom and Dad say I am very smart for my age, said Tobias. Okay one more thing about Ivy. She is one of the strongest reader around anywhere. She can even read someone from a very far distance, I mean over a mile away. She blocks other people from reading her though so don't even try to read her, said Alieta. Oh I won't but I can read people from far away too, said Tobias. I can tell if they are bad or good even before I can see their face plainly but not a mile away. You can't even see the person from that distance. Well she has done it many times and that is just one of her talents, said Alieta. Okay then, I suppose that is all that is need to be said here. So what are you planning to do now? asked Alieta. I don't know, said Tobias. My parents put Fawn in charge of me. I will take him back to my place and get him ready to meet Ivy I suppose. Just haven't figured out the best way of doing that yet, said Fawn. Well I don't think you have to worry about that now, said Ginger. Her comes Ivy and Sara now with a few fairies. Must be lunch time.


Ivy and Sara were with Tulip, Lollipop and Pippie and heading to the palace grounds for the regular lunch time thing. Ivy spotted somebody in front of Alieta and sensed he was new so she needed to check him out for her. She got close then stopped in mid air then slowly flapped her wings until her feet touch the ground. She just stood there staring at him. Sara asked what was wrong. Ivy just pointed ahead. Sara looked and saw Tobias looking at them so she quickly jumped in front of Ivy to block his view of her. Tulip stopped also and asked what was going on. Look, said Ivy then pointed towards the group in front of the palace again. Get out of my way Sara. I can't see him. That is the idea, said Sara. What if he is bad. Get out of my way or I will hit you, said Ivy in a louder voice. Um okay if you put it that way, said Sara then smiled knowing Ivy couldn't and wouldn't hurt her. Tulip, Lollipop and Pippie flew over to see what was going on. Hi Alieta, something is wrong with Ivy. She won't move and just threaten to hit Sara if she didn't get out of her way. Alieta laughed, well Sara is Ivy's body guard sort of, said Alieta. Ivy has a body guard? asked Tobias. Not really, Sara is Ivy's sister but is extremely strong. Alieta then saw everyone was heading to the palace from Sandy Lake and it looked like Alexa and some of the other heroes were coming too. Okay Tulip this is Tobias and is the son of two very good friends of mine. Now get Sara over here fast so that these to can meet and talk in private. Okay Alieta, got it. Tulip flew fast to Sara and told her that Alieta wants to see you now. Okay I guess, said Sara and flew over to Alieta. Do you see him? asked Ivy. Yes Ivy, we all do. He is the son of two very good friends of Alieta. Do you want to meet him. Yep, I think so, I feel funny inside. Tulip smiled. Then for sure you want to meet him, I will send him over for you but best you two find somewhere private to talk. Too many people coming here now, said Tulip. Okay, said Ivy. Tulip flew back and said okay, Ivy is fine for the most part, she wants to meet Tobias. Okay Tobias. It is all up to you now. Go see and talk to her, just remember everything I told you, said Alieta. Okay, said Tobias and started walking towards Ivy. Ivy was still stuck where she landed but now could see how wonderful this boy looked. Tobias got to about ten feet from her then froze. You are so beautiful. I can't move for some reason. Ivy smiled then walked up to him and said lets go somewhere private. Okay, he said and they both flew off. The rest of the gang reached the palace and ask who just flew off with Ivy. That was Tobias, a forest sprite. He is the son of two of my friends from the good old days, said Alieta. Really, you had forest sprites fighting with you. No they were high breed sprites like me. A forest sprite can sometimes be born from two high breeds I was told. It is very rare but it does happen, said Alieta. I think that is how forest sprites first came to be a long time ago. So what did he look like? asked Zan. He is gorgeous, said Ginger that was wiping the tears from her eyes. You were crying? asked Zan. Oh I couldn't help it. That was the most amazing first meeting I have ever seen, said Ginger. Ya you are just a big softie, said Tabatha. So where did they go, asked Alexa. Don't matter, some where private I expect, said Alieta. Oh okay, so what is for lunch, asked Alexa. Alieta smiled. What every you want dear, said Alieta. Surprise us Tulip, you always make good stuff, said Alexa. Okay sounds good to me. Lets do this, said Tulip to Lollipop and Pippie. The other fairies will be here soon too and I bet they are hungry also.

Ivy found a nice quite spot under a tree in the shade and took Tobias down to it and they both sat down. Hi, I am Ivy, what is your name? asked Ivy. I am Tobias from a different forest not too far from Fae Land. So you got to know Alieta and Ginger? asked Ivy. Yep, they are really nice. Good said Ivy. I trust them both, so Tulip told me you were the son of two old friends of Alieta. Yep, my parents fought together with Alieta. They told me many stories of great battles they fought long ago, said Tobias. Oh so they are still alive? asked Ivy. Yep, and they said it was okay for me to come here, said Tobias. My parents died saving my life, said Ivy. Oh I am sorry to hear that, said Tobias. Ya but now I have a new family here in Fae Land. The most amazing people in the world, said Ivy. Well family is important, said Tobias. So how old are you Tobias if you don't mind me asking, said Ivy. I am twenty, said Tobias. Really, me too, said Ivy with a big smile. My birthday was a couple of days ago. Mine was a little over two weeks ago so that makes me older than you, said Tobias with a smile. Yep you are, just a bit, said Ivy. So what did Alieta tell you about me? asked Ivy. Well not much, she said I would have to talk with you to find out more but she did say that you can read people from a far distance like me. Oh so you can sense people too? asked Ivy. Yep, getting pretty good at it too but I was taught not to invade other peoples insides unless they asked me too, said Tobias. Ya I do the same. I just read someone new when they are by Alieta or any of my close friends, said Ivy. So she also said you work a lot and are very important but that was about it other than being a very good friend of hers. Ivy smiled. Ya we all love Alieta, she is an amazing queen. All of Fae Land loves her, said Ivy. So is there anything else I should know about you? Alieta did say I would have to ask you directly, said Tobias. Well lets see, said Ivy then rubbed her chin. I live with Sara and Viridian in a nice house Alieta built for us. I work every morning in the fairy forest cove controlling the magic there and some of the magic in Eden. I love dancing and having fun when I am not working. Plus I just love ice cream. Even more that Jessica's candies but don't tell her that, okay. Okay I won't but what is ice cream? asked Tobias. What you have never tasted ice cream before. Well we are going to my place right now. I have a butch in the ice box. Lets go. Ivy grabbed his hand and they flew off together to her place.


When they reached her place Tobias commented on how nice her yard looked and wondered what kind of tree that was growing in the middle of the yard. It is a coconut tree. Makes some really cool fruit like seeds that are yummy, said Ivy. They both went inside and Tobias had no hesitation following Ivy into her house. Here sit there. I will get us each a bowl. She made two very big bowls of chocolate ice cream then got each of them a spoon. Okay go slow at first because it is ice cold, said Ivy. Like this and she took a little bit and put it in her mouth. He copied her and said this is amazing tasting. I have never tasted anything this good before, said Tobias. Yep it is my very favorite food, said Ivy. They both ate their ice cream while talking about other foods they liked. So what do you do for fun around here? asked Tobias. Oh a bunch of stuff, sometimes we have parties or play games, said Ivy. Swimming is always fun too. Sometimes I just hang out in my yard and talk to the plants and figure out what next I should plant. Stuff like that. There is rarely a dull time in Fae Land. Sometimes Mother Nature comes down to see me also seeing I take care of all the trees and plants. Really, I have never met her before, said Tobias. We all know about her in the forest though. Oh here let me call her for you. Do you want to meet her? asked Ivy. Okay, she will come for you? asked Tobias. You bet watch, said Ivy.



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